Not a Bug Fm9 turbo


Last night when I switched out of tuner mode all my effects got switched on? Anyone else have this happen?
No, I was in effects stomp mode - and switched between tuner using the A-button not the tuner foot switch.
I’ve not seen that behavior. I’m using the stock OFM9G layout, so I didn’t program the hold function myself. But, from my understanding, you’d have to go a long way to accidentally program the behavior you described.
How did you "exit" the tuner?

Did you possibly change to an "unused" scene?

By default, a block is enabled in all scenes when it's added. So if you have a scene(s) where you didn't specifically disable blocks they would be on.
How did you "exit" the tuner?

Did you possibly change to an "unused" scene?

By default, a block is enabled in all scenes when it's added. So if you have a scene(s) where you didn't specifically disable blocks they would be on.
I was using the button A on the fm9 by the screen, not the foot switch
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