Does Fractal have anti thump technology at the main outputs?

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There has to be a way to avoid these annoying pops without having to stand up to turn off speakers first every damn time

Plug the speakers into a power strip and put it somewhere you don't have to stand up to reach it. If your interface is not bus powered, you could also just mute its outputs before turning anything connected to it on or off. Turning speakers on last and off first is pretty standard practice, it's not some unreasonable extra step you have to perform.
My speakers still pop despite buying this scarlett with anti thump circuitry

It has this "anti thump" my ass technology on outputs 1 to 4. The interface has its own power supply, yet every time, I restart, it makes the speakers pop.

Is it my computer the problem? The USB ports in my computer? or Focusrite is just garbage?

This is some real bs. Why advertise this circuitry if it doesn't do squat.

I thought this would solve these annoying pops. Apparently the problem is the USB

There has to be a way to avoid these pops without having to turn off the speakers every damn time before the computer.
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