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  1. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 16.00 "Cygnus"

    Sup? :) Yeah,, those are hard to come I was swapping around the Preamp tubes between the Savage and the Quickrod that day comparing how they were shaping the sounds all quick and dirty ;) MOSHON DAVE
  2. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 16.00 "Cygnus"

    Sup? :) My old one did. I sold it and Bought the Ultra back when it was the New fractal unit ;) MOSHON DAVE
  3. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup? :) OOOOOOOooo,,,I'm gonna have to dig into that when I get in. I never really liked that model. I really am Diggin the Savage though. You Rock Cliff! MOSHON DAVE
  4. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup? :) It's funny what you say your tweaks are. they are pretty dead close to Although,, I tweak other stuff too,, In the preset I made for the Herbie clip I made with my puffed up hand I also have the Cathode follower compression set down lower (to 66.3) My input Drive is...
  5. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup? :cool: Here is a little Savage-1. like I said earlier,,it's got the weight and the chunk and I think it is pretty spot on. as always tracked left and right and like the last clip first half without the Click/drums so you can just hear the ... Cygnus :) MOSHON DAVE
  6. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup? :cool: I know there was a post earlier,,but,, the Savage sounds about spot on to me. I owned that amp for years,,and actually sold it to buy my Ultra back in the day. I'm having a chug around on Severe 1 and it sounds great. MOSHON DAVE
  7. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup? :) Thanks :) Same axe from the Recto thread. My Custom Doberman Warrior. Maple/Mahogany body, maple neck, Flat no radius( like a classical) scalloped Ebony fret board, BKP Painkiller P'up. LOl. Thanks.. Red Wasp,,Actually stung my in the wrist behind the bone near the thumb...
  8. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup :) A couple MLcabs and factory cab. The same setup i used on the Recto post I made in a Prior Beta post MOSHON DAVE
  9. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Funny thing is,, I said to my wife earlier my hand looked like the stay puft marshmallow MOSHON DAVE
  10. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

    Sup? :) OK,,The Herbie Ch3 is just sick chunkin weighty tightness. just 1 left and right track,and Sorry this is not as tight as I would like it to be( even being a solo split personality guitarist) I got stung by a red wasp on my fretting hand( pic is actually reversed) and I'm like super...
  11. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 11 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #8

    Sup :) Here is a little Savage clip. Even though it has as much gain as you want,, I was playing around with the new Shred drive input boost with a couple of models and for shits and giggles dialed this up with a little less gain than normal and a little hit of the shred drive and got this...
  12. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 11 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #8

    Sup? :) Thanks.. Funny thing is..I usually start a preset with the same saved combo of cabs and tweak from there then swap cabs if I'm looking for something different. When I ported this over to it's own preset ( that I tweaked and recorded) I didn't notice it had changed to slot 1(...
  13. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 11 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #8

    Sup? :) Thanks. It's the same guitar I posted in the last beta clip ( Doberman Warrior, maple ,mahogany with a BKP Painkiller) just tracked left and right. MOSHON DAVE
  14. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 11 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #8

    Sup? :) thanks, Sure ;) MOSHON DAVE
  15. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 11 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #8

    Sup? ;) Man,, I'm having fun with the JP IIC+ Yellow Shred. I haven't even played with anything else ,I've been in and out all day and keep sitting down and chuggin on this JP. It's not really my normal thing, and a little sloppy,( I tend to play like 2 guitarists as it suits my split...
  16. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 11 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #8

    SUP? :) OHHHHH BOYYYY here we go ;-) MOSHON DAVE
  17. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    SWEET,, that a compensated nut? EDIT,,, I meant "What" compensated nut is that...;)
  18. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Thanks ;) it's really basic,,,here you go ;) I only used scene 1 and 2 which are amp channel 1 and 2. the others are just copies I haven't tweaked around there are a couple ML cabs and a factory cab MOSHON DAVE
  19. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Sup? ;) It's my custom Doberman Warrior ;-) scalloped no radius ebony neck, the body was carved kinda like a dome on the front and back,,sorta like an Ibanez S-body. yeah it's pretty punchy ;)
  20. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Thanks ;) That is a BKP Painkiller. in a guitar with a Maple body w/ Mahogany top...Backward from the norm, I MOSHON DAVE
  21. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Sup? ;) MAN,, I'll tell you, I never really got on with a recto in real life or in any of my Axe-fx's ( Ultra- II- and III) Till it just keeps getting better,,lol I'm able to get tones out of amps I've passed on before for one reason or another fairly easy so far. This is...
  22. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Sup? ;) Nice I'll have to check that out,, I still have these ;) MOSHON DAVE
  23. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Sup? ;-) a little Sunday fun testing the Triple Crest and Uber. sounds great on my main rig a little boomy on my internet rig,,but meh....I'm having a blast with this beta ;-) Digging it MOSHON DAVE
  24. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 10 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #7

    Sup? ;) Fuckin A.......DAS TIGHT CHUNKY CHUGGIN ! loving it. MOSHON DAVE
  25. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 5 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #2

    Sup? :) I am really loving the Engl Savage in this Beta. (Even though I have somehow missed the Presence shift toggle before It has been my main since it was added in the Axe-II and I actually Sold my real Savage to buy my first Ultra back in the day,, and this is the closest it...
  26. moshwitz

    Axe-Edit III 1.08.09 (supports fw 16.00 public beta 5)

    Sup? ;-) Thanks for the update. may I ask when the Presence shift toggle was added for the Engl Savage? that has been my main amp forever and how I am just now( or maybe seeing it on the Power amp page ;-) . Anyway...Hell yeah,,Awesome,,, Thanks MOSHON DAVE
  27. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    Sup? ;-) HOLY HERBIE SHITBALLS!!!!!! I hardly mess with this one as the Savage is my main chug ( and it is not done yet) and I could just never quite get it like I would want,,,BUT DAMN!!! Just boost, no pedals,,just a tweak here and there.....and I've been playing this for...
  28. moshwitz

    Everything you've always wanted to know about LEVELS (III, FM3, FM9)

    Sup? ;-) Thanks for posting this Yek,,, I had made a "Wish" post for axe-edit about wishing to have these meters included for the EXACT reasons you have listed up above and practically get crucified for asking for it being told how "They" do it, or "The only important meters are........" or...
  29. moshwitz

    Ever go sans cab block?

    Sup? ;-) I've used Just an EQ instead of cabs before. MOSHON DAVE
  30. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.01

    Sup? I have the same thing also,, as I'm working on an Ubershall preset right now,,and also wondered if something got weird with the Savage2 as it seemed to change just a bit from 14 got a little fizzier and loose..
  31. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.01

    Sup? ;-) Awesome update,,feeling out the new Archean seems pretty cool. Got a question though,, Was there by chance "anything" under the hood in the update that would affect the Angle Severe 2 model, or the way it gets processed ? It got a little looser/ fuzzier, not as tight? I've been back...
  32. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 13.03

    Sup? ;-) Awesome,,,Thanks Cliff MOSHON DAVE
  33. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 13.02

    SUP? ;) Nice MOSHON DAVE
  34. moshwitz

    Adjust the Tube Driver 4 Knob

    And Maybe a clip too so we all can hear what you are hearing ;) MOSHON DAVE
  35. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 13.01

    Sup? ;-) It's Back!!!! Nice fix on the Global Input gain. I would not have looked there. I have been Jamming on a Engl Savage patch that I have been working on and stopped having to really tweak it in 12.11. It recorded great and felt right even through the next couple of updates and (I...
  36. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 13.00

    Sup? WOW...Thanks Cliff and Co. MOSHON DAVE
  37. moshwitz

    [implemented] Axe-Edit Meters?

    I know,,,,thanks :-) MOSHON DAVE
  38. moshwitz

    [implemented] Axe-Edit Meters?

    I want to know how hot each block is going into the next block when setting up a preset. I use the meter page on front panel for this like it was intended,,just thought it would be easier if I could see it in Axe-edit also. All meters matter... ;-) MOSHON DAVE
  39. moshwitz

    [implemented] Axe-Edit Meters?

    Yes,,, Like the Meters page of the Layout.
  40. moshwitz

    [implemented] Axe-Edit Meters?

    Sup? ;-) Is it possible to implement a meters page like on the front panel for visual help when gain staging a preset? or has this been ruled out at some point? or am I just missing Thanks MOSHON Dave
  41. moshwitz

    Grooveshifter! Axe-Fx III Pitch Block fw 12.08

    Where is it?.....what I miss........I wanna hear the Grooveshifter ;-( EDIT,,, had to use a different browser,, It wasn't showing up in Firefox for me. ANYWAY,,, Yeah pretty cool. MOSHON DAVE
  42. moshwitz

    OK to update from v1 to v12?

    Sup? ;-) Naaaa, no drawback, Just jump to the latest FW,, and grab the latest Axe-edit.
  43. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.07

  44. moshwitz

    Questions about models for Axe-Fx III

    Right on,, the advantage you'd be getting with the Axe-fx over the Kemper is that you can( don't HAVE to) tweak all the things in real time you would bring an amp to a Tech. to hot rod, or mod. which in a sense is what made some famous amps into ,,,Other famous amps. even a Variac is built in...
  45. moshwitz

    Questions about models for Axe-Fx III

    SUP? ;-) I think you might be dismissing it a bit early, and might wanna look a little deeper at what you can do with the controls the Axe-fx offers. OK, not really having total bearing on this ( just curious because I've owned them all at one time or another) ,,,on the ADA,, are you...
  46. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 10.00

    Sup? ;-) You know,,, I'm not too much really a " This firmware is Awesome!!!!!" kinda posting guy, because each one is a great step forward,,,,,is different. This firmware is Fucking Awesome!!!! Case in point,,, I never use the Fryette D60 sims I just never liked them,, also...
  47. moshwitz

    for my bass bretheren... "matches... we don't need no stinking matches" - well, yes we do.

    Sup? :) Nice,, Thanks. can always use good bass patches to record with ;-) MOSHON DAVE
  48. moshwitz

    Preset for You: "Blade Runner M@"

    Sup? :) Is it gone? did I miss it?,,, clicked on the link and all I got was this "You cannot edit this preset. Please use your browser's back button to try again. " MOSHON DAVE
  49. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 6.00 Public Beta

    Sup? :) Updated from 5.09,,, so far so good for the last day MOSHON DAVE
  50. moshwitz

    My Dream Mesa

    Sup? :D Thanks for the preset and IR Leon ;-) love it,, a little tweak for my rig and lost about 2 hours chunkin MOSHON DAVE
  51. moshwitz

    III = Djent Machine

  52. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 5.00 Beta

    Sup? :D I'll tell you what,, I'm not really a marshall guy( besides some hot rodded things I've owned) But DAMN.. just scrolling though some ...fuckin shitballs,,, that is all I've been playing for the last hour and a half. HELL YEAH!!!! Awesome Cliff ,, as hell. MOSHON DAVE
  53. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 4.03

    Sup? :D WOW!!! That's all I go to say. Your awesome Cliff . MOSHON DAVE
  54. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 3.02 Public Beta #2

    Sup? There it is folks,,, best of both worlds...everyone happy now ,,,,, go play your guitars.....;-) MOSHON DAVE
  55. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 3.02 Public Beta #2

    just finished update and was gonna ask the
  56. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 3.02 Public Beta #2

    Sup :D Awesome.... ;-) been jamming all morning on the first beta,( all week really) take a break, and bam....Beta 2. You rock Cliff!!! The new Drive overhaul is sounding awesome BTW ;) MOSHON DAVE
  57. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 1.19 Public Beta

    Sup? :) Your Awesome Cliff,,and Co...;-) Thanks... MOSHON DAVE
  58. moshwitz

    Replaced by a Pod 2.0 Bean

    Sup? :-) I have an Axe-fx II for a but before I got the Axe-3 I keep a Digitech 2120 for that . It still has some great tones for me. MOSHON DAVE
  59. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    Sup? ;-) If Axe-edit will still recognize your unit start doing some backups. luckily, mine was just the screen unlike some other reports and all my presets are still intact. Your in good hands, and you seem to be relatively close to the mothership, so I would think your turnaround should...
  60. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    Sup? :-) It's home and It's SWEEEEEEEEET! Thanks again to everyone at the Mothership for getting this fixed up so freaking fast. Sent off, fixed and home in 1 Week. YOU ROCK! MOSHON DAVE
  61. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    Sup? :-) Just want to say Thanks to Fractal support. They received my unit today,replaced the screen, tested and shipping back....THE SAME DAY!!!!. you guys rock. MOSHON DAVE
  62. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    sup? :-) there you go. MOSHON DAVE
  63. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    lol,,,,,it is for sale again though :-) MOSHON DAVE
  64. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    Sup? :-) Well,, It's in the wind on it's way back to the Mother Ship. Good thing I still have my Axe-II,, or I'd REALLY be having MOSHON DAVE
  65. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    sup :-) Outstanding. Thanks Cliff and co. moshon Dave
  66. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    Sup? :-) Yep, I made a support ticket last night. Odd thing is unlike the other instances where the whole unit is unresponsive,, I still have sound, and can change and edit via Fractalbot and axe-edit. I did get to save the presets I wanted, and did a backup, so at least there's that. MOSHON...
  67. moshwitz

    White Screen of Death

    Sup? :-) Well,, I loaded up 1.09 tonight and I was up and Jamming, left the room for about 10 min. and came back in picked up my guitar and started playing. I must not have noticed but when I turned around it was to a pure white screen, and was like WTF???? I shut down and reboot... Same...
  68. moshwitz

    Man Cave/Studio ...from the ground up!!

    Sup? :) That is a great blank canvas for sure. Before you wild with the double walls and floating floors, Etc. trying to soundproof it,, unless you are into spending 3X more than you think you want to put into it..... and want some great ideas....and info to do it right... Start here...
  69. moshwitz

    AFIII Axe-Fx III Violin

    Sup? ;-) killer!!! MOSHON DAVE
  70. moshwitz

    AFIII Axe-Fx III - my first preset: VH

    Sup? ;-) Very Tasty:D MOSHON DAVE
  71. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.06

    Sup? ;-) Thanks Cliff and Co. you guys are on it. ;-) MOSHON DAVE
  72. moshwitz

    Post Your Axe-Fx III Rigs Here!

    Sup? ;-) Mine is gonna have to sit right here where I can reach it for now, cause it won't fit in the console where I had My Axe-II. When Axe-edit is updated to work with it, I'll probably move it to one of the vertical slots.... or maybe I'll just build another console like I did this...
  73. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.05

    Sup? ;-) Awesome,,, Thanks Cliff and co. MOSHON DAVE
  74. moshwitz

    Axe Edit III - Update

    SUP? ;-) It will be nice to have ,, but DAMN..... the front panel is a work of beauty,, and sooooo easy. a lot more new settings too This thing is AWESOME!!!!!!! MOSHON DAVE
  75. moshwitz

    First powerup

    Sup? ;-) just made my first power up, and was scrolling through the different screens, and noticed I am getting a fluctuating signal on my input 3R. it will go a few bars higer on the meter than the pic shows and will light up the first block on the front panel LED. Also on the first page of...
  76. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Sup? :-) Mine was sent out today, supposed to be here Monday. ;-) MOSHON DAVE
  77. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Sup? ;-) 1/29 at 8:09am ( Central time) MOSHON DAVE
  78. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Sup? Got my purchase invite at today at 3:20 (central time) aaaaaannnnnnnnnndddddd..............Ordered :-) One thing I did notice though, I was no longer able to "Login" and had to sign up as a new customer,,, but it has been a LONG time since I had bought my Ultra, so maybe I was...
  79. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    I wish :-( MOSHON DAVE EDIT,,,, ya know ,,,, I wasn't even thinking about that,,,,,no Central time ;-(
  80. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Sup? :-) 1/29 8:09Am nothing yet MOSHON DAVE
  81. moshwitz

    MEGADETH - "Tornado of Souls" (FW Quantum v9.03)

    Sup? What cabs did you use for this? MOSHON DAVE
  82. moshwitz

    Getting Plek'd

    Sup? I'm in North Al. and have been wanting to visit Joe's Shop to get some of my guitars Plek'd could you tell me about how long did it take to get your guitars done? like did you drop them off,, I'm sure his shop is pretty busy and there is some amount of turnaround time, and I'll probably...
  83. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.02 Firmware Released

    Sup? :-) Same here,, Fractal Bot also reports 5.01
  84. moshwitz

    Axe fx ii. Two weeks in.

    sooo...can't you run the analog out to your monitors?
  85. moshwitz

    Axe fx ii. Two weeks in.

    Sup? :-) Why not just use the Analog outs to monitor with?
  86. moshwitz

    Nice Job on the New Website!!!

    Sup? :) Sweet new look,,,very slick. MOSHON DAVE
  87. moshwitz

    Question for Fractal about plugins

    Sup? :) This would be killer right here^^^^^ MOSHON DAVE
  88. moshwitz


    Sup? :D Absolute TRUTH right there..^^^^^ MOSHON DAVE
  89. moshwitz

    HBE solo clip

    Sup? :D Thank you Sir. :encouragement:
  90. moshwitz

    HBE solo clip

    Sup? :mrgreen Thank You all for the kind words.:eagerness: Here is the lead patch I used if anyone wants it. MOSHON DAVE
  91. moshwitz

    HBE solo clip

    Sup?:D Thanks man. Yep,, on the Doberman Warrior :pride: MOSHON DAVE
  92. moshwitz

    HBE solo clip

    Sup? :mrgreen Thanks man. MOSHON DAVE
  93. moshwitz

    HBE solo clip

    Sup? :mrgreen So,,I've been writing this piece,, and working up this solo has been kicking my ass for about 2 months now ,mostly how I wanted it to end. At first I wanted it to stay at a slower pace and the second solo be the ripper,, but I just couldn't stop myself from letting it...
  94. moshwitz

    zappa plays zappa ON TOUR!

    Sup? :) What a great freaking show. The band was tight as hell, Dweezil's tone was stellar,,and HOLY SHIT that Sax solo:o Scheila was on FIRE:encouragement:Best show I've seen in ages. Here a couple quick clips my bud snapped with his I-phone. With my ugly mug..:roll And someone...
  95. moshwitz

    zappa plays zappa ON TOUR!

    Sup? Any other Fractalites going to this show Saturday? MOSHON DAVE
  96. moshwitz

    Fremen presets v 18.07

    Sup? :) Sweet tones brother. :) MOSHON DAVE
  97. moshwitz

    zappa plays zappa ON TOUR!

    Sup?:D The coolest thing just happened last night. So I get this call from a friend that I used to be in a band with, that moved to Pensacola a couple years ago. He asks " what are you doing on the 18th? I said " don't know,,what's up?" my wife got me 2 tickets for Zappa plays Zappa in...
  98. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.03 and Presets

    Sup? :D Thanks Cliff and FAS team. The new Friedman Sm Box,,sounds Thick....Love it MOSHON DAVE
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