zappa plays zappa ON TOUR!


I was privileged to witness, once again, the Fractal-rich performance of the Ur-endorser of ourbeloved black box,
Dweezil Zappa in suburban Detroit last night, (royal oak, awesome venue, were you there, Scott Peterson??...)
if you haven't yet experienced ZPZ , this year they are touring worldwide celebrating their 10th year out well as the 40th of ONE SIZE FITS ALL and there is not a better way to hear at least 3 AFX in optimal conditions
Dweezil Zappa
But I may just be preaching to the choir....(talkin to u, bwanadik, scrutinizer(miss u) ..........)
Saw Frank twice once front row floor with the most amazing band you have never heard of line up.
Dweezil has learned a great deal.. hope to see his band.
Bummer, I didn't know. We're not that far either...

Lots of Fractalites in the area.

It is awesome that you were there!
Saw Frank twice once front row floor with the most amazing band you have never heard of line up.
Dweezil has learned a great deal.. hope to see his band.

Sadly, I was on an extended Cruise ship gig in 1988 when that Band briefly toured the US before imploding on the road in Europe, and he never toured again.......but I got to see him numerous times in the 70s and early 80's and was able to meet and interview him in 77 in Carbondale Il, and I have been lucky enough to get to know Dweezil a bit and his work ethic and devotion to the craft of music is incredibly inspiring. For me, the Zappa catalog as DZ is presenting this nowadays is the pinnacle of modern music, but..I'm a bit of a fan...
Saw Frank a few times in the 70's. Always a great show. Got to briefly meet him after a concert in San Diego. I was lucky enough to attend the show at the Roxy in 73 that spawned the Roxy and Elsewhere live album. In December of 2013 I was back at the ROXY exactly 40 years to the day to see ZPZ do it again! Dweezil gave us a couple passes so we hung out the whole day as he ran his guitar masters class and the band did their soundcheck. He is such a humble and nice guy.

I videoed the whole time and only found out later that I wasn't supposed to be doing so as there was a no video policy in effect. They had videographers there taping for some later media release. I was told he said "I didn't have the heart to tell him he wasn't supposed to be shooting". How cool is that? So we agreed that I would keep my footage under wraps for my personal use only. I ended up giving him copies should he wish to use any of the footage in his project.

The whole band is so ridiculously talented. They are all so very personable and easy to talk to. They play Franks music with such passion and skill. If they come to your town be sure to attend as you will NOT be dissapointed.
Saw the show in Columbus last night. The band sounded really great. DZ has got the AxeII tones dialed in to perfection. I really enjoyed the setlist this time around. Great show!
I saw them in Charlotte in 2013. It was a Great show.

Left that show about half-way through. The only time I ever did that. I just don't get that music. I feel that my appreciation is pretty diverse but I couldn't handle that.

The coolest thing just happened last night. So I get this call from a friend that I used to be in a band with, that moved to Pensacola a couple years ago. He asks " what are you doing on the 18th? I said " don't know,,what's up?" my wife got me 2 tickets for Zappa plays Zappa in Atlanta,,, Wanna go?....Hmmmmm? :shock:eek: Well,,,shit yeah I wanna go... Soooooo....I'm going to the show:triumphant::triumphant::triumphant: I'm so freakin stoked...I cant wait

Sup? :)

What a great freaking show. The band was tight as hell, Dweezil's tone was stellar,,and HOLY SHIT that Sax solo:eek: Scheila was on FIRE:encouragement:Best show I've seen in ages.

Here a couple quick clips my bud snapped with his I-phone.

With my ugly mug..:roll

And someone rudely lingering...:evil

Dweezil.....THANK YOU for a great night :encouragement:

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