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  1. javajunkie

    We're opening for Umphreys in October!

    I just stumbled on to those guys a couple of weeks ago. They are awesome.
  2. javajunkie

    Running a pedal in the fx loop ?

    No, it needs to be sent in.
  3. javajunkie

    Geek Alert! Apple content.

    windows 8.1 and Max OS X Mavericks have both been rock solid here. I am responsible for over 500 computers. I spend more time with 3 mac users then almost every one else (1/2 kidding). It isn't the OS's fault though :) They are all just tools.
  4. javajunkie

    Is something up with Atomic Amps?

    I have always got prompt and superb support from Atomic.
  5. javajunkie

    lo/mid/high gain amps.

    Well not all... try the Das Metal :) You have to try REALLY hard :)
  6. javajunkie

    Connecting Computer and Axe-Fx to Speakers

    Yep, small mixer is the way to go.
  7. javajunkie

    lo/mid/high gain amps.

    No, you need to use the wiki
  8. javajunkie

    Using POG 2 with axefx

    yes, you can use it in the fx loop or between you guitar and axe-fx input.
  9. javajunkie

    Axe FX II XL locking up

    Is it every preset or just one? Does it happen when you start the Axe-fx with the recall button pressed while powering up (loads a blank preset)? What firmware are you on? Is your USB connected when it happens?
  10. javajunkie

    Volume, - different choices

    I make different presets for single coil and humbuckers. I keep a boost in front just for getting a little more bite. Usually a FET boost or Peq.
  11. javajunkie

    Running a pedal in the fx loop ?

    that was corrected in later models of the mk I and offered as mod on early models. On my late model mkI and my XL they are much less hissy with low level signals and pretty much dead quiet with rack effects and effect after the amp block.
  12. javajunkie

    Running a pedal in the fx loop ?

    However, generally you you will want your input impedance to be higher after pedals though, just like a most amps are.
  13. javajunkie

    Footage from last night's gig (blues)

    Fantastic job.
  14. javajunkie

    Running a pedal in the fx loop ?

    I don't think that will really help (other than perhaps cutting some highs whether or not you use any pedals in the loop). The input 1 impedance setting will have no impedance effect on the pedal in the effect loop. It has to go out of output 2 which is 600 ohms, then back in at 1Mohms.
  15. javajunkie

    According to HRI... [FX-8]

    It was posted here by Cliff a long time ago.
  16. javajunkie

    Running a pedal in the fx loop ?

    Right, it is really easy to clip a pedal or just have bad SNR if you do not set the level correctly. Also fuzzes and wahs generally may not like buffered signals.
  17. javajunkie

    Version infomation could not be queried

    make sure you are using the latest Axe-edit go to settings-preferences, make sure the Axe-fx ports are selected.
  18. javajunkie

    More than one Axe-Fx?

    Dweezil uses one for the left signal, another for the right. At least he used to.
  19. javajunkie

    More than one Axe-Fx?

    Back up or because your presets cause CPU over flow. Dweezil Zappa uses 2 for his rig because some of the presets use more processing power than a single Axe-fx II has. Some use a dedicates one for other purposes. Alex Lifeson uses a dedicated one just to simulate an acoustic guitar on an electric.
  20. javajunkie

    Preset causes CPU Overload on MKII - How about on an XL?

    Less, the XL has uses a just little more CPU then the Mk II.
  21. javajunkie

    Is it a "Patch" or a "Preset"?

    Preset is the proper term.
  22. javajunkie

    Tap Tempo on MFC not working

    Have you set any of the effects to sync to a tempo subdivision?
  23. javajunkie

    Is this normal behavior for the Axe FX II?

    Are you running an amplified signal into those preamps. What you are picking up is probably not from the Axe-fx, but from the guitar picking up noise from the environment. If the noise gate kills the buzz then the buzz is coming from the guitar and the high gain presets are amplifying the noise...
  24. javajunkie

    Help! At a gig right now!

    Are you using active pickups?
  25. javajunkie

    Taylor 414ce ...sounds good to me..any other recommendations?

    Last year I went to our guitar center here that has the most acoustics. I went in with object of getting the best sounding acoustic for me regardless price or appearance. After playing dozens of guitars I went home with a particular Taylor 410ce. It was just the most balanced sounding acoustic...
  26. javajunkie

    D00d, s'riously... o_0

    I prefer the sweet child of mine solo
  27. javajunkie

    Santanish tone

    Sounds great.
  28. javajunkie

    Help! Vol dropout if i move extn 1

    The Global block is probably messed up. Here the parameters are all messes up (the level is completely down so when it is engaged it goes silent).
  29. javajunkie

    Help! Vol dropout if i move extn 1

    What CC# is external 1 set to is the input or output volume set to that CC#?
  30. javajunkie

    Shit In My Hat...Warren Haynes with an Axe Fx!...

    Warren Haynes Morning Dew 8/9/2014 - YouTube it looks like it might be here as well.
  31. javajunkie

    Master volume in menu doesnt move?

    If it isn't a modifier on the master volume, post the preset. I think bakerman is right though.
  32. javajunkie

    Axe Edit 3.1 bug or wish? Cant change preset during cab manage

    Not a bug, it is a known behavior. I believe there are two reasons. The current GUI structure does not allow for it and to eliminate the chance of unintended data change or loss. that being said, editing preset while auditioning cabs would be nice.
  33. javajunkie

    Remove amp in Amp Block Y state?

    It is not using CPU resources in the Y state(you are still only running one amp plus the amps have a dedicated CPU), there is no purpose in trying to delete it. It is the bassman by default because in code it is the first amp. So amps already have an entire CPU dedicated to them they have...
  34. javajunkie

    XL or MKII,,,that is the question

    I'm with you, just the additional cab slots alone.
  35. javajunkie

    Presets loaded wrong with Y switch !

    Check and see if you have midi mapping turned on on the axefx.
  36. javajunkie

    Stereo Inputs - Two Guitars?

    It is easier to use 2 volume blocks. place them in the first column on separate rows, set ones input select to left, the other to right. For a third guitar, you would need to use input 2. Front input and Rear Input L share the same audio channel.
  37. javajunkie

    AxeFx II XL Presets into AxeFx II Mk2 - WTF???

    I'm confused, you said this: "Nope...I'm saying that sending data on a brand new MFC101 Mk3 connected on expression pedal port 2 goes to extern 1 of a brand new defaulted and updated AxeFx II XL. " "Customer has two expression pedals. One for overall volume - which is working on expression...
  38. javajunkie

    AxeFx II XL Presets into AxeFx II Mk2 - WTF???

    I cannot test the MFC-101 mkII, but I have set mine and many other up and the default has been as Yek has stated: Pedal 1 (XP1 on MFC) connects to CC 11 (Volume). Pedal 2 (XP2 on MFC) connects to CC 16 (External 1). This is how it has been documented in the manual. I do have a Axe-fx II mk I...
  39. javajunkie

    AxeFx II XL Presets into AxeFx II Mk2 - WTF???

    Are you saying that sending cc#16 from the mfc mk ii was mapping to cc#17 on the axe-fx?
  40. javajunkie

    AxeFx II XL Presets into AxeFx II Mk2 - WTF???

    No, this is not the case with external controllers. There is no External 2 on the MFC-101. There are expression pedals 1-4 and switchs 1-4. Expression pedal 1 is assigned to cc#11 by default (Output Volume) Expression pedal 2 is assigned to cc#16 by default (External 2) It has been this way for...
  41. javajunkie

    AxeFx II XL Presets into AxeFx II Mk2 - WTF???

    What he meant was. Not possible at this time. There are higher proprieties than making a converter at this time.
  42. javajunkie

    Why does the Looper change the tone of the direct sound of the guitar?

    When routed in serier, the volume drop between bypass and on is 3db at 50% mix
  43. javajunkie

    Why does the Looper change the tone of the direct sound of the guitar?

    It would change the relative volume because it is still being mixed. Parallel routing w/ 100 mix solves the issue.
  44. javajunkie

    scenes Q

    post the preset, we'd be able to tell almost instantly what is going on.
  45. javajunkie

    Why does the Looper change the tone of the direct sound of the guitar?

    That will not fix what he talking about. He is trying to use the mix parameter to control the level of the loop but it is effecting the guitar level as well.
  46. javajunkie

    Do this...

    I'll thank you now :) Sounds Great I like the OH 412 Mar CB H-BB 55 SS OH 412 Mar CB v30 EN SS combo
  47. javajunkie

    Why does the Looper change the tone of the direct sound of the guitar?

    It is due to how the mix works. It is the relative volume of dry and wet. A you increase the mix , you are decreasing the guitar level and increasing the loop level. Run it in parallel, set mix to 100% and control the loop level with the level parameter. This is an effects that could really use...
  48. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II XL User Cabs mess-up [SOLVED]

    I cannot reproduce this. Is it always with the same cab? Have you tried a different IR?
  49. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II XL User Cabs mess-up [SOLVED]

    I cannot get the cab to double and deleting one does not affect the other here.
  50. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II XL User Cabs mess-up [SOLVED]

    I cannot replicate that here. How are you deleting the cab? How are you loading the cab? There are a couple of different ways.
  51. javajunkie

    Keyboard vibrato effect

    You can use the whammy mode of the pitch block. You can also use the delay block.
  52. javajunkie

    Where the Frac is the preset mix page?

    Scroll to Output and hit Edit In/Gate is the same for input and gate. It works like Axe-edit does now. You may want to go back and read the release notes, it documents all the changes.
  53. javajunkie

    Preset and Cab load times.

    It is not doing that here when I use the Auto-Audtion in Axe-edit for auditioning cabs and presets, it goes right to them. Now when I change presets with up and down arro it does that. But when I sticky the preset picker or use preset manager it fairly snappy. Are you using totalsync in the...
  54. javajunkie

    One axe edit, 2 axe fx - possible?

    Yes, I do that all the time. You can even control 2 Axe-fx's with 2 Axe-edits open. I'll have to did up the instructions for that, it been a while.
  55. javajunkie

    Controlled Feedback and Latency issues with FRFR cabs

    A couple of other things. a stereo signal from two different guitars can interfere with how controlled feedback and even cancel it out in the right conditions. The distance from the sound source can change how easily and at what frequency the guitar feeds back at.
  56. javajunkie

    Any one experienced a tremolo stabilizer?

    I put a tremseetter on my old Ibanez RG 550 so I could use a D- Tuna on it. It stabilizes things. Your strings will will feel tighter and stiffer. Also, if you try to do the Vai trem warble effect, it will no longer flutter. I does make switching tuning a lot easier.
  57. javajunkie

    Firmware 15.07

    It also has bug fixes.
  58. javajunkie

    Is it dead?

    The XL file should not be able to load period. The XL has a different sysex ID.
  59. javajunkie

    explain the new EQ changes

    If they are saying low,lmid,mid,hmid, and high you are looking at the passive eq, not the mark 5 band.
  60. javajunkie

    Offspring Smash Tour: AxeFx II Spotted In The Wild

    Awhile back from mark day: ""A few weeks back Dave Friedman and I spent 3 days programming two AxeFx rigs for The Offspring. They wanted AxeFx rigs to sound like their big tube rigs. Dexter had a VH4 to one 4x12 and a Marshall JMP1/ EL34 Marshall Power amp, G Force to another 4x12 blended...
  61. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II FW 15.07 Released

    There are a coupleof other places where it is displaying strange values in Axe-edit on the preset: GEQ - 31 hz is displaying 8000 comp threshold is displaying 8000 If I delete the X-over block, hit save, then go to the amp block all is normal again.
  62. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II FW 15.07 Released

    You have a modifier attached to the x-over freq in the X-over block. That is what is doing it. It is not doing on the Axe-fx, just Axe-edit. I reported it.
  63. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    Eclipse: formant filter (I like it more than the axefxs), crystal and shimmer effect (on a few axefx preset that hit the CPU limit if I use the axefxs). blog sky : spring reverb, also learning how to create the more exotic verbs on the axefx,. mobius: rotary, destroyer, and quadrant urge. I...
  64. javajunkie

    Axe-Edit 3.1 released!

    It is there.
  65. javajunkie

    Axe-Edit 3.1 released!

    You can also filter on the favorites and only show them, to narrow things down. You can drag in drop folders in to the browser window and it will populate the preset or cabs from that folder. If any one hasn't messed with auto audition in the cab manager, you are in for an awesome surprise. You...
  66. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    Direct to board or board and a pair of atomic CLRs.
  67. javajunkie

    Quick control knobs

    Not at this time.
  68. javajunkie

    Help with Deluxe Tweed. Almost Unplayable

    nope 134. Like it has been said. XLs have more factory cabs
  69. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    In the olden days there were things called tubes... :) 66 princeton reverb, mesa boogie Mkiic+. I allow them to sulk underneath the Axe-fx :)
  70. javajunkie

    Volume values will not save. Help anyone?

    patch? Screen shots. Anything would help
  71. javajunkie

    Proof the the Axe is not only for Metal

    That's a really nice tone. which amp and cab?
  72. javajunkie

    Tap tempo in Axe fx not very accurate?

    I'm getting them with in 1bpm using the auto tap tempo on my LF+12+. I have type set to actual BPM on the LF. If you switch too quickly, you get strange number because the Axe-fx is still averaging.
  73. javajunkie

    Testing the Duncan - Slash Bridge PU for classic Rock

    Yeah, the slash pickup example seems to have more bite and mids to it. Definitely more aggressive.
  74. javajunkie

    Noise from Rear Input 1...

    I'm not talking about the grounding; I'm talking about the "special sauce" at the front input. When you switch front to rear, you turn off the analog processing that compensates for that. The processing boosts the highs in the analog domain the compensates by inverting that boost digitally. This...
  75. javajunkie

    Bassist/Guitarist using Axe FX XL live

    Yeah, just give him a PEQ block and tell him to deal with it. :)
  76. javajunkie

    Mission pedal issue

    yeah, make sure in IO-Pedal menu that the pedal type is set to continuous.
  77. javajunkie

    How do you do this?

    BTW, as Mesaguy stated, thatwas Freeman's preset creation.
  78. javajunkie

    Help with Deluxe Tweed. Almost Unplayable

    Plus, there are so many pre/post tone, drive, and compression parameters in the amp block; you can shape most things you dont like right out.
  79. javajunkie

    Dirty Loops using AxeFx ?

  80. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    I use it for the formant filter and a couple of multidelay/reverb algorithms (diamond rain is a big one). I have a few presets where using that on the axefx pushes me over the CPU limit.
  81. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    No. I have it set to switch with the effects gizmo. If loop one is selected it is wireless. If loop one is not selected it is wired. I could set it up for another wireless as well, but I just have 2 packs set to the same channel and turn on off when I am setting it down and the other on when I...
  82. javajunkie

    Help with Deluxe Tweed. Almost Unplayable

    try factory 134 for a cab, bass in the amp at 2 or bleow and a cab low cut at 140hz.
  83. javajunkie

    What are your favorite dirt pedals and how do you use them

    There is nothing decent about it :) Just take the bit crusher, set bit reduce from 16 to 20, drive full tilt. I like the soft or hard clips type. Adjust the eq to taste. I keep it on the neck pickup. Spit city.
  84. javajunkie

    Weird behavior: Scene changing by itself

    did you have axe-edit running?
  85. javajunkie

    Noise from Rear Input 1...

    That's because you are not getting the full effect. That noise won't happen in a real world situation where you have something plugged into the front and rear and switch. There is an analog compenent to this as well. Test it with something in the front input, input select to front, then plugged...
  86. javajunkie

    What are your favorite dirt pedals and how do you use them

    Lets not forget the Bit Crusher
  87. javajunkie

    What are your favorite dirt pedals and how do you use them

    The Blues OD work great for lo/mod gainamps that are naturally muddy, tightens them right up.
  88. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    It is routed so I can go either wireless or wired on a preset basis. I go wired for the Fuzz stuff. Fuzzes are pre Axe-fx, the rest can be wired anywhere. Took a while to get rid of all the grounding issues.
  89. javajunkie

    New Axe-fx II XL Rack Build

    Axe-fx II XL - FAMC - Liquid Router - RJM - Effects Gizmo - eventide eclipse, SUF Viloter Rams Head Classic, zvex fuzz factory, mobius, timeline, big sky, and pog 2. Lots 'o Fun!
  90. javajunkie

    Tape Echo Space (Supersize-Me 2.0)

    I love the Classic 14.00 sound ;) Sounds awesome.
  91. javajunkie

    Anyone used an online lesson site?

    I've been a member of truefire for years. Great site with lots of great lessons.
  92. javajunkie

    KickTags Pro - new labels for MFC coming soon!

    These look great!
  93. javajunkie

    Noise from Rear Input 1...

    No, the USB doesn't run through any of that. I think I may be misunderstanding you. Are you plugging in to front and setting to front and plugging into rear left and selecting rear; or are you plugging into one and selecting front rear? Also what is your input 1 mode set to?
  94. javajunkie

    What are your favorite dirt pedals and how do you use them

    fet boost, t808 OD, zen master, eternal love, bb pre. I used to use the RC and AC boost but after it changed a few firmwares back, I could never quite gel with them any more.
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