Axe Edit 3.1 bug or wish? Cant change preset during cab manage


Fractal Fanatic
Hi guys, I like to be able to alter my preset to fit cabs on the fly. In otherwords while in Cab Manager, I cant go back to the preset to adjust anything, even the cab modifiers (low cut high cut); therefore I cant get a full taste of a cab Im auditioning, Im stuck with the preset Im using. Id like real time control over parameter presets while in axe cab manager.
Not a bug, it is a known behavior. I believe there are two reasons. The current GUI structure does not allow for it and to eliminate the chance of unintended data change or loss.

that being said, editing preset while auditioning cabs would be nice.
Yeah Java, I knew it wasn't a bug personally. He did state bug or wish, I was just jumping ahead with the latter, which is to be able to edit while auditioning cabs, as you posted above. Guess next time I'll let the OP know it's not a bug before voting. ;)
For now you have to load the cab onto the axe to edit it.

Personally, I don't see why I would want to low cut the cabs while auditioning them in Manage - for me the whole point is to see what the cab does on its own, not edit it while previewing.
For now you have to load the cab onto the axe to edit it.

Personally, I don't see why I would want to low cut the cabs while auditioning them in Manage - for me the whole point is to see what the cab does on its own, not edit it while previewing.

because I would hate to toss out a cab as not right if it only needed a minor tweak.
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