Geek Alert! Apple content.

As a life long Mac and iPhone user, I'm getting more and more disappointed with Apple's offerings. Jobs would be sacking people and punching them in the dick before he released such mediocrity. A 1080p screen? BIG F******G DEAL. Android have had 1080P since 2012, with the Nexus 4. A bigger screen? WAAAAAY overdue. Image blah blah blah.... still an 8MP camera, whilst Nokia is rocking 30+ MP's. I'm leaving the iPhone camp next year and going with a Samsung or equivalent. Apple has had the last last of my money with it's over priced, daily charged, non-innotive sandbox of bull shit.
for me, it's not about the hardware features, but how it integrates with my day to day tasks and yes my other apple products like my iMac and laptop.

i do so much from my phone now, barely need the computer for most things these days.

i bought a samsung note to help a client out - i needed to learn how to use it as the client wanted a simple device for his mom. i got the thing and really enjoyed the screen size and s-pen and other hardware features, haptic feedback, etc. but for the life of me i couldn't figure the dang thing out! i didn't understand the home screen, putting apps or icons on it. any app i tried was basically a web-wrap container that was stretched out over the whole screen. no sidebars or intuitive layouts. i just didn't get it. i ended up returning it after a few days. we got his mom an ipad mini and she loves it.

so i think there are just different products for different people. i would hope that any current device can do email, web search, photos, calling, games. but there are tons of apps and functions that, for me, iOS does way better and again i personally haven't seen any android or other phones do. there's got to be a reason developers prefer working on iOS and why there aren't certain apps on the android or other platforms.
Battery life of the watch is disappointing.
A watch that needs to be charged (electronically) every night, hmm. No use on long travels, holidays etc.

Do you travel to places that don't have electricity or something? LOL. External battery packs (12000 mAH+) can easily be used on a flight, etc.

FWIW, any wearable using current technology will require too much power for current batteries to supply them for very long. Batteries have not evolved at nearly the pace CPU and Memory have... so this'll be a limitation of all of these products for quite a while I'd guess. It also limits how small they can be.... They were rumored to have experimented with solar charging, etc, maybe a future product might be able to do something with that, but again size is going to be a ginormous (so to speak) design constraint with a wearable, the charging was probably not viable in that form factor... i

It's an amazing piece of tech with all the sensors, software integration/UI, taptic engine, SoC and Battery all jammed in there... I suppose in an age of technical marvels people stop appreciating them, especially as they personally become less connected to the underlying principles since all black boxes look the same from the outside.
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Thanks buddy, watching it now...

Fuckin' hell these Apple folk are full of themselves...

I agree to a certain extent! In the end they're salesmen, and want us to love what they have, but some of the uber rah-rah stuff, ugh (Tim Cook clapping along with the audience when they announced the AppleWatch, I was reminded of all that communist party footage of everyone clapping together...)

One thing Apple has is a very loyal, avid following. The sheer amount of Apple sites that try to predict the next product is mind boggling. But it's funny, I see the very same behavior here on the board for things Fractal; we're happy and like to tell people...some take that as 'we're better!' when that's not what we mean.

IMO much of the praise is deserved, but I never felt the need to slap Apple stickers on everything in my life.

Chris: Your point is exactly right (and a huge reason why I gravitate towards Apple.) The INTEGRATION of their products is huge. Music, networks, backup/recovery, even simple file transfers. For someone who has to be 'the techy guy' in the household, the simpler the better in that usually they can figure it out quickly, or remember easily if I show them... For instance, I used to have to juggle making sure 2 Windows boxes, the media server, the Linksys router talked to each other...and more often that not something would fail regularly. Once I drank the kool aid, I built an integrated extended network that I never have to pay attention to, backs up my boxes weekly, plays video's, music with 2 clicks, and it was stoopid simple to set up.

I think Samsung and Android platforms are great too, I just find that Apple's tight integration works better.

Okay, enough talking.
Chris: Your point is exactly right (and a huge reason why I gravitate towards Apple.) The INTEGRATION of their products is huge. Music, networks, backup/recovery, even simple file transfers.
Same reason I've ended up on Apple in my personal life. And now I work at a fairly large-ish place that's all Apple and I can say it's verra nice. Having Apple TVs in conference rooms, AirDrop to share stuff, retina screens on our laptops and cinema displays. Plus, the upcoming iOS 8/OS X integrations are something I've been wishing for for quite some time now -- being able to forward calls from my phone to my laptop is the next logical step from where I am now with Messages and being able to handle text messages on my Mac when I'm working there instead of the phone.

If you haven't really bitten in to the Apple whole hog ever before you might not appreciate the integration that they can achieve because the ecosystem is so closed.

It's not perfect. But it's far better than it was in the Windows world I used to have to play in.

Also, as a dev, I absolutely love OS X for dev work: iTerm2 is the shit when it comes to Terminals (especially with the tmux integration...ssh to server, run 'tmux -CC attach' and BOOM you have all your iTerm2 windows from that machine back the way you had them last time you were there. WAAAAAY better than screen or vanilla tmux), homebrew for tool management, Sublime for a lightweight IDE. It's the Unix I've always wanted on my desktop.
when i managed a music store here, i was also in charge of all computers, servers, etc. it was obv windows everywhere, but i brought a mac into the equation. it was amazing how my computer was always working, good thing as i was fixing at least 1 of the 15+ windows comps weekly. my productivity shot through the roof compared to everyone else who was on the windows platform. while the windows comps were only doing email, the POS and basic web searching, i was doing photo, video, live streaming, remote desktop to 2+ clients AND all the other stuff at the same time - base model 27" imac dual core at the time.

sure, a windows comp could have been built to do that stuff, i'm sure. but the registry fixes, constant updates, constant viruses, crashes, blue screens... it's really different when you service your own laptop or something - it's just part of the experience. but when you are responsible for 10 or more computers, you really see how often things break down. maybe i was lucky, but my iMac had zero problems and always worked, providing solutions to the entire company.

eh. whatever :) some people just like fixing things constantly. a friend of mine said he prefers windows to mac because if he's not constantly working on his computer, what's the point?

well i have work to do. that's the point :)
As some who has a fairly elaborate dual-band, gigabit network at home (WAP, repeaters, router, hubs, etc.) and a host of wintel, android and apple stuff running on it (Android phones, win7, win8, i5's, ipad gen2, gen3).. the ONLY advantage I see with apple is they connect well with other apple devices. Outside that, what I see is that they are popular with folks who like the interface. I don't. Doesn't mean I don't use the tools I need to get the job done. I have OnSong on my iPad3, which is ONLY available on Apple.. so-o-o.

As an long time IT guy, I (by default) am inquisitive by nature and like to figure out how things work. Apple makes that difficult with their closed shop world. But they do integrate well with other Apple devices. Did I mention that?

When it comes to integrating Apple with non-apple gear, they are no different than any other device. I don't get any issues with my Android phones (all rooted BTW) and I can't recall when my Win7 or Win8 devices last blue screened. Sure, back under Win98, NT and Vista, but XP was a major improvement and Win7/8 are no less stable than iOS.

I guess I'm not in the apple rah-rah camp folks... tho I do get their popularity.
Still no updated Mac Mini or Thunderbolt Display. :(

At least they aren't releasing a midi controller with no sounds in it for $AU1000 like Native Instruments.
Shit, Tim Cook saw Edge's rig. Apple will be banging on Cliff's door with a checkbook anytime now. iAxe anyone?

Apple Axe Fx III. Now almost 3 rack units tall with no knobs on the front, just a large touch screen on the front of the aluminium unibody case (with rounded corners).

Plug in your genuine Fender* AppleCaster with a lightning connector cable and record in Logic (not compatible with other DAWs).

Worried about all the tedious tweaking? Don't be - we have narrowed down the amp selections to just three iconic sounds (Fender Twin, Vox AC30, Marshall Plexi) and done away with all those confusing deep parameters. Just sculpt your tone with our simple 4 knob interface, then share it with all your friends.
I for one am hopeful. Can't wait for people to be so intent on concentrating on that tiny screen on their wrist, oblivious to their surroundings. walking into trees, cars, fountains, ditches, potholes, low hanging signs, piles of dog shit. Very entertaining. ;)

A good safety feature would be if you try to text while driving, the watch administers a nice electroshock. or a proximity alert system when out of your car.
Apple Axe Fx III. Now almost 3 rack units tall with no knobs on the front, just a large touch screen on the front of the aluminium unibody case (with rounded corners).

Plug in your genuine Fender* AppleCaster with a lightning connector cable and record in Logic (not compatible with other DAWs).

Worried about all the tedious tweaking? Don't be - we have narrowed down the amp selections to just three iconic sounds (Fender Twin, Vox AC30, Marshall Plexi) and done away with all those confusing deep parameters. Just sculpt your tone with our simple 4 knob interface, then share it with all your friends.

Here you go :)
Why in the world would anyone want to do multitrack recordings, video editing, photo editing on a smartphone? That's like sucking a golfball thru a garden hose!

My girlfriend can suck a goofball through a garden hose and that is a very good thing.
No war here ;)
I have 2 phones, one iphone and one android, i do exactly the same on both : internet searchs, mail and other messagings consults, phone, sms, gps, games, online orders etc... but i did not find something that was easier or better done on iphone than android, maybe conversely... what i hate on iphone is i always feel like the phone does not belong to me, apple decides what i can or can not do, what i can install or modify, what i have to pay for...etc... i always feel like in jail.

Jailbreak it!
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