AxeFx II XL Presets into AxeFx II Mk2 - WTF???


Fractal Fanatic
Seriously, I'm very much dissapointed that a file conversation between a AxeFx II XL with Fw 15.07 is not possible with a AxeFx II Mk2 with Fw 15.07. I programmed a series of custom presets for a pro customer on his new XL and now I SHOULD put them on his older AxeFx II Mk2, which is part of his tour rig.......

....and this is not possible! At all.....done everything! Newest AxeEdit, newest Fractal Bot.....

Really guys.....

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Uhm XL presets never worked on Axe-Fx II.
Have nothing to do with what FW is on.
Did you not get the memo? They said XL to II was not possible but you can go from II to XL. It has been that way from day one, and the reason why it doesn't work, the reason given was logical reason, so being angry in this case seems pretty illogical.
I remember seeing this other recent thread:

Kinda confusing... is this feature "low priority" or "not possible". A big difference between those two statements.

I was on the fence about upgrading to an XL, and thought I wouldn't mind not being able to load XL presets, but it turns out I do care as well. In the event that this becomes a future trend, I think I'll end up waiting for a Axe-FX III (or whatever the next platform will be).
I remember seeing this other recent thread:

Kinda confusing... is this feature "low priority" or "not possible". A big difference between those two statements.

I was on the fence about upgrading to an XL, and thought I wouldn't mind not being able to load XL presets, but it turns out I do care as well. In the event that this becomes a future trend, I think I'll end up waiting for a Axe-FX III (or whatever the next
platform will be).

What he meant was.
Not possible at this time. There are higher proprieties than making a converter at this time.
Next thing goes for the external controllers.....

On AxeFx II XL: External 1 in the AxeFx is "External 2 on the MFC101 Mk3" is addressing the wrong port! These might be the "higher proprieties" ;)

I'm not saying the AxeFx should be "bug free" because this is a highly complex unit, but there are some issues, which shouldn't be there......this is really embarrassing if you prepare everything for a pro customer who owns two AxeFx II + two MFC101 and is even willing to get more gear from FAS!
I lost 3 hours of worktime to hand-written all parameters of many complex presets out of the XL to match these with his older AxeFx II Mk2. Pain in the ass job, as just the amp block has almost 100 different parameters on each preset. Wow great.......really great! Unfortunately it's not even possible to load the block settings form an XL unit into a AF2 MK2......

rant over....just saying!
Did you not get the memo? They said XL to II was not possible but you can go from II to XL. It has been that way from day one, and the reason why it doesn't work, the reason given was logical reason, so being angry in this case seems pretty illogical.

Look it's pretty easy - If a pro customer pays a huge amount of euros for a two complete rigs with MFC101s and expression pedals, amps, cabinets each, everything racked up and connected perfectly, there should be pro solutions in any ways. Everything else is just completely stupid! It's like having the most superior technical advantages of the present time but then you end up using a pencil and a paper to write down all settings by hand.

I'm angry because I lost 3 hours of worktime to do something which should be done right! Otherwise it's just an inperfect product! Remember what all these guys will do if they want to share presets which half of the community can't use.......

I'm not a FAS fanboi - I have my opinions. I'm willing to accept these circumstances, but I'm not willing to take this without a feedback.Sometimes I'm really happy and thankful - at the moment I'm not! I like to say things straight.....

If you guys think I'm an asshole, then it's fine! Sometimes I'm an asshole...... ;) That's normal....
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If a pro customer pays a huge amount of euros for a two complete rigs ... there should be pro solutions in any ways....
I'm angry because I lost 3 hours of worktime to do something which should be done right! Otherwise it's just an inperfect product!

i was really surprised at this thread, mostly that you didn't know they weren't compatible. i guess you just didn't run across it, but it seemed to be everywhere when the XL came out.

but just like other issues with the axe, the amount of money paid does not mean everything should work properly. that's always a strange argument. it is an imperfect product. everything is. everything is an imperfect product.

the axe-fx ii xl is a different product. i wish they didn't call it a "II" - i wish it was just an XL. i think then people would have an easier time that the old model is not fully compatible with the new model.

you're angry you lost 3 hours of time because the old model can't read the new model's data. should it have been "done right"? maybe. is it? no. did they say it was "done right"? no they said it is not a possibility right now.

i do tech support and setup for people too. regardless of how much money i'm being paid, it's my responsibility to know the features and limitations of the gear being used. in fact, the more money i'm being paid, the more i'd better know what i'm doing. i try to never assume anything. that always gets me at some point.

i know you're on this forum a lot and seem like a cool guy, not an asshole. i definitely understand your frustration, but perhaps the tenacity is a bit misplaced.

yes, it'd be great if the II could read the XL presets. (i don't know why people always think i DON'T want improvements...) but currently, it doesn't. and now you know the hard way ;) they're gonna work on it. i also agree that from a user and "helper" standpoint, having 2 incompatible devices out there as current makes things tough. i don't have an XL. there are things about it i don't know and i have trouble helping people with an XL sometimes.

but if this were the II and Ultra, it'd be a bit easier to understand and possibly assume that the 2 weren't compatible. i remember there was this question and issue when the II first came out, and after a bit of "aww man" people more quickly understood and accepted that they just weren't compatible. but having both be called a "II" does make it more difficult to understand.

oh well. i hope you eventually got the work done. maybe it's best to stick to either multiple IIs or try to get up to multiple XLs so things remain compatible everywhere. good luck. i know the pressure of being the answer guy and running into problems.
I would think if a pro customer paid me a lot of money to set his/her system up, I'd damn sure do a little research before I just assumed certain functions.

Stop trying to say stuff you don't understand!

I was not aware of the fact that his 2nd unit was an Mk2 when I programmed his XL unit and used the sounds he sent to me - these were Mk2 presets, which worked pretty well when loaded into a XL unit (which I don't saw or tried before, just because I'm neither FAS or G66 support and don't sell these units, so I'm unable to try them out as they were available) - I'm a professional independent workshop fixing and building (tube)amps and also doing repair-service and support for a huge movinglight company - funny combination, but I do both for a living. My customers were also not paying a lot of money for my work, they paying a lot of money for the gear they order from FAS and deserve better in this case.....

Simple - I'm not willing to explain myself even more. Do it right!
I was not aware of the fact that his 2nd unit was an Mk2 when I programmed his XL unit and used the sounds he sent to me

Simple - I'm not willing to explain myself even more. Do it right!

i think people who have commented here were not aware that you were not aware that it was a Mk2. so that may be where any "attitude" from other forum members is coming from.

so now knowing that, we can see that you were thrown a huge curveball and yeah, that sucks. it sucks more that the II can't read the XL presets that you spent time on creating. but that's just how it is right now.

someone in your position may have the opinion that Fractal shouldn't have released the XL to consumers until it was fully compatible with the II. (i'm not trying to put words in your mouth, just a sentiment others have voiced.) but then one could argue that it shouldn't have been released until this, or until that, etc. it'd never get released! haha.

i personally don't think you have to explain yourself any more or at all. but since you started a thread on a forum where others can comment on, people will continue to comment and say things you probably disagree with. so. that's how it works. and it's working :)

good luck with whatever tho.
Next thing goes for the external controllers.....

On AxeFx II XL: External 1 in the AxeFx is "External 2 on the MFC101 Mk3" is addressing the wrong port! These might be the "higher proprieties" ;)

I'm not saying the AxeFx should be "bug free" because this is a highly complex unit, but there are some issues, which shouldn't be there......this is really embarrassing if you prepare everything for a pro customer who owns two AxeFx II + two MFC101 and is even willing to get more gear from FAS!
I lost 3 hours of worktime to hand-written all parameters of many complex presets out of the XL to match these with his older AxeFx II Mk2. Pain in the ass job, as just the amp block has almost 100 different parameters on each preset. Wow great.......really great! Unfortunately it's not even possible to load the block settings form an XL unit into a AF2 MK2......

rant over....just saying!

No, this is not the case with external controllers. There is no External 2 on the MFC-101. There are expression pedals 1-4 and switchs 1-4.
Expression pedal 1 is assigned to cc#11 by default (Output Volume)
Expression pedal 2 is assigned to cc#16 by default (External 2)

It has been this way for a very long time. It is set up so Expression pedal controls volume and expression pedal 2 controls whatever you assign to external controller #1 right out of the box.

You can change these to anything you want. Expression pedal does not equal External controller.

This is documented in the manual.
No, this is not the case with external controllers. There is no External 2 on the MFC-101. There are expression pedals 1-4 and switchs 1-4.

Sorry, I misstyped........ Expression Pedal 2 on the MFC101 Mk3 goes to External 1 on an AxeFx II XL while Expression Pedal 2 on the MFC101 Mk2 goes to External 2 on the AxeFx II Mk2 - both units where set to default values and had exact the same cc#-numbers. I double checked myself. Same goes for the MFC101s

MFC101 were both on FW3.05. Mk3 connected over FASLink, Mk2 over Ethercon.

And yes I'm aware of the manual. Thanks anyway - we found a solution that suit the needs of my customer.

that's always a strange argument. it is an imperfect product. everything is. everything is an imperfect product.

Chris, thanks for your kind words. I like your opinions and comments. :encouragement:

Well I'm not doing pro support for FAS or G66 in the first place, which wouldn't be the case here ;) I'm just sharing my opinion regarding the issue we had this night. And since I don't had a XL unit in before and also didn't know that my customer wanted his newer stuff on an older Mk2 unit too until he told me so spontaneously, I was very suprised this was still not working, not even with saved block settings (since the functionally of all fx-blocks were the same, same parameters, same values). And angry because I lost 3 hours (which nobody has to pay for either) to transfer all data form one to another unit by hand on a new generation fx-unit which has 1000x more power than all the computer mainframes which were used for the moon mission in 1969 :) is done, customer is happy - as always (in my 16 years doing service and support for various brands and companies or productions worldwide). I'm just fighting for my customers, they should being able to use their gear as they want. When I'm talking about money, I'm talking about how much they spent to buy the gear - not how much they pay for my services (which were not expensive at all)

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Sorry, I misstyped........ Expression Pedal 2 on the MFC101 Mk3 goes to External 1 on an AxeFx II XL while Expression Pedal 2 on the MFC101 Mk2 goes to External 2 on the AxeFx II Mk2 - both units where set to default values and had exact the same cc#-numbers. I double checked myself. Same goes for the MFC101s

MFC101 were both on FW3.05. Mk3 connected over FASLink, Mk2 over Ethercon.

And yes I'm aware of the manual. Thanks anyway - we found a solution that suit the needs of my customer.

Chris, thanks for your kind words. I like your opinions and comments. :encouragement:

Well I'm not doing pro support for FAS or G66 in the first place, which wouldn't be the case here ;) I'm just sharing my opinion regarding the issue we had this night. And since I don't had a XL unit in before and also didn't know that my customer wanted his newer stuff on an older Mk2 unit too until he told me so spontaneously, I was very suprised this was still not working, not even with saved block settings (since the functionally of all fx-blocks were the same, same parameters, same values). And angry because I lost 3 hours (which nobody has to pay for either) to transfer all data form one to another unit by hand on a new generation fx-unit which has 1000x more power than all the computer mainframes which were used for the moon mission in 1969 :) is done, customer is happy - as always (in my 16 years doing service and support for various brands and companies or productions worldwide). I'm just fighting for my customers, they should being able to use their gear as they want. When I'm talking about money, I'm talking about how much they spent to buy the gear - not how much they pay for my services (which were not expensive at all)


Are you saying that sending cc#16 from the mfc mk ii was mapping to cc#17 on the axe-fx?
Are you saying that sending cc#16 from the mfc mk ii was mapping to cc#17 on the axe-fx?

Nope...I'm saying that sending data on a brand new MFC101 Mk3 connected on expression pedal port 2 goes to extern 1 of a brand new defaulted and updated AxeFx II XL.
I was double checking the data in the controller and I/O section on the unit and compared this against the AxeFx II Mk2 with a MFC101 Mk2 (which is working correctly btw.).

Customer has two expression pedals. One for overall volume - which is working on expression pedal port 1 on both units. the 2nd expression pedal is used for delay input - on expression port 2 of both units. Parameter "delay input is connected with extern 2" as it should on a never used before unit.
While the AxeFx II Mk2 does it all well, the AxeFx II XL need to set to Extern 1 to work correctly.....

I don't own an XL myself - I wasn't able to check that, neither I'm able to re-check it again. Customer needs his rig for upcoming rehearsals and gigs. He's happy - because it works. All what I wanted is reporting things, nothing more. Sometimes I'm happy myself, sometimes not. I'm no super man - I'm human.

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