Bassist/Guitarist using Axe FX XL live

Adrian Demetri

New Member
I understand that two guitarists, using a certain method, can use the Axe FX simultaneously live, could it be the same thing with a bassist and guitarist? I'm running it straight through PA if that helps
Yes. For all intents and purposes, you can run any two instruments simultaneously (with obvious limitations). Things get tricky with scene/X-Y changing though, and you'll have a higher chance of running out of CPU headroom sooner.
Yes. For all intents and purposes, you can run any two instruments simultaneously (with obvious limitations). Things get tricky with scene/X-Y changing though, and you'll have a higher chance of running out of CPU headroom sooner.

Punish the bass player : no effect for him and eat all CPU ! Lol ...

it's pretty easy to accomplish.

set input 1 to stereo
create a grid with two parallel lines running straight through
at the beginning of each line, place a volume block. use the "input select" params in the volume blocks to choose left for one and right for the other
cursor onto the output block and hit edit. you'll see four pan pots that correspond to the four rows..pan one of your two rows left and the other right
place amp, cab etc etc in each of the two rows.
whoever plugs in the front will be input 1 left and the other person plugs into the back into input 1 right
you will both come out of output 1, one in the left channel and one in the right

the advantage to using this method, rather than using the fxl block, is that you can use one pair of outs for foh and the other pair (with echo on) for stage monitoring
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