lo/mid/high gain amps.


Is there any way to tell if amp in the amp lib is either mid gain or high gain... Don't know if there is such a thing as lo-gain amps.
It's just, if you don't know all the amps by title it is difficult to identify which is which. Know Wikipedia can help a little and that he "Master Level" is set to 10 if hi-gain right? , - but would be easier to have Axe Edit/Axe FX show this in some way...
Unless you are using your ears, it does require some familiarity with the amp models. The Wiki is your best bet otherwise. The problem with separating them into low/mid/high is that can be subjective. Then you get the arguments "The Fustameter model should totally have a
icon not a :cat:"...

Here's the Wiki...

Amp: all models - Axe-Fx II Wiki
well any amp can do low gain... so I would just familiarize myself with the different amps so I know what is better for what.
Is there any way to tell if amp in the amp lib is either mid gain or high gain... Don't know if there is such a thing as lo-gain amps.
It's just, if you don't know all the amps by title it is difficult to identify which is which. Know Wikipedia can help a little and that he "Master Level" is set to 10 if hi-gain right? , - but would be easier to have Axe Edit/Axe FX show this in some way...

It is as Hellbat says - you need a familiarity with the wide variety of amps extant and how somebody might rename them due to IP issues with trademarks, copyrights, patents and liability as well as commercial considerations, performance, etc. It's a real minefield, and all the modeller manufacturers and users have to deal with it. It can be a real pain in the shorts because even a generic name like "British Hi-Gain" can mean a lotta things. Is it a Marshall? Which one? There are only about a thousand of them. Is it a HiWatt? A Vox? Tough to say. And if you do say, you're liable to get sued into insolvency.

But, the Wiki is pretty good about referring to real things in a round-about way. "Based on" is a favorite phrase. Also, forums such is this one are good about clearing things up, as there's generally no liability involved with what users post. For instance, I can tell you that preset such-and-such sounds exactly like a JCM800 without Fractal having any fear of retribution from Marshall, whereas if Fractal said so, they could get a spanking.
A few seconds of adjusting the Drive and Master will give you an amps/channel overall character and you get a sense of what type of music/tones it's suited for...I just go thru the various models (with an IR that I know generally works for the amp/gain/tone) and save the preset when I find something I really like. It's worth spending a couple of hours doing that I think; you'll find gold heh...!
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