What are your favorite dirt pedals and how do you use them


Title says it all. So what's your favorite pedal in the axe fx and jow do you use it. Please do tell and setting would be awesome. Thanks.
Depends, Not a pedal guy here. But been rockin' the AC30 model lately, so a Treble booster is necessary. But for certain effects, I really dig the "Octave Dist" for some "strange leads"
fet boost, t808 OD, zen master, eternal love, bb pre.

I used to use the RC and AC boost but after it changed a few firmwares back, I could never quite gel with them any more.
Like Andre, I wasn't a big dirt pedal guy, but since getting the Axe II, I've embraced them. As he said, certain pedals are a necessity with certain amps to get certain sounds. Sorry I don't have settings in front of me. What I've been using is this:

AC-30/Treble Boost- Brian May
Friedman HBE/Tape Distortion- VH 1
Plexi 100/Fuzz Face- Jimi
Dirtry Shirley/Bender Fuzz- Led Zep 1
59 Bassman/Master Fuzz- Satisfaction
Plexi Normal/Tube Drive- EJ
Hiwatt/PI Fuzz- my David Gilmore "Time" sound.
Tube Screamer for everything else.

Pretty basic, but nails those sounds.
That's pretty much it John!

In fact, some pedals and amps make a perfect marriage. I'm the kind of player that prefers to get distortion from the amp. My basic rock tones are a Triptik or Engl Savage with no pedals in front.

I only use pedals to get that "perfect marriage" or to create a new type of effect for certain songs. I would never use a pedal for my basic tone.

Another good combo is in fact the Andy Timmons - BB Pre / Lone/Tx Star

TS808 for Rectos or BrownFace Fender leads (Think SRV)
Lately my favorite for a really thick bluesy tone is the USA RYTHM amp set to an almost clean sound, and then the Blues OD (i think it's called), with gain around 7. The dynamics and response of my Strat with this setting is even better than anything I have tried with an actual tube amp -at least below 1.000.000 dB ;)
I also find the differetnt fuzz pedals awesome, as I love the sound you get when playing around with the Bits parameters :p

Appart from the above however, I am not fan of the dist pedals in the axe, as I prefere the sound of the amp model better, and haven't yet triet a setting where a dist. pedal complimented the sound IMO.
Can you give an example or patch how you use this one? never got a decent sound out of it....

There is nothing decent about it :)
Just take the bit crusher, set bit reduce from 16 to 20, drive full tilt. I like the soft or hard clips type. Adjust the eq to taste. I keep it on the neck pickup. Spit city.
Favorite OD pedal in the AF2 is the Blues OD, I use it to make high gain amps have even more gain. Usually Friedman Hairy Brown Eye.

Most of my guitars have traditional humbucker (series wired) and some form of split/parallel single coils. (Think LP and Strat dist tones)
With the Blues OD I can hear the difference between the chunky bridge pup and the split/parallel strat bite. I've tried all the other OD pedals but most color the bite of my pickups to where I can't hear much difference between these two pickup settings.
Call me old school, but I like the T808, T808 Mod, and BB Pre for boosting the gain and cutting the mud. Other than that, Not a big fan of any of the others. There are so many good raw amp tones I don't even look much at the pedals.
I dont know if you might consider this dirt, but for dirt and distortion I'm a sucker for the Xotic effects BB Preamp, which I use with drive around 11hours, treble around 10, and bass around 14. That is my midgain base tone. For more gain I use the Suhr Riot, and a couple days ago preordered the new Bogner Burnley distortion, which has a Neve transformer built into it.
Back in the day I used the russian Big Muff, and it was really great as well. But the BB and the Riot really stand out, because I use them in my "regular" travel pedalboard. Mostly for playing with whatever amp they throw at me, and both work fabulous and translate great through any amp. They also work great with very different guitars, woods, pickups, etc. So it's a solid travel rig consisting of Keeley comp, BB Pre, Suhr Riot, TC Flashback and hall of fame mini, and a 4 preset switcher for real "scenes".
I have another parallel small rig with mostly expression and fx, consisting of a Dunlop Hendrix wah, a Guyatone wr5 autowah, and a Moog Minifooger ringmodulator.
Awesome versatile rig for rock, blues, hard stuff and even metalshred here and there.

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Since the topic was which dirt pedals we use, that's what I listed. They're very specific tones. However, my go to's for gigs are Brit Brown and 1987X, with the distortion coming from the amp pre and Master. I have a TS808 ready if I feel I need it. I can do whole gigs with just those, and 59 Bassman for cleans.
The Hard Fuzz in front of the buttery amp model with pedal volume at 2 o'clock and gain at anywhere from 9 to 12 o'clock is a thing of beauty.
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