power amp

  1. S

    First post! How to hook up AXE FX III to a real cab while also sending signal to FOH

    Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I am getting my hands on a used Mark I Axe FX III and I am stoked! However, I’m curious how it is that I’m able to get signal running into my Mesa 2x12 cab for stage volume while also running a cab-emulated signal out to FOH. I’m picking up a...
  2. normanaj

    Clarification with PS2A and AxeFX configuration options

    I've recently purchased a Fryette PS2A and I couldn't be happier. Well, actually, I would be if I had two of them for stereo applications ;). So far I have tried it with a Revv G3 pedal (as a preamp) and my MCII clone (for the attenuation) into a physical 2x12 cab with V30s . The sound was...
  3. C

    Solid State power amp for Marshall 1960A 4x12 cabinet with Axe FX III Turbo

    I just bought an Axe FX III turbo and FC12, and still need a power amp to power my Marshall 1960A 4x12 cabinet. The Matrix GT1000FX RU2 (two rack units - quieter fans) gets a lot of praise in the forums, but Matrix appears to be falling apart. I spoke with Andrew in Ventura, and he said they...
  4. R

    Using a Kemper Powerhead as a power amp for FM9

    I always use a cab on stage hence why when I switched to the Kemper from tube amps last year I got a powerhead. I've ordered an FM9 now however to replace most of my pedals and was thinking instead of buying another power amp to drive a cab, I could just run the FM9 straight into a DI profile on...
  5. H

    Live Show Routing Question/Wish - Power Amp Block

    Hey all! Proud new owner of an FM9 mkii. Great unit. Plays extremely well with my Mesa amp. I have read the docs, watched tutorials and I am fairly comfortable putting together amazing configurations. However, I use this unit live and would love a way to: Input 1 -----> Some Amp ---Delay...
  6. R

    FM3 into tube amp or solid state power amp?

    I just got a new FM3, but I haven't gotten to dive into it yet. I plan to still push air on stage with a real amp and 4x12 cabinet. I want to hear from experienced users about whether the Fractal gear sounds better when amplified by routing to the FX return of a tube amp VS into a clean solid...
  7. Sorenspete

    PSA for dummies: switch the Fractal unit on before your power amp

    I got my Fryette 2/90/2 roughly a year ago. I had used a tube head for years before switching to modeling so it's not like I didn't know stuff like never switch the head on without the load going anywhere. However, the stupid thing I did was thinking my power amp was dicky because it made a...
  8. Sorenspete

    Switching from powered monitors to power amp + 4x12

    Just so I can gather as much info as I can, treat me like an alien who doesn't know anything about this: I will be going from my guitar into the Axe-FX III Mk II, then into a Fryette 2/90/2, and then into a MESA / Boogie Oversized Rectifier 4x12 speaker cabinet. Is there a preferred cable route...
  9. stef borremans

    Power amp & cabs suggestions

    Hi all I've been using my Axe-FX III for over a year now. Have been listening to it through rather cheap Behringer FRFR speakers and very good headphones. I want to upgrade my speaker setup and am doubting what way to go. I've spent a lot of money on getting the best in modelling so money is...
  10. smoke_riffs_everyday333

    Best poweramp for Axe III (Goal: LOUDDDDD)

    Have the 800w Matrix power amp, does the job well paired with my 1960A, however it caps out rather quickly (maxed out volume and limiter light on but not quite distorting the speaker). For anyone else I think its perfectly loud, but for my band which is essentially a high tech modern doom band...
  11. camilovelandiamusic

    AFIII RedSeven D100 Pre with Axe FX III as power amp.

    Hey guys! After watching one of @2112 's videos on ideas for using the Fractal as a power amp, I made a preset and recorded this video. Really cool ways to use different sounds. First tones are using the Tube Pre in the amp block, but using the power amp emulation of fender amps. For the...
  12. S

    Current well-liked power amps?

    New Matrix amps are unobtainable right now, and have been for a while. Personally I'm looking for something to power a Barefaced Audio Super Mini (which itself takes up to 600 watts RMS at 8 ohm). Sometimes with a modeler like AxeFX, and sometimes with other instrument inputs. So now I'm left...
  13. D

    Powered AxeFx?

    Forgive me if this has already been discussed, couldn't find any previous threads about this specifically; however, it seems like nearly half of the threads that come up in this forum are about power amp selection, so the natural question to me seems: would a powered AxeFx be a good product...
  14. S

    Power Amp Modeling with SS Power Amp + Direct FOH Setup

    Hi all! Apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere but after some searching I couldn’t find much on my particular question. I’m interesting in switching to a hybrid setup for live shows, as in direct to FOH + solid state PA and cab. I’ll likely be grabbing a Powerstage 700. I know...
  15. jawshua

    Have to change presets?

    I just got my fm9 this past weekend. Absolutely love it. Made a bunch of presets to use for my band. We play live this weekend and I wanted to use the presets. I have been browsing the forum and realized that the cab irs need to be removed since I am using a power amp. Is this the case or am I...
  16. Sorenspete

    Has anyone transitioned from [Fractal -> FRFR] to [Fractal -> power amp > guitar speaker cabinets]?

    I know the question of FRFR's vs guitar speaker cabinets has been posed before, but I wanted to hear from people who have made this transition and what it was like - as well as whether you stayed with cabinets or went back to PA/FRFR's. I've posted about my long-term plans before, which is to...
  17. D

    FM9 Poweramp and cab

    Hi All. This is my 1st post so hopefully its in the right place. What power amp are you guys using with the FM9 Turbo.I run into a Matrix GT1000fx and a zilla vertical 2x12 loaded with a V30 and a G12K 100. I am finding I can get close pretty close to the tone I am after with the FM9 and the...
  18. T

    Gloabal Power Amp modeling setting

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up my Axe FX III for use with a tube Fryette Power Amp and a traditional cabinet. In the Global Settings, when I disable both Power Amp and Cabinet Modeling, they both still show up as 'On' when I check the Power Amp section my preset Amp blocks. Are they in fact...
  19. Sorenspete

    Fryette 2/90/2 makes a buzzing sound on power up

    I just got this thing on Monday and it sounds great. There's no crackling or popping during operation, however it makes a quick buzz when powering up when the switch is hit. Funnily enough the previous owner messaged me after I'd taken delivery offering to sell me replacement power tubes 🤨🧐 I...
  20. I

    Do I need a power amp?

    Hi all, Sorry in advance for what is probably a stupid question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. I have an old power amp that I used to use to run my Axe FX Standard through my cab. It has somehow appreciated significantly in value and I no longer need it since I run my Axe FX III through...
  21. O

    Power amp for fm3

    I am looking for a power amp for my new fm3. I play in a melodic death metal band and use a 16ohm orange 2x12. The other guitarist uses a 120 watt 5150 with a 4x12. I was looking at the Seymour Duncan power stage 700 -200 and the peavy iprs 2000. Any suggestions would be great. I know with the...
  22. Cpt737

    Need your input with Power Amp + Real cab

    Hi everyone; Im currently using my Axe III with Matrix GT 800FX and EVH 2x12 Cab with G12H evh 30W speakers. Since my cab is not included in Speaker Imp. Curve in amp block, what are my options in order to get best sound possible. Maybe selecting 1x12 Brit G12H55 as SIC and play around with Cab...
  23. D

    AX8 Power Amp/cab Live

    Kind of a counterintuitive question, but does anyone use a power amp/cab set up live and mic the cabinet to FOH instead of sending a cab sim to FOH? I have recorded rehearsals this way to a console and it sounds great… I would also entertain sending a cab sim to FOH, but I’m afraid the tone will...
  24. A

    Powerampsettings for IRs with "included" Poweramp

    I bought Ola Englunds new https://olaenglundshop.com/collections/audioworks latest IR - it's based on an Mesa Oversized 4x12, SM-57, TLM-102 using a Mesa Badlander trough the effect return input as poweramp. I disabled the poweramp in the amp block but noticed that the speaker impedance curve...
  25. Mark IV

    Matrix vs Seymour Duncan PowerStage (Volume Setting)

    I've read multiple times that Matrix power amps start using their full potential and sound best when you set them around 2 or 3 O'clock. Discussed in threads like this - https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/metallicas-latest-rig-rundown-has-an-interesting-nugget.130918/ Does the Seymour...
  26. J

    Speaker compression and drive into a real speaker??

    I’ve got a question/issue. edited because I was frustrated and sounding rude (I’m not trying to be rude, I promise!) I’m running my FM3 into a power amp/real cab. Before you ask, YES I KNOW TO DISABLE CABINET SIMULATION 🤣 Still though, it sounds muffled and weird. As I’ve learned how to tweak...
  27. Sorenspete

    50 watts vs 1000 watts

    Hi folks, After years of close shaves I've succumbed and will be selling my tube amp setup and buying an Axe-Fx III. I use a 100w head into a 2x12 and I like 100w heads for their headroom. I've been having run-ins with friends about this and they trot out the classic "you don't need 100 watts...
  28. J

    Need help for the AX8 to power amp and cab

    Hi guys, I use the AX8 on my rehearsal through the Seymour Duncan Power Amp Stage 170 and to the Harley Benton G212 Vintage. But the sounds is a bit poor and there's a lot of noise and peaks. I don't know how to solve it…. I can't find many tutorials on how to set it up correctly, maybe is...
  29. Ganjatron

    Emulate a Carvin TS100 power amp?

    I’ve only had the Axe-FX III for a a couple months and I’m still discovering and trying to learn how to dial tones in to my liking. I have a Carvin TS100 power amp that I absolutely love. There’s something about the presence knobs on it that just adds a certain color to my sound that for...
  30. ApocalypticKatana

    Emulating the Power Amp VHT 2150 on AX3 ?

    Specs on VHT 2150 http://www.vhtusers.com/documents/2100-2150.pdf Is it as simple as just changing the tube type of the AX3’s power section to KT88? or is there too many variables to emulate the VHT 2150 rack power amp on the AX3’s power amp section? not sure if this is a...
  31. P

    2 signals to 2 cabs using 1 amp

    Hello, all. I have a question regarding rig setup. Is it possible to run two signals into 1 power amp (Crown XLS 1000) and have one signal go to a bass cab and another to a guitar cab? My guitar player and I have decided to use cabs for stage volume and I was wondering if we could run both of...
  32. dantahoua

    Power amp that keeps stereo image of input ...

    Hello! I just discover something that, while not being a problem, is I think at least a small hole for very specific use of the FM3. When I want to play silently with my real amp, I plug all my stuff BUT the stereo FX return of the amp is sent to the Inputs 2 of the FM3. So I use the preamp of...
  33. D

    Best power amp for a real cab with the Fractal Axe FX III

    I have gotten so used to the Fractal that I've now returned a Marshall 1959HW, Orange Custom Shop 50, EVH 5150 100watt, and a Victory VX100. So...I have the XiTones which are terrific, however, it's still missing that bloom, pop, wide high end of a real expensive tube amp. What is the best power...
  34. A

    Class AB vs Class D

    Hi all, I've been a long time user of the Seymour Duncan Powestage 170 amp but have never quite been satisfied with the way it sounded when compared with my JVM head. I recently purchased an Orange Pedal Baby 100 to try it out and so far, most of the tone characteristics ground that I've been...
  35. GodOfThunder

    Boss Waza Expander (and other stuff)

    Hey all, I'm a little back and forth on where to go and have been reading but am completely new to this thing and confused. I know this has been covered a bunch, I've searched around, but the Waza Expander is what's not clear to me. If I missed it, I'm sorry, I did try to look though. I have a...
  36. W

    "Sound" from the Power Tubes?

    Hey guys, freshie here. I remember the mod of FractalAudio wrote a statement a while ago that "A power tube has a very flat frequency response and they all clip roughly the same. If you put a resistive dummy load on a tube power amp (assuming it doesn't have any intentional frequency shaping)...
  37. bigfoamfinger

    Axe Fx III and Power Station 2

    Just a quick personal note on this setup, and how amazing it sounds. I considered numerous power amp options but always knew I needed to try the Power Station, in order to get what most people consider the "closest" to sounding like a traditional tube amp setup. My PS came this weekend, and I...
  38. Vecordia

    Buzz noise when connecting axe III to powerstage amp

    Ok. I recently got a Seymour Duncan Powerstage 170 to run my Axe Fx III through a 1x12 mesa cab for home practice. Thing is that I am getting an annoying buzz noise, similar to that when the guitar cable is disconnected from the guitar end. I go from the output 2L (XLR to TRS cable) into the...
  39. Forever Again

    Power Amp Power Tube Type Selection

    I am having a very difficult time deserning between the power tubes. I have a preset with the 1987X Treble and a looper block up front playing and as I switch between the tube types I don't hear any difference. Not even a subtle difference. I am not well versed in tube types but my expectation...
  40. 4

    Orange Pedal Baby or Seymour Duncan PS170 (and other small power amps).

    Well, I've been looking for a small, great sounding power amp to use with my Avatar Open Back 2x12 (V30 and H30) for those times where I can't go straight to FOH/Monitors, I've been gassing for the SD and like the form factor and 3 Band EQ, but just found out about the Orange and would like to...
  41. Colorado Axeman

    Monoprice Power Amp + Yamaha Club series = nice cheaper alternative

    I picked up a Monoprice 300-Watt (150w RMS x2) power amp for $99 from their web site, outputting stereo to two Yamaha Club series IV floor monitors (S112IV). Gotta say this sounds excellent and is a winning combo for anyone who's looking for a cheaper alternative to a powered FRFR rig. I find...
  42. Mathew Aboujaoude

    What's the best way to set up my AX8 for recording?

    I'm trying to experiment a new way to setup my rig for recording. The way I have it setup now is PRS -> AX-8 -> Stereo XLR Out to Roland Studio Capture. I own a Quilter Toneblock 200W Head that I love using live and want to incorporate in my recording. What are my options here and what would be...
  43. celongcor

    SD PowerStage 700 advice?

    I recently purchased an AxeFX III and now I a have to make the tough decisions about how to power it for rehearsal with the band and backline for gigging (I will be running direct for FOH sound at gigs). I am torn at the moment between the highly recommended, Matrix GT1000FX and the Seymour...
  44. A

    Cable connection for AX8, Wireless, ISP and two expression pedals

    Hello, I need your help about the TS or TRS cables...I already know that expression pedals and the output of the AX8 require TRS, but I have some questions about that. I have 1 guitar, 1 Line 6 Wireless Relay, 1 ISP Power Stealth, 1 AX8 and 2 expression pedals (EV2 and Mission)....how would...
  45. Rocketsurgeongeneral

    Connecting the Axe-Fx II XL+ to SEYMOUR DUNCAN POWERSTAGE 700

    I am searching for the "right" way to connect my gear but allow me to explain. I watched this video: I copied the signal chain and changed the amp for my metal tone. I have a 4x12 cab (actual cab, not the one inside the AXE FX II XL+) I want to connect my AXE FX II XL+ to my SEYMOUR DUNCAN...
  46. camilovelandiamusic

    AFIII Axe-Fx 3 with Koch Power Amp

    Here’s a demo of the Axe FX 3 with the Koch ATR-4502 tube power amp through a 2x12 with V30’s...
  47. Pat Reilly

    Output 1 for FOH Output 2 for CAB signal?

    Hey guys, so I see the default preset in the AXE FX III has output 1 setup to go FOH and output 2 setup to go to the power amp and then cab. Anyone know if there is any benefit to using output 2 as opposed to output 3 or 4 to send your signal to the guitar cab? I am just trying to avoid buying...
  48. Petunia

    Missing low end thump

    Hi all - I've been switching between a real life tube amp (Peavey Valve King 100) and my ax8 (into a Matrix GT1000 and an Orange 2x12), and I was missing the feel of the low end - the 'thump', the air movement etc with the ax8. In a loud band situation, the real amp just 'felt' bigger and...
  49. R

    AX8: FX Loop Send + Power Amp problem

    Hi everyone, Today I tried hooking up my AX8 to my Orange Rockerverb 50 power amp. I turned off the Power Amp Modeling, and bypassed the Cab Modeling on the AX8, and connected the Orange's FX Loop Send to the AX8's OUT1 L with a jack cable. The setup works, in a way, yet it is way too quiet...
  50. C

    I am debating on a solid state power amp-have a question

    All I have seen many discussions about running a Fractal through a FRFR, or power amp, or SS power amp, or slaving an amp, and so forth, but I have a specific question: What I have been doing is running my Fractal AX8 through the effects loop of a Fender blues deluxe combo. I was told that if...
  51. S

    Rocktron Velocity 100 Power Amp Question

    Hello FAS Forum users, I have a question regarding the Velocity 100 series. I have a possible great deal on a Velocity 100. However, it is the generation with pinkish/purple line through the Velocity100 logo on the front. It has nothing but an LED and power switch (I believe it was most recently...
  52. marklumsley

    Addressing Power Amp OR Cabinet Issues...

    Okay, before I start: my Axe-Fx II XL+ works perfectly fine on its own through PA equipment and it doesn't look like there's anything I changed at all in the menus regarding power amp settings before things went awry. So I think either my guitar cabinet or my power amp is busted, but I have no...
  53. Georgy

    Are there any FRFR solutions out there that can compete with a 2x12 + power amp?

    OK, let me re-phrase that.. Part 1... Curious to know if there are any FRFR solutions (passive or active) that can compare to a 2x12 cab + power amp (either valve or solid state)?? Part 2.. Those of you that can speak from experience, how does it compare tonally? And volume-wise? Thanks!
  54. J

    Setup suggestions for live gigs with Axe fx II :)

    Hi everyone, Noob here. I was wondering what would you suggest for live performances with the Axe-fx. I currently use a solid state amp and do it directly from the output 1 of axe fx. But i will not be carrying the amp everywhere so need a setup that would not change the tone from Axe fx xl+...
  55. J

    Power amp help.

    Hey guys! I own an Axe Fx II XL. Been thinking of buying a power amp for a while now however I am very much a noob when it comes to this area of equipment. Apologies in advance for my lack of technical understanding and jargon. Basically looking for something to power two 300w cabs with two...
  56. S

    Im getting no sound - please help

    Hi there, Recently switched from AxeFX to AX8. Im running it through an ART SLA1 Power Amp, and a Mesa Rectifier 2x12 cab. Seem to be getting no sound. I've run an XLR from the Ax8 to the power amp, and speaker cable from power amp to cabinet. Is there anything else im supposed to do? Not...
  57. 2112

    Shrunken Head

    While investigating a backup for my GT800FX I was put onto a local builder here in Perth, Western Australia, who makes a stomp box power amp. It's essentially a streamlined version of the EHX power amps, with only an input jack and speaker out jack. Since it retails for a measly $90AUD (around...
  58. Milco

    Looking for a power amp

    Hey everyone, for a while I was using just the DI for live. But I want a better front of stage sound. Can anyone recommend a power amp that doesn't color the tone too much? Preferably tube. Thanks a lot!
  59. D

    Versatile practice and performance rig and a little advice plz :)

    Hello, Let me start by first saying thanks for taking time out to read my post and hopefully reply - I do appreciate your time and consideration. I have an Axe FX II XL+ and I'm looking to put together a rig that will suit both a bedroom/music room practice role as well as a gigging role...
  60. Mojumoju

    Poweramp help/suggestions

    Hi guys. I'm currently running my Axe FX Ultra through a Crown XLS 1002 (bridged), into a 2x12 (8 ohms) with 2 Celestion v30s. Now the volume it's putting out is very low. I'm having to crank the power amp to 11 and my patches to clipping level just to keep up with the whole band. Now would...
  61. M

    Fender Bassbreaker 15 + AXE-FX

    Hi! I found very little posts regarding this topic. Does anyone have experience from running the Fender Bassbreaker 15W (or equivalent amp) silent recording Line Out (XLR) straight to AXE-FX2 and then simulating the power amp and cabinet with amp and cabinet blocks? The AXE-FX provides so much...
  62. J

    Pedalboard power amp options for guitar and bass for fly rigs

    Hello Fractal community, I'm considering getting an AX8 for a portable rig solution for fly gigs. I've lurked the board awhile and saw several options for a pedalboard sized power amp for guitar, but sometimes I'm playing bass for other gigs. I'm currently using an EBS Reidmar head and that's...
  63. J

    AXE II with ISP Stealth Power amp

    So, I got this ISP Stealth Power amp yesterday. I usually prefer to plug the Axe straightinto the table, but I got this for occasions when I can't (eh, that was the explanation to my gf, really I think I just had some gear cravings:rolleyes:). Anyway, I plugged them together and in to my Laney...
  64. R

    Velocity 300 power amp with Axe Fx

    I've got a Rocktron Velocity 300 with a mono Orange 2x12 that I'm trying to run my Axe Fx II through. I need to run the amp in stereo but because I have a mono cab I have to sum up the channels from the amp. Could anyone help with what kind of cables I would need/how I can set this up? Thanks.
  65. J

    Power amp challenges

    Hi everyone, I have an axeFx 2 with a mesa 2:50 power amp running into a Orange ppc412 cabinet. At low volumes, I get the best sound I could ever hope for but as soon as I turn it up in band setting the sound seems too smooth and doesn't have enough bite / cut. I also find that it sounds...
  66. Frac-man

    Mini Stereo Amps?

    I have two small speakers that sound great with the AX8 even through my cheap 99.99 mono powered 5 ch mixer. BUT I want stereo and hopefully better sound. My speakers are passive so I am looking for a nice small or very small stereo power amp to put on my pedal board and feed my two speakers...
  67. P

    Axe FX II XL+ into power amp+cab

    Hello ! I've had the Axe FX II XL+ now for two weeks and I'm thinking of getting a power amp + cab. Now I'd like to know what power amp and cab you're using to get some ideas. I've heard good things about the Matrix but I have absolutely no idea what cab could be a good sounding option. I play...
  68. E

    New to Fractal Audio

    Hi guys, I recently bought an Axe FX Ultra and am loving it (playing downtuned metal/post-hardcore). The truth is that it's a beast of a machine and learning how to fully use it will take time. Wanted to ask a few questions that will help me get on my way. Answer all or a few - anything would...
  69. All Sanity Lost Freddy

    Where do I begin using Rack gear with Axe Fx II via Fx Loop

    I am in search for some clarification and a guide to wiring up my rack correctly using the effects Loop. My old set up in my Rack case was as followed: Suppressor--> BBE sonic maximizer ---> 16-Band EQ----> Into MY MESA triple Rectifier's EFFECTS Loop. (I don't remember what goes into the...
  70. speedmetalpsycho

    question about modeled preamps

    Hi, The preamps in the Axe-Fx II, like the CAE 3+ and the TriAxis, how were these modeled? Are they just the straight sound from the preamp itself (like a direct tone)? Or were they modeled with a power amp? Thanks!
  71. D

    Bose L1 Model II System

    I'm considering purchasing the 'Bose L1 Model II System With B2 Bass Module' to use with my axe fx II XL+: does anyone have any experience using the bose L1 models? does it have an on-board power amp that I can use? Or do I still need to use a seperate power amplifier? thanks for your input in...
  72. Smittefar

    Ax8 with EHX Magnum 44

    I have a ported 1x12 (like the Bogner Cube) that I am not really using these days, since I am mostly going direct to FOH, but I thought I might use it as a grab 'n' go setup with my Ax8. This requires a power amp, but I will only be doing this once or twice a year. I thought about the Magnum 44...
  73. M

    Best power amp for Axe Fx Ultra to use with a 4x12 cab?

    Hey I want to use my Axe Fx ultra with a 4x12 mesa cab. I read somewhere that it would work if I used a power amp. What are my options as far as power amps go? What are the best sounding power amps that would work in this situation? Best sounding and best sound vs. price options? Thanks for...
  74. G

    Advice Tweaking VHT 2150 (2902 users welcome)

    Hey guys, Finally got my VHT 2150 (kind of like a higher wattage 2902 if you haven't heard of it. I know I didn't before I bought one). Been running the output of the Axe FX relatively low with the volume on the power amp at around 10-11 o'clock. I like what that does to the tone. Also changing...
  75. Virgil.

    What Carvin Power Amp Should I Get?

    Greetings and attention any Carvin power-amp users, What Carvin power amp would you recommend for live-gigging a 4x12 with an Axe FX II XL+? So far I'm considering the following: DCM200L Ultra Light 200W Power Amp HD1500 Ultra Light 2000W Power Amp DCM1000L Ultra Light Linear 1000W Power...
  76. Jeremy Johnson

    Speaker cable from Axe-Fx to power amp?

    Hey! Just wondering if I should use a speaker cable opposed to a regular 1/4in cable going from the output of the Axe-Fx going to the input of my power amp?
  77. S

    Small rack with the Axe-FX

    Hello, If all goes well, I should have an Axe-FX next week. For a short while I'll be using it in 4CM with my old tube amp, but I plan to buy FRFR power amp and monitor as soon as budget allows. ;) My question is about the organization of a small rack with: - the Axe (2U) - a power amp like...
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