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  • Users: Moke
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  1. Moke

    Wish Pedal Steel > Dual whammy algo, or dual pitch ramp modifier

    The Plex-Delay can be used as a pseudo second Pitch block. Post or P.M. your current preset with some detailed instructions on what exactly you want the second "Pitch" block to do. I will see what I can come up with.
  2. Moke

    Simple poll how do you use your FM3?

    Other? At Home, Headphones or desktop monitors. Live as my backup's backup, direct to FOH and floor wedges via my monitor mix.
  3. Moke

    TS Cable or Humbuster Cable?

    Yep. A single battery powered (DC) devices shouldn't cause any ground loop issues.
  4. Moke

    TS Cable or Humbuster Cable?

    I may be wrong, but I believe that Humbuster cables are specifically for use in a specific location of a 4-cable setup with a tube amp.
  5. Moke

    Output 3 level difference

    Good to know. I noticed the meters increasing and assumed the rest, since the equivalent parameters (+4/-10 etc..) on Outputs 1 and 2 do change the analog output level.
  6. Moke

    All effects - is one more effect impossible? Wrong approach?

    One possibility to get back a few switches is to take any effects that you might always turn on and/or off together as a group. Example.. Drive 1 (on), Comp 1 (off), Delay 1 (on), Post amp Filter block 1 (on) with a volume and mid bump for solos. Attach their bypass controls to a single...
  7. Moke

    Output 3 level difference

    In the Axe-Fx III, you can set the Output 3 Pad in the I/O menu to 18 dB. Gets you almost there. Or setting the Output 3 Level parameter to 20 dB works too.
  8. Moke

    Wish More scene controllers would be nice

    When changing Snapshots, it only updates the parameters that are linked to a Snapshot Controller. Not every parameter. And there is a hard limit to how many parameters can be attached to a Snapshot Controller in a preset. I can't remember off hand. And there are no Damping parameters...
  9. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    The Pitch block wasn't part of that change. "Changed bypass/engage speed for the following blocks: Drive, Filter, Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Tremolo and Wah. These blocks now bypass/engage with a gentle fade as rapid bypass/engage with these types of blocks can sound abrupt."
  10. Moke

    What is Wrong with My Wah Block?

    Loads with the Wah off for me? It is using External 1 as the source. Make sure the 'Initial Value' of 'External Controller 1' is set to 0% (default). Setup (E mini-knob), Midi/Remote menu, Scroll down the 'Initial Value' section. Note.. I use an Auto-Engage Off value of 95% (toe down) for the...
  11. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    Try this Pitch block 'constantly on' version.. BTW.. This probably shouldn't have been in this Firmware discussion thread.
  12. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    A couple of issues. The Virtual Capo model is not the right model for this. The pitch will change in stepped semitones instead of a smooth change. Classic Whammy with 'Down 2 Oct' is what you want. Auto-Engage will have a small bump when the effect turns on and off. One option is to leave the...
  13. Moke

    Trouble with FM9 start up

    That is frightening if that just happens periodically. I have never had anything unexplained like that happen to my Axe-Fx II after a decade of home and live use.
  14. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    I think a huge improvement in the current Output blocks, as well as my proposed wish, would be the highlighting of the currently selected scene (which from what Matt posted above, should already be the case?). And selecting any scene fader, automatically switches you to that corresponding scene...
  15. Moke

    Trouble with FM9 start up

    Have you made any backups? If so, reload you System backup. Also your Layouts backup, if you did one. Go to the meters page on the front panel to see where your signal is getting stopped. Do you use any User IRs? Check your cab blocks.
  16. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    Hmmm. I wouldn't say useless? It's a nice overview. Anything that is suspicious is on full display. If the selected scene was highlighted somehow (yellow text?), that would minimize adjusting the wrong scene. IIRC, the Gen 2 Output blocks did this on the Scene Level faders. Right?
  17. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    This is how I currently do this when I want gapless (morphing?) level changes. But end users really struggle with how to adjust the scene levels to match their guitar, band dynamics, or repurposing a song specific preset for another song. They typically use the Output block Scene Level faders...
  18. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    That would work too. But would loose the ability to 'morph' (if that were to be included in my wish). Unless Damping were to be added to the 'Volume' parameter between channel changes?? The meter is right in the Output block. So select the scene, adjust the level while observing the meters...
  19. Moke

    Expression Pedal Not Callibrating Correctly

    Is that resister on the wire going to the wiper post supposed to be there?
  20. Moke

    You know you're getting old when...

    <<<<<<<<<<< When you look like this guy (right here on the left)
  21. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    A completely new block would be cool. In fact, two instances would be cool for dual path scene level changes. But if adding it as an additional Vol/Pan model is more feasible, Here are a couple more mockups of the two proposed tabs, as an example.
  22. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    Absolutely agree.
  23. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    As a mater of fact... A 'Damping' tab with 'Attack' and 'Release' parameters (like those in the 'Edit Modifier' window) associated with the 'Current Scene' fader would be really nice. Better yet. One tab with all of the typical 'Vol/Pan' parameters. And a second 'Scene Levels' tab with the 8...
  24. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    Works great for sure. And lends itself to some great 'morphing' between scenes. But some end users really struggle with how to edit that when needed. I am looking for a simpler solution that is easier to grasp and edit for someone that didn't make the preset. That 'Current Scene' fader could be...
  25. Moke

    What's Wrong with my Setup?

    I've always been puzzled by this whole discussion. Many great guitar tones (in a mix) are not so great in isolation. If you listen to isolated guitar tracks through your headphones, FRFR, or monitor 'A'. And it sounds great. Then play your awesome preset through the same exact thing, and it...
  26. Moke

    Wish New 'Scene Volume' block/model

    I was doing a Zoom session this morning, and was discussing best practices for dealing with per-scene volumes. I really like how the Scenes Level sliders work that are in the Output blocks. But don't like that those faders end up placed at the very end of the signal chain. Any Reverb and Delay...
  27. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    Appreciate that. I could swear that the Filter blocks could change channels while a chord rings out and have zero gaps. Is this something that changed along the way? I have been using Filter blocks for pre and post volume and EQ tweaks for ever. Maybe I wasn't changing channels?
  28. Moke

    No Analog Output on FM9 Solved

    Hahaha love it. Nobody here will be making fun of you for that one. We all of a similar story to tell. You are now officially part of the gang.
  29. Moke

    No Analog Output on FM9 Solved

    Don't kill me, but did you turn up the physical Output 1 knob on the front of the unit?
  30. Moke

    Is there a way to save a Blocks settings as default for that block?

    Yeah. Maybe an option to 'set as default' when ever you save a block to your Block Library. Then whenever you add that block to the grid, it loads that particular one from the library. Even better if it can be associated to a specific instance. ie.. Amp 2, Filter 4, Reverb 1, etc...
  31. Moke

    Newer Presets louder than older ones even with same settings.

    What firmware were you running when you saved the block to your library? Newer firmware versions will sometimes change some amp parameters (especially new parameters that didn't exist when that block was added to your library) to new defaults when it detects that it is from a previous firmware...
  32. Moke

    Life in the fast lane preset?

    There are like 5+ different guitar parts with different tones overlapping all over the place. Where to start?
  33. Moke

    Life in the fast lane preset?

    All of the time, but, only when I feel that I can deliver something worthwhile. Let me take your preset for a test drive when I have a chance and see where you are currently at.
  34. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    I don't want to come off ungrateful, and really love the idea of fading blocks in and out. It just seems like it needs some fine tuning. I'm hoping for the best.
  35. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    Random thoughts ahead.... Was checking out the new fade in/out on the Filter/PEQ/GEQ blocks. Works pretty cool when just switching them on and off. But noticed that there is a noticeable gap when switching channels now. Even if the other channel is bypassed? I guess that it's the new fading...
  36. Moke

    Level the amp or level the output? Volume Question....

    The unaltered 'Brit 800' model is currently ending up around '-8.5' dB when set with a good amount of gain. It changes with most firmware updates. My Brit 800 preset has Amp 1 edited a bit. This 'mod' lowers the output level, causing it to need to be set around 4 dB hotter (-4.5).
  37. Moke

    FM9 Firmware Version 4.01 public beta 1

    A reported CPU% increase of around 2% in the Axe-Fx III makes me nervous. That would likely be a larger increase on the smaller units, if ported over as is?
  38. Moke

    Level the amp or level the output? Volume Question....

    Also be aware of the output 'Level' of Compressor blocks. You may need to increase or decrease it to maintain a somewhat 'unity' level when compared to when it's bypassed. Unless you are purposely wanting a higher or lower output to affect 'gain' before an amp.
  39. Moke

    Level the amp or level the output? Volume Question....

    Level your presets in the Amp block. That is where the internal level can be dramatically increased or decreased, depending on Drive and Master volume values.. If the Master Volume and/or Drive parameters are decreased a lot for sonic reasons, The 'Level' will need to be increased to...
  40. Moke

    Parametric eq’s before power amp

    True, but no 'parametric' EQ options. Only various 'graphic' EQ options.
  41. Moke

    Have to change presets?

    Going full on direct is a big step. There are things to iron out in rehearsals, not at sound check. It will be like if you had a mic'd cab in an isolation box, and you (and the rest of the band) are monitoring that mic'd sound through the wedges. Your presets will sound different (boomier and...
  42. Moke

    Have to change presets?

    A large part of the tone is affected by the cab, virtual or real. So the tones that you dialed will sound different with a different cab, virtual or real. Any chance of you using the presets as is, and go direct to the PA system. And monitor yourself through the wedges via your monitor mix...
  43. Moke

    Have to change presets?

    Yes, you shouldn't use cab sims if you are going to use real cabs. You should make the presets using the power amp and cab that you intend to use. What were you listening through when you made the presets? You can globally turn off the Cab sims without having to remove them in each preset.
  44. Moke

    Favorite stock cab for Plexi JM45Brit Marshall tones?

    Good old 'Legacy' #103, or 'Legacy' #132
  45. Moke

    You folks ever spend time trying to dial in different models just to realize...

    Yep, we all do it. Give us White, Black, Red, Blue, and Green, and the ability to make any color in the universe. And we will usually just make our favorite color.
  46. Moke


    A few things to note. You must be on a firmware version that is the same (or newer) than the preset. Many of the GOT offerings were .blk files. Effect blocks, not presets. There was a video that Matt posted, and I think the Leon Todd also posted one that shows how to import those block files...
  47. Moke

    Output Block changes channels by itself!

    Typically when adding a new block to a preset, It will initially be on channel 'A' and be 'on' in all eight scenes. Every preset has eight scenes, used or not. While any block is selected, hitting the 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd' key on the computer keyboard can switch that block to the corresponding...
  48. Moke

    Output Block changes channels by itself!

    If you built the preset from scratch, then somewhere along the way, you altered the scene fader values of the other Output block channels, and then left it on channel 'D' while on scene 1 before saving it.
  49. Moke

    Output Block changes channels by itself!

    They only jump to whatever channel they were on in a particular scene when the preset was saved. You are in control of what channel is being used in any particular scene..
  50. Moke

    Output Block changes channels by itself!

    Just set it back to channel 'A' while on scene 1, and resave the preset. It looks like there are different scene fader values in all four channels? The scene faders themselves make using channels kind of unnecessary. There's also a Vol/Pan block (bypassed in scene 1) with 'External 1' attached...
  51. Moke

    Movie Review: Jurassic World Dominion

    Did you write this? It's brilliant and hilarious, and accurate.. LOL
  52. Moke

    Lost preset

    WHAT??? was assigned to the hold function of switch #2? You have to hit the Save button to save a preset.
  53. Moke

    AFIII Matthias Jabs guitar tone question

    Looks like a decent pre-EQ mid boost?
  54. Moke

    Tough Week

    Typically, A tough week for Cliff @FractalAudio . is a great weekend for us.
  55. Moke

    AFIII Matthias Jabs guitar tone question

    How about a screenshot of those Input EQ settings?
  56. Moke

    Using EV-1 as global volume pedal and setting range limits…

    Even if you were to use a Vol/Pan block placed after the Amp/Cab, before any Delays/Reverb in every preset, You wouldn't leave your Output knobs maxed out, and your Monitor/In-Ears/FRFR/Power amp and Cab maxed out. And then set your actual levels in the room by altering the Vol/Pan block...
  57. Moke

    Using EV-1 as global volume pedal and setting range limits…

    Basically... If it's too loud, turn it down.;)
  58. Moke

    AFIII Matthias Jabs guitar tone question

    Can't load the beta yet. Working on a very large project for a client on 21.01. I need to stay there until the client is finished checking it all out.
  59. Moke

    Using EV-1 as global volume pedal and setting range limits…

    No. It controls the internal (virtual) level sent to the Output block. The physical knobs control the level leaving the unit.
  60. Moke

    Using EV-1 as global volume pedal and setting range limits…

    To answer your question, no. But the maximum level when your pedal is toe down is only the internal maximum level of that particular preset. The physical knob on the hardware (for whatever Output you are using?), and whatever you are monitoring through, will control how physically 'loud' you...
  61. Moke

    AFIII Matthias Jabs guitar tone question

    What firmware was this made on? 21.02 beta? I wanted to look to see if you tried a 'Cocked' Wah in the preset.
  62. Moke

    Help with expression pedal and Filter block

    Any parameter attached to a modifier can be selected to work on all channels, or only one specific channel. You can't have different values for different channels. All of the values setup in the Modifier Window (Start Mid Stop, etc..) are for the entire block, and will affect all channels, or...
  63. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    And the Axe-Fx III pulls back in the lead.;):p
  64. Moke

    JZ's Brit Brown

    Those Cabs look correct. I noticed the hot level from the Amp block too. I thought that I lowered it by 10 dB before exporting it. I must have set the Reverb quality to Economy to make sure the preset stayed under 80% on the CPU% meter? Where did it come in at?
  65. Moke

    Gift of Tone #16: STEVE VAI

    Sort of. IIRC, It blends in up to a 50% dry signal when the 'Fat' parameter is maxed out. But it is not open to modifiers.
  66. Moke

    Volume Boost and Tone Changing

    Only when using a PEQ in front of the Amp as a gain boost/pre-EQ. I should try to get one of those Moke cars.
  67. Moke

    Gift of Tone #16: STEVE VAI

    A 'Mix' parameter would be a nice start.;)
  68. Moke

    Volume Boost and Tone Changing

    I typically do both with a Filter block after the Amp/Cab and before any Delays/Reverbs. And a Drive block, or PEQ block, or Boost function in the Amp block engaged to boost the gain. The extra gain will typically add some more highs, fizz, 'hair'. Post Cab Filter block.. Low Cut around 100Hz...
  69. Moke

    JZ's Brit Brown

    The Cab block is using slots 2 and 4. There are indicators in the Amp and Delay blocks that this preset is from an earlier firmware version, and were not reset. The Amp block has quite a few advanced parameters altered from default. Resetting it will changes them to the new defaults. Some may...
  70. Moke

    Hubble Space Telescope Continues to Amaze

    I'd like to buy a vowel.
  71. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01 beta 3 (RC)

    @codyraptor There was some issue with a controller attached to the 'Klon' model that is mentioned in the release notes for this beta version. Fixed corrupt audio as a result of attaching a modifier to a Drive block parameter when the type is Klone Chiron.
  72. Moke

    pitch shift to Eb

    Make sure to put the Pitch block first in your signal chain when drop tuning.
  73. Moke

    Why cant you assign modifiers to Global Performance controls?

    Generally speaking, a modifier has priority. Unless you have 'PC Reset' set to 'On' in the Edit Modifier Window. Then that parameter will initially load with the 'saved value'. At that time, that parameter can be edited via the editor, including the 'Performance' page. and the new 'saved value'...
  74. Moke

    Gift of Tone #8: MARK "MOKE" PERRY (and wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dec 8)

    Some misc. info on this faux 'Dual Detune' stand-in. I noticed that the volume of the wet signal is lower when compared to any other block. Maybe because I am only using two of the four voices selected?? (side note... it would be nice if an option for '2 Voices' was available to save a bit more...
  75. Moke

    FM9 Firmware Version 4.01 public beta 1

    Maybe the FM3 next? Then the Axe-Fx III 22.xx.. lol They are currently working on some bugs in the FM3 before the official release of the next official firmware. Cliff just might get the newest stuff added in there while they are already under that hood.
  76. Moke

    Need help translating an AxeFx2 preset to FM9…

    When you say "translating", do you mean that you are using FracTool to convert the preset for the FM9? Or just for looking at parameters and then starting from scratch on the FM9. Just to be clear.. Any conversion will not use the new defaults (including hidden parameters), so things will not...
  77. Moke

    Wish: Virtual Capo block (or second Pitch block)

    I noticed the lower volume of the wet signal compared to any other block. Maybe because I am only using two of the four voices selected?? (side note... it would be nice if an option for '2 Voices' was available to save a bit more CPU) I had to set the 'Mix' higher than the Pitch block version...
  78. Moke

    FM9 Firmware Version 4.01 public beta 1

    Look at that. The FM9 pulls out ahead of the other units. Now the Axe-Fx III users are not on the cutting edge.. :p;)
  79. Moke

    Gift of Tone #8: MARK "MOKE" PERRY (and wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dec 8)

    Here is another small 'Gift', somewhat related to the other. A 'Plex-Delay' block that is setup to mimic a 'Dual Detune' model in the 'Pitch block set at -9 cents and +9 cents panned hard Left and Right. Frees up the Pitch block for other duties when needed. I put it (alone) in a preset to...
  80. Moke

    Wish: Virtual Capo block (or second Pitch block)

    Try this block. I put all by itself in this preset. It's a Plex-Delay block setup to mimic the 'Dual Detune' model in the Pitch block. Just copy and paste it into your preset. An/or add it to your block library and then pull it up in any preset from there.
  81. Moke

    Controlling a parameter in FM3 from external controller?

    I hope that works for you. I use the "PC Reset' setting a lot. I just like the idea of specific 'controlled' parameters loading at a specific value regardless of the controller's position, when that makes sense. In some case (like a volume control), I would rather the preset load using the...
  82. Moke

    Compressor summing?

    I believe that all of the compressors are through stereo, But the detection might be summed, and the compression applied might apply to the left and right equally regardless of the actual left and right levels??
  83. Moke

    Compressor summing?

    Drives and Amps for sure. But you can use more than one in parallel paths to maintain stereo. Cabs can be setup as mono or stereo (if panned correctly). Effect models with 'mono' in their names. The Reverb block passes the dry though in stereo. But the wet takes a summed signal then generate a...
  84. Moke

    Controlling a parameter in FM3 from external controller?

    I haven't read through this all, so forgive me if I missed something. But has anyone discussed using 'PC Reset' to get each preset to load at a specific value until the External controller is moved?
  85. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01 beta 3 (RC)

    Did you run a 'Refresh After New Firmware' in the 'Settings' menu after the updates. This is normally automatically done after an update. But not typically with the 'Beta' releases.
  86. Moke

    How to set up FX loop - not working

    So as not to confuse the OP, there is no need for a '(Feedback) Return' block in this specific case. Only 'Input' and 'Output' blocks. The 'Feedback Send' and 'Feedback Return' blocks are only for internally routing the signal on the grid. They have nothing to do with any signal leaving or...
  87. Moke

    Delays Sounding Too Reverbery

    Is this any better? It loaded on the scene 3, so I only messed with that one.
  88. Moke

    Feedback simulation - is it possible to fade in pitch block mix with a control switch?

    Billy Idol's 'Rebel Yell', scene 3. That Drive block is also doing the fuzz/synth thing in another scene via some routing tricks with Filter blocks and bypass states set to mute, Scene Controller set to specific channels only, etc.
  89. Moke

    Importing a ToneMatch from Ax Fx II to FM9

    I believe that the OP is using FracTool for this.
  90. Moke

    Delays Sounding Too Reverbery

    Maybe the real cab being mono, vs the stereo monitors is causing a auditory perception of the effects seeming relatively louder. Or they actually are relatively louder? Are you summing the output to your cab? Are you using one of the few effects the have one side phased reversed? Also, put the...
  91. Moke

    Feedback simulation - is it possible to fade in pitch block mix with a control switch?

    I was able to get something that worked for me in one of my commercial presets by using a Filter block (Level at 10 dB to goose the Drive more), a Drive block (T808 Mod Drive @10, Level @5), a Pitch block (Chromatic model, one voice only @+19, for a one octave + a fifth), and a Filter block...
  92. Moke

    Importing a ToneMatch from Ax Fx II to FM9

    Just be aware, some presets with a 'Tone Match' block may also be using a Cab block, then the 'Tone Match' as an extra corrective EQ. In those cases you won't be able to recreate the Cab+EQ with just a single cab block, without re-Tone Matching them together as a whole. Then there are the...
  93. Moke

    Gift of Tone #8: MARK "MOKE" PERRY (and wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dec 8)

    Thanks @JiveTurkey. I figured that there would obviously be some great tones in this series. Though I had no advanced knowledge of what amazing stuff was yet to come.o_O So I figured a 'routing' solution for some of the 'only one Pitch block' discussions. I hope that it opens up others to the...
  94. Moke

    What happens if you put drives designed for humbuckers through single coils?

    Any chance that there is a Wah block active on the presets in question?
  95. Moke

    What Are Your Favorite Things You Can Do With The FM9 That You Couldn’t Do With The FM3?

    Two Reverbs! And both at the highest resolution.
  96. Moke

    Amp Presence Setting Missing?

    Not all amp models have a 'Presence' parameter. Some have a 'High Cut' instead. Do you have the correct FM9-Edit to match the firmware that you are running? Have you tried running a 'Refresh After New Firmware' in the 'Settings' tab of the editor to get all of the block parameter definitions...
  97. Moke

    PC RST not resetting

    The 'PC' part of 'PC Reset' refers to 'Program Change'. It insures that the modifier will load at that saved value when the preset is initially loaded. Once you use that controller, it will stay linked to that controller's position. It will not reset on a per-scene basis. One workaround might...
  98. Moke

    FNG checking in

    No. I never connect mine to a computer and shows. I use desktop monitors or headphones at home. No high dollar FRFR here. I do use my bands JBL PA tops and/or our floor wedges for gig level testing. The Fractal editors are really nice. They don't use very much resources. It might work on your...
  99. Moke

    FNG checking in

    I loved my GSP-2101. I added another chip to make it a 'dual' S-disk. I still have it, and it worked fine last time I tried it 10 years ago. It's sitting in it's Grundorf rack case right now.
  100. Moke

    Cleaning Up Higher Gain Amps

    You can take this all to a completely unhealthy (but awesome) level by attaching one Scene Controller to all of the 'Pre' parameters mentioned above. And a second Scene Controller to all of the 'post' parameters mentioned above. And 'Morph' all of this from one scene to another with some Attack...
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