What Are Your Favorite Things You Can Do With The FM9 That You Couldn’t Do With The FM3?

Cam Heiliger

I’m a long-time Fractal owner. Started with an AX8, moved to an FM3, and just received my FM9 Turbo. I built out a great new version of my gigging preset with some nice bells and whistles: better verbs, a multiband comp, etc. That said, for those that have upgraddd like me, what are some of the coolest and most useful things you’ve been able to do with your FM9 that you couldn’t do with your FM3? Thanks!
Dual amps.
Do you prefer to blend them? Use them to get gapless amp switching? Something else? Obviously we can use more than one amp in the FM3, just not simultaneously so I’m curious to hear best practices on how to get the most out of the option.
I've recently started blending them using the Mixer block. I get both amps leveled evenly and then use the Mixer to get more or less of either while keeping the mix total at 100%.

So, if Amp 1 is at 60% then Amp 2 will be at 40%.

You can set one expression pedal assigned as a modifier on the mix for both, with the Start/End reversed on one.

Use the pedal to play around until you find the mix you like, then remove the modifiers.

Fun stuff!

Also, run your Reverb on High or Ultra High quality because why not? :)
Um… not needing to hook up the FC6?

I really like the FM9 because it's built like a battleship and has just the right number of ins and outs and switches, but I keep my effects pretty streamlined so having the extra CPU doesn't really help.

The FM3 is the ultimate portable unit and is probably what I'd use if I needed to travel with a modeler. The Studio Slips bag I use lets me stack the FM3 and FC6 vertically, so it makes a small, very easily carried bag, and, because I import my FM3 presets into the FM9 it sounds identical. I modified the OMG9 layouts for my needs, then ported those to the FM9 and it behaves very much like the FM3+FC6 combination.
Do you prefer to blend them? Use them to get gapless amp switching? Something else? Obviously we can use more than one amp in the FM3, just not simultaneously so I’m curious to hear best practices on how to get the most out of the option.
I usually blend them. Hadn't considered the method @unix-guy mentioned. Great idea!
I've recently started blending them using the Mixer block. I get both amps leveled evenly and then use the Mixer to get more or less of either while keeping the mix total at 100%.

So, if Amp 1 is at 60% then Amp 2 will be at 40%.

You can set one expression pedal assigned as a modifier on the mix for both, with the Start/End reversed on one.

Use the pedal to play around until you find the mix you like, then remove the modifiers.

Fun stuff!

Also, run your Reverb on High or Ultra High quality because why not? :)
I saw Cooper Carter's video on this trick and tried it out last night. I'm sold. In my main preset I now have Amp1 as my "always on" amp - the AC20 - which is the core of my sound. Amp2 I have set to scene ignore so that I can toggle between 4 different "blender" amps - Princeton Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Hook 2A, and Atomica High. That way I can blend in the flavor of any of those 4 amps or immediately go back to my main sound with a tilt of the expression pedal. They all respond well to the different drive models I use and I have the Fender amps set to a more mid-focused boost on my boost scene while my AC20 is a neutral, brighter boost. That way I can blend in the brightness level I want in that scene depending on the song. Crazy versatile. @Moke, I also used your dual reverb advice and swapped out a 30ms delay block I was using for "amp in the room" feel (a great trick I got from Marco Fanton) and added a second room reverb in parallel to get a similar effect. It sounds amazing and actually saved me CPU. Thanks, all, for your words of wisdom. I'm thrilled with the result.
I’ve only had my FM9T for about a week but I’m loving being able to run the Aurora delay with a higher quality reverb along with being able to throw the Chiron in front of the amp block. And with no more worries about maxing out the CPU. :)
Which CC video is this? Masterclass or YouTube? I’d like to check it out
Here is my preset if you would like to toy with it. I am playing a tele with a Jerry Donahue in the bridge and a Twang King in the neck. Also, one of my IRs is a York Audio 2x12 Creamback. You'll need to find an alternative if you don't own that pack. Any Greenback or Creamback-loaded cab should do the trick. Good luck!


  • Blue AC20 Blend.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 4
For my needs my fm3 will need 5% more cpu and the smooth parameter in the cab block.. Fm9 would be too much..
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