Output 3 level difference


Fractal Fanatic
I have output 1(stereo xlr) to FOH, Output 2(stereo xlr) for send to board for In-Ears and Output 3(1/4 mono) to stage monitor. Output 1 and 2 have the +4db on output, but Output 3 does not. Should I just goose the Output 3 block level up to compensate?
I have output 1(stereo xlr) to FOH, Output 2(stereo xlr) for send to board for In-Ears and Output 3(1/4 mono) to stage monitor. Output 1 and 2 have the +4db on output, but Output 3 does not. Should I just goose the Output 3 block level up to compensate?
What are your settings options? If -10dB and +4dB, what make/model monitor are you plugging into? Pro gear (which might tolerate +4dB), or something closer to entry-level (-10dB)?
I have output 1(stereo xlr) to FOH, Output 2(stereo xlr) for send to board for In-Ears and Output 3(1/4 mono) to stage monitor. Output 1 and 2 have the +4db on output, but Output 3 does not. Should I just goose the Output 3 block level up to compensate?
There are no options for Output 3...
TBH, I didn't think so either. Was aware that Input 1 could be copied to Output 3, and that that copy could be used for either reamping or as a direct to DAW. Wasn't sure there were -10/+4 options. From this one would need to use the front panel O3 volume knob.
Out 1 is FOH, Out 2 is IEM and the Out 3 is onstage monitor/cab. Question: Do I need to run Out 3 as a block or just do Out 3 copy Out 1 and not use the actual block?

Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 10.41.44 AM.png
Out 1 is FOH, Out 2 is IEM and the Out 3 is onstage monitor/cab. Question: Do I need to run Out 3 as a block or just do Out 3 copy Out 1 and not use the actual block?

View attachment 116107
You can't do the same thing using the global "Copy … 1 to" functionality because Out 3 on the FM9, and Out 3 and 4 on the FX3, can only get their input from "Input 1".

Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 12.21.13 PM.png
Sorry....not understanding. So can I NOT have Output 3 block in grid and just Copy Out 1 to 3 and be done? Away from unit.
So I bump up the level on OUT 3 block in grid by 4db and it is nowhere near as loud as OUT 1 or 2? OUT 2 with an XLR at half level on the front with knob, is louder than OUT 3 via 1/4 cable and full up on level knob? Even bumping the OUT 3 to 10db in block, doesn't equal up?? Advise please. Thanks!
Turn up the amp(s) driving the stage monitor(s) (or your monitors channel feed to them)? (maybe not possible if shared in certain ways)
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Turn up the amp(s) driving the stage monitor(s) (or your monitors channel feed to them)? (maybe not possible if shared in certain ways)
It is cranked as usual. Point making is adding 4db to OUT 3 doesn't do the same thing, level wise, as OUT 1 and 2. If 1 and 2 have 4db, then why is adding 4db to OUT3 not the same thing loudness wise?
It is cranked as usual. Point making is adding 4db to OUT 3 doesn't do the same thing, level wise, as OUT 1 and 2. If 1 and 2 have 4db, then why is adding 4db to OUT3 not the same thing loudness wise?
IIRC OUT3 and OUT4 are meant to be used as unity gain loops for amps and pedals. So with the knobs at 100% they're still not as loud as OUT1 and OUT2.
In the Axe-Fx III, you can set the Output 3 Pad in the I/O menu to 18 dB. Gets you almost there. Or setting the Output 3 Level parameter to 20 dB works too.
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