Output 3 level difference

I have output 3 sending to my monitors as well. I just add 6-7 dB on the output block. Works well for me. I get the 6-7 dB from watching the levels meter in the output blocks. To make them match the outputs 1 & 2 i usually have to use 6-7 dB on output 3.
In the Axe-Fx III, you can set the Output 3 Pad in the I/O menu to 18 dB. Gets you almost there. Or setting the Output 3 Level parameter to 20 dB works too.

The Boost/Pad on Outputs 3 and 4 doesn't change the analog output level. Those are for maximizing the signal to noise ratio on the output converters. It boosts the signal before the converts and then cuts it back after. It's basically the Output equivalent of the Input Sensitivity setting at the Inputs.
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The Boost/Pad on Outputs 3 and 4 doesn't change the analog output level. Those are for maximizing the signal to noise ratio on the output converters. It boosts the signal before the converts and then cuts it back after. It's basically the Output equivalent of the Input Sensitivity setting at the Inputs.
Good to know. I noticed the meters increasing and assumed the rest, since the equivalent parameters (+4/-10 etc..) on Outputs 1 and 2 do change the analog output level.
Good to know. I noticed the meters increasing and assumed the rest, since the equivalent parameters (+4/-10 etc..) on Outputs 1 and 2 do change the analog output level.
Yeah... All the pad settings seem to cause confusion. None of them alter volume as far as I recall. :)
Yeah... All the pad settings seem to cause confusion. None of them alter volume as far as I recall. :)
I wondered on that too. In all these years I just have never used Out 3 for anything and had no idea about it's differences from 1 and 2. Even after 14 years on here, always something to learn!
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