FM3 Firmware Version 6.01 beta 3 (RC)

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I found another problem. When I select the amp Vibrato Verb AA it jumps to AC-20 12AX7 Treble. To select Vibrato Verb AA I have to select Vibrato Verb AB.

The same happens with other amps. For instance:
-if you select amp 024 it jumps to 257
-if you select amp 023 it jumps to 229
Have you performed the following instruction?

"You must perform a "Refresh After New Firmware" in FM3-Edit to sync with this firmware version."
Man this beta update made my FM3 go nuts. Won't load up Austin Buddy's layouts. To use with my FC6.Totally change everything. Rebooted about 5 times now.
Hopefully this is not a duplicate. I'm setting up a layout to speed switch between song sections and looping functions. I've put a toggle on S1 and S2 to control Song Section 1/3 and Song Section 2/4 respectively. There is no hold function currently set on S1 and S2. I've got record on S3.

Selecting the primary section on each toggle switch works fine. However, when I toggle to the secondary section, the momentary label that appears on screen to indicate the change, glitches--perhaps flashing on and/off rapidly? This happens on both secondary toggle selected song sections, i.e. 3 and 4 in this case.

Am setting this up away from my guitar at the moment, so apologies for not being able to say whether there is any audible issue accompanying the display glitch. Revisiting switches on the FM3 after a long hiatus, and have to get going, so I can't say at the moment if this happening with other kinds of toggling. Just figured I'd share what I'm seeing. Hope everyone is doing well. Cheers, Daniel
@rglr I'm still on FW6.0 and I noticed clipping/pop sounds between scenes. I'm not changing channels or effects on anything. The only thing I use scenes for are to increase and decrease delay and verb times/mix using scene controllers. I have one control switch set to bypass on the drive for the Klon...and another control switch I use for a boost in the amp. The pops happen regardless of the drive/boost being engaged. Is this what will get fixed in this update when you described pops? If not...I can post a preset for further review.
@codyraptor There was some issue with a controller attached to the 'Klon' model that is mentioned in the release notes for this beta version.
  • Fixed corrupt audio as a result of attaching a modifier to a Drive block parameter when the type is Klone Chiron.
@codyraptor There was some issue with a controller attached to the 'Klon' model that is mentioned in the release notes for this beta version.
  • Fixed corrupt audio as a result of attaching a modifier to a Drive block parameter when the type is Klone Chiron.
awesome...wasn't sure if modifier included just a control switch on bypass...and wasn't sure if that pop was heard regardless if it was used or not. Thanks! I'll be patient for this update. :)
Attaching a pitch follower to Klone drive’s ”drive” causes the FM3 unit to start beep. Not immediately when follower is attached but after parameters are set and I start to play. Latest RC firmware, bug’s still there.
Can anyone comment on the preset change speed improvement ? Havent installed it yet but very curious about it...
There’s two things to consider with this F/W. The improvements made with the Global Spillover and being being fastest when set to off and then the “saving to flash” aspect that was brought to our attention. I made sure to “save to flash” all my presets and I think changes are fine and have no problems with the speed. I never had an issue with preset change being fast enough. I suppose it’s a personal thing because I have seen others complain about change speed in the past with different firmware.

It doesn’t seem like there’s many having problems based on the level of, or lack of complaints. You will probably have to see for yourself.
FM3 Firmware Version 6.01 beta 3 is now available for download:

FM3-Edit version 1.05.13 is required:
You must perform a "Refresh After New Firmware" in FM3-Edit to sync with this firmware version.


  • Added 59 Bassguy RI Jumped Amp model.
  • Added “Paragon” type to the Wah block based on a Tycobrahe Parapedal.
  • Updated Compressor block so that times display actual value for the various pedal types.
  • Improved the speed of preset changes depending on the Global Spillover setting. The speed improvement will be highest when Global Spillover is set to “Off”.


  • Fixed corrupt audio as a result of attaching a modifier to a Drive block parameter when the type is Klone Chiron.
  • Fixed tone generated from USA Rhythm 1 Amp type without input.
  • Fixed Delay block delay lines being cleared when Spillover is set to “All”.
  • Fixed pops when changing channels on a Drive block.

FM3 Firmware Version 6.01 beta 3 is now available for download:

FM3-Edit version 1.05.13 is required:
You must perform a "Refresh After New Firmware" in FM3-Edit to sync with this firmware version.


  • Added 59 Bassguy RI Jumped Amp model.
  • Added “Paragon” type to the Wah block based on a Tycobrahe Parapedal.
  • Updated Compressor block so that times display actual value for the various pedal types.
  • Improved the speed of preset changes depending on the Global Spillover setting. The speed improvement will be highest when Global Spillover is set to “Off”.


  • Fixed corrupt audio as a result of attaching a modifier to a Drive block parameter when the type is Klone Chiron.
  • Fixed tone generated from USA Rhythm 1 Amp type without input.
  • Fixed Delay block delay lines being cleared when Spillover is set to “All”.
  • Fixed pops when changing channels on a Drive block.
Hi everyone! I'm new here and new woth the fm3. I notice a gap in scene changing. As far as i can see, the gap is due to the amp change (the two scenes have 2 different amps in 2 different channels). What can i do? Thank you!!
Hi everyone! I'm new here and new woth the fm3. I notice a gap in scene changing. As far as i can see, the gap is due to the amp change (the two scenes have 2 different amps in 2 different channels). What can i do? Thank you!!
Yes, it was noted that the gap worsened with this FW. I think that was for preset changes though, not sure of scene changes. I do believe somewhere above that someone from FAS said it would be addressed (going off memory here) in the final release.
Hi everyone! I'm new here and new woth the fm3. I notice a gap in scene changing. As far as i can see, the gap is due to the amp change (the two scenes have 2 different amps in 2 different channels). What can i do? Thank you!!

A small gap is normal when changing scenes where the amp block is changing channels
Yes, it was noted that the gap worsened with this FW. I think that was for preset changes though, not sure of scene changes. I do believe somewhere above that someone from FAS said it would be addressed (going off memory here) in the final release.
Yes, I did know it was actually meant for the preset changes. I just figured if it wasn’t done it couldn’t hurt. Sometimes I question when a person comes along this far into a specific release if they are completely caught up on all the little quirks of specific Betas. I’ll have to admit that I did miss the mention from FAS that this would be addressed so that’s a good thing.

Generally, I have a hard time understanding (or maybe caring…and that’s on me) about these gaps and slow preset changes. I have not been that hindered by them. I have noticed slight differences from firmware to firmware, but nothing that is a deal breaker considering these are betas. I suppose I have some faith that FAS would recognize these minor issues and would be on top of it. Having said this, I do understand and feel for those who need quick changes during live shows.
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