FM3 Firmware Version 6.01 beta 3 (RC)

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Is it new feature, that if you choose your FC layot with lets say…looper or pitch switch and current choosed preset does not include looper or pitch (can be anything), this switch not lighted anymore? But if I choose preset containing this function, switch elliminates as well
That's how effect switches have always worked.

Lighted switch means the effect is on, which is impossible if that effect doesn't exist in the preset.
Updated yesterday from 6.01b2, went smooth, though today on boot the FM3 lost it's FC Layout and FC displays were corrupted etc (did not test further), but all was fine with a reboot.

Not easily reproducible but it does happen from time to time, and has since v6, though so far a reboot fixes and then it's fine though additional reboots for a while.

So, anyone else see this (even though it's not a huge deal at present)?
It's a different amp - a re-issue not vintage... Maybe you just like that amp better?
Yeah, that must be it. The tone stack apparently being different compared to the vintage ones surely plays a role as well. Just writing my initial impressions.
first time having an issue
windows 10 64 bit
loaded new editor
new firmware
my presets are whacked
i know I should have backed up
but when I click on various amps I get a different one than the one I select
for example plexi6ca7 jumped gives me brit studio 20
of i select brit studio 20 i get pvh 6160 block crunch
fixed with refresh after new firmware in editor
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first time having an issue
windows 10 64 bit
loaded new editor
new firmware
my presets are whacked
i know I should have backed up
but when I click on various amps I get a different one than the one I select
for example plexi6ca7 jumped gives me brit studio 20
of i select brit studio 20 i get pvh 6160 block crunch
Did you run a 'Refresh After New Firmware' in the 'Settings' menu after the updates. This is normally automatically done after an update. But not typically with the 'Beta' releases.
Hey guys....I've never had this happen before and I'm a loooong time user of FM3 and Axe II. I just updated to this beta and all factory and custom presets show blank....and all FC layout is gone. Anyone else experience this?? I didn't back up because I've never seen this before and nobody has mentioned an issue with it. Am I screwed?

**Update...I see what happened. I accidentally updated to 5.03 beta...chose the wrong file. I'm updating again to 6.03 Beta. Any thoughts on the presets and layouts coming back?
Hey guys....I've never had this happen before and I'm a loooong time user of FM3 and Axe II. I just updated to this beta and all factory and custom presets show blank....and all FC layout is gone. Anyone else experience this?? I didn't back up because I've never seen this before and nobody has mentioned an issue with it. Am I screwed?

**Update...I see what happened. I accidentally updated to 5.03 beta...chose the wrong file. I'm updating again to 6.03 Beta. Any thoughts on the presets and layouts coming back?
They didn't appear simply because all those things were saved under a firmware newer than 5.03 which didn't know how to read that data.
Once you install 6.03 they should re-appear
I was on version 6.00, but today I installed 6.01 beta3.
I have experienced a dangerous jump of volume between 2 of my presets.
The output of the 1st preset is -15db and the output of the 2nd preset is +4db.
Both presets are levelled, they sound at the same level.
The problem I have experienced today is when I play a chord and change from preset 1 to preset 2 holding the chord.
The time of changing the preset (1 second or less) the chord jumps very very loud.
I have reinstalled fw 6.00 to check the issue posted before.
I confirm that changing presets in fw 6.00 is correct because there is always a silence between presets.
The dangerous jump of volume I told in the previous message can damage the ears of the user severely if headphones are used.
Take care of this issue please.
I have reinstalled fw 6.00 to check the issue posted before.
I confirm that changing presets in fw 6.00 is correct because there is always a silence between presets.
The dangerous jump of volume I told in the previous message can damage the ears of the user severely if headphones are used.
Take care of this issue please.

Did you refresh after firmware update to 6.01 beta 3? Not sure if that would make a difference or not.
Did you refresh after firmware update to 6.01 beta 3? Not sure if that would make a difference or not.
Yes, I refreshed after firmware update.
Refreshing after firmware is necessary for the good communication between FM3-Edit and the device when there is a new firmware installed.
But if there is a bug in the firmware, it doesn't matter refreshing after firmware or not refreshing.
I was on version 6.00, but today I installed 6.01 beta3.
I have experienced a dangerous jump of volume between 2 of my presets.
The output of the 1st preset is -15db and the output of the 2nd preset is +4db.
Both presets are levelled, they sound at the same level.
The problem I have experienced today is when I play a chord and change from preset 1 to preset 2 holding the chord.
The time of changing the preset (1 second or less) the chord jumps very very loud.
You will need to post the offending presets.
You will need to post the offending presets.
Attached the 2 presets, both exported from fw6.00 and also from fw6.01b3.
Also attached 2 audio files showing what happens when chaging between these 2 presets in fw6.00 and fw 6.01b3.


    18.2 KB · Views: 9
  • Audio Samples
    234.1 KB · Views: 17
I found another problem. When I select the amp Vibrato Verb AA it jumps to AC-20 12AX7 Treble. To select Vibrato Verb AA I have to select Vibrato Verb AB.

The same happens with other amps. For instance:
-if you select amp 024 it jumps to 257
-if you select amp 023 it jumps to 229
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