Output Block changes channels by itself!

Hello. I have a new FM9 turbo and an EV-1 expression pedal set-up as a global volume pedal. I noticed that the volume would suddenly drop. I found out that the Output block was changing from A to D, by itself, where the Scene 1 level had a different Level set than Channel A. I can probably do a workaround, but why is it changing by itself to a different Output Channel. And, it also seems like I'm having trouble selecting the different Output Channels. It always jumps to D. I don't think this is happening in my other presets. The preset is attached. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Holdsy Lead Josh 1 IEM.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 2
Just set it back to channel 'A' while on scene 1, and resave the preset. It looks like there are different scene fader values in all four channels? The scene faders themselves make using channels kind of unnecessary.

There's also a Vol/Pan block (bypassed in scene 1) with 'External 1' attached for volume control.

I would set the Cab 'Level' back to '0.0' dB. And also lower the Amp 'Level' by around 4 dB to get the preset level in a better place, Unless scene 1 is meant for a Solo scene. The scenes are un-named and look un-finished.
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I would try resetting whatever channel you're on, then copying that channel to the rest of them.....

Edit: or what Moke said.........biggrin.gif
Do the Output Channels jump to other Output Channels? Or, do you have trouble selecting different Output Channels? I was having that problem. Thanks.
Do the Output Channels jump to other Output Channels? Or, do you have trouble selecting different Output Channels? I was having that problem. Thanks.
Are you using different channels on different scenes?

Channels don't change on their own - something is causing it.
Do the Output Channels jump to other Output Channels? Or, do you have trouble selecting different Output Channels? I was having that problem. Thanks.
They only jump to whatever channel they were on in a particular scene when the preset was saved. You are in control of what channel is being used in any particular scene..
I wasn't using any channels other than A and no additional scenes.
If you built the preset from scratch, then somewhere along the way, you altered the scene fader values of the other Output block channels, and then left it on channel 'D' while on scene 1 before saving it.
  • Typically when adding a new block to a preset, It will initially be on channel 'A' and be 'on' in all eight scenes.
  • Every preset has eight scenes, used or not.
  • While any block is selected, hitting the 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd' key on the computer keyboard can switch that block to the corresponding channel. Making it pretty easy to accidentally change it and not know it.,
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