Need help translating an AxeFx2 preset to FM9…

Hello. I have used Fractool as a starting point for translating the preset from AxeFx2 (Ares) to FM9 (Cygnus). Right now I'm only working on the amp (Dirty Shirley 1) and a Cab block with everything else turned off. I've got them pretty close (I'm using my ears). But the AxeFx2 is still a little crunchier and crisper -- the FM9 is still a little tubby. I want to just stick with the Amp and Cab block tweaks for now. Are there elements -- maybe some new ones for Cygnus -- that I should be looking at, specifically? There are over 100 parameters in the amp block, so I'd love suggestions on what to focus on. Thanks!!
Wthout hearing clips to compare with, we're sort of guessing here. But "tubby" usually means "too much bass." Try turning down the bass.
Try changing the speaker impedance curve in the amp block speaker page to 4x12 Friedman. Or try other curves. They will change the 'feel' more than the sound and might drop out some of the chunk you are experiencing.
When you say "translating", do you mean that you are using FracTool to convert the preset for the FM9? Or just for looking at parameters and then starting from scratch on the FM9.

Just to be clear.. Any conversion will not use the new defaults (including hidden parameters), so things will not be correct and sound very different. This includes most other blocks. A lot has changed since then.
Hi Moke. I used Fractool initially, but am now making adjustments, by ear, in the amp and cab block. My thinking was to start here, since I’ve read that even the same model amps sound a little different with Cygnus.
I did notice the graph on the Amp > Speaker Page looks a little different. But, I can’t get it to match exactly. I used a 1x12 Vibrato Lux on the Axe FX 2, but the curves of all the available Vibrato Lux speakers on the FM9 are a little different.
I did notice the graph on the Amp > Speaker Page looks a little different. But, I can’t get it to match exactly. I used a 1x12 Vibrato Lux on the Axe FX 2, but the curves of all the available Vibrato Lux speakers on the FM9 are a little different.
The factory IRs in the Legacy bank are exactly the same as the factory IRs on the Axe Fx II.

The Speaker page in the Amp block will be different on the Axe Fx III because it's affected by the Speaker Impedance Curve.
FWIW, I would start clean from an empty preset - I recently went through this with my new FM9. As Moke said above, there are features in the newer firmware that didn’t exist in Ares. Those features don’t “translate”. Starting from the default model will include all that. In addition, there are more and better cab IRs. So, it is worth the time to sample some until you find one that makes the default amp settings sound close to what you are looking for - and wait for a good one that really pops out of the pack - and then tweak from there. I think starting clean will get you where you want to be faster than tweaking an Axe ii Ares preset, as beloved as it may be.
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