Trouble with FM9 start up


Ok guys. Having a small panic attack.

Just plugged up after gigs this weekend (no problems at gigs). The main screen shows the preset I'm on but all the foot switches are blank. Also, I have signal at input per the meter but no output. Hope this is something easy.

Thanks in advance
Have you made any backups? If so, reload you System backup. Also your Layouts backup, if you did one.

Go to the meters page on the front panel to see where your signal is getting stopped. Do you use any User IRs? Check your cab blocks.
Have you made any backups? If so, reload you System backup. Also your Layouts backup, if you did one.

Go to the meters page on the front panel to see where your signal is getting stopped. Do you use any User IRs? Check your cab blocks.
I had to go in and reset the output config to copy out 1 and reset FC to OMG.

This happened about 2 months ago and actually took a video of how I did it. Thanks to Rosh Roslin for giving me the idea to record a vid.
I just didn't remember cuz I was freaking out. Fortunately I wasn't at a gig.

Thanks Moke. I'm doing backups now since I realized I replaced my Mac the first of the year.
That is frightening if that just happens periodically. I have never had anything unexplained like that happen to my Axe-Fx II after a decade of home and live use.
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