Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

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A couple of issues.
  1. The Virtual Capo model is not the right model for this. The pitch will change in stepped semitones instead of a smooth change. Classic Whammy with 'Down 2 Oct' is what you want.
  2. Auto-Engage will have a small bump when the effect turns on and off. One option is to leave the effect always on and deal with a bit of latency. Or lookup the 'Golden Whammy' settings. However, even that isn't as effective as it once was. There is still a noticeable glitch during the very fast cross-fade. I suspect that it is comb filtering happening while the dry and wet signals are both (briefly) heard.
Your expression pedals seem to be setup backwards to me. What pedals are you using?
With the firmware update, shouldn't the bump be gone?
With the firmware update, shouldn't the bump be gone?
The Pitch block wasn't part of that change.

"Changed bypass/engage speed for the following blocks: Drive, Filter, Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Tremolo and Wah. These blocks now bypass/engage with a gentle fade as rapid bypass/engage with these types of blocks can sound abrupt."
The Pitch block wasn't part of that change.

"Changed bypass/engage speed for the following blocks: Drive, Filter, Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Tremolo and Wah. These blocks now bypass/engage with a gentle fade as rapid bypass/engage with these types of blocks can sound abrupt."

My bad, I thought it was :)

My bad, I thought it was :)
You big dummy

redd foxx fred sanford GIF
Try this Pitch block 'constantly on' version..

BTW.. This probably shouldn't have been in this Firmware discussion thread.
Great, thank you for the data and the preset to try. I'm using two EV2 pedals and yeah they're set up in reverse. It's just the way it works for me.

Re: posting in this thread, my question originated from the improvements/changes to the bypass/engage of certain blocks. It was initialy just if the VC was affected in any way. Seems fairly on topic no? Well I didn't get an answer and someone suggested posting a preset...but I don't think I've congested this thread nearly as much as some of the derailment activity that occurs around here (in general).

Except of course now with my explanation 🤷🏼‍♂️🤪😂
Update: I'm still not sure what the specific issue was, but it was definitely preset related. Something in this one (attached) is the culprit. Sharing in case someone on the dev team wants to review, but I'd strongly suggest anyone else steer clear.

...cleared all presets (this was the only non-factory one loaded at the time), and 21.02 booted up just fine.
Too much CPU. It's 73% on a Turbo. Which means it's way over the limit on a non-Turbo.
Studio FF Compressor update nuked my bass preset, all warm and boomy now. So had to switch to another compressor. Was able to get 95% there, but not quite the same as what I had dialed in. No complaints, I roll forward and Im sure Ill get my bass tone back to 100% after a few sessions with minor adjustments 👍

Gate is a tad better on my high gain presets too, nice.
After playing with this firmware for a bit, I don't think I've been more happy with my tones.

The updated speaker thump sounds much better, before it felt like it added too much high end 🤔. Now it feels like all the speaker controls work well together, I'm loving a little speaker comp with the right timing, some thump, a little compliance and drive. There like spices when you find the perfect balance you'll know, your tone will be so tasty.
seconded wholeheartedly 💖 using the jfet sustainer up front and the optical compressor set to el foil after the amps on my bass patch. absolutely the best it's ever sounded at rehearsal tonight
oooooooh I haven't even picked up my bass yet! I bet that combo would sound insanely good for bass!
Wow...had to revert back to 21 to make sure I wasn't crazy...I see the compressor block has been revamped and its had a serious impact on my presets.
sorry for my ignorance or not seeing the forest for the trees, but which of the Compressor types is based on a VCA design?
so very weird bug/issue, when I do not have anything plugged in to the guitar inputs on my axe 3 mk1, and I send it an AES signal, whether it has analog OR digital selected in the input source, I get that signal in output 2 L, but when I plug in a guitar into the front, the audio does NOT come out of 2L.
and I've turned it off and on and I'm on the latest firmware, not a beta, and I've checked all the copy output settings, it's something to do with the USB output mapping, because when I change it, it's on output 1 L. when I send signal in on analog 2, no audio either
so very weird bug/issue, when I do not have anything plugged in to the guitar inputs on my axe 3 mk1, and I send it an AES signal, whether it has analog OR digital selected in the input source, I get that signal in output 2 L, but when I plug in a guitar into the front, the audio does NOT come out of 2L.
and I've turned it off and on and I'm on the latest firmware, not a beta, and I've checked all the copy output settings, it's something to do with the USB output mapping, because when I change it, it's on output 1 L. when I send signal in on analog 2, no audio either

I think if you do a backup of your system data and post that, someone may be able to recreate what's going on and try to help.
sorry for my ignorance or not seeing the forest for the trees, but which of the Compressor types is based on a VCA design?
The Studio FF type would be your closest bet on peak mode, then maybe the analog compressor. Not exactly sure what compressor that is based on though.
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