Using EV-1 as global volume pedal and setting range limits…

Hello. I want to use my EV-1 as an Expression pedal to control the Global Volume as described in the manual on page 11. But, there doesn't seem to be any settings to restrict the range of volume so, I'm assuming that toe down means maximum volume, which would be deafening. Is there a way to limit the range, like you can with the Volume block, but for the Global Volume control? Thanks.
Hello. I want to use my EV-1 as an Expression pedal to control the Global Volume as described in the manual on page 11. But, there doesn't seem to be any settings to restrict the range of volume so, I'm assuming that toe down means maximum volume, which would be deafening. Is there a way to limit the range, like you can with the Volume block, but for the Global Volume control? Thanks.
To answer your question, no.

But the maximum level when your pedal is toe down is only the internal maximum level of that particular preset. The physical knob on the hardware (for whatever Output you are using?), and whatever you are monitoring through, will control how physically 'loud' you actually are.

Turn down that knob to whatever maximum volume you want. Now your global volume will be limited to that volume.

Like basically everything in nature, the easy way is seldom the best way. A 'Global' volume setup (pre or post) has drawbacks.
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Even if you were to use a Vol/Pan block placed after the Amp/Cab, before any Delays/Reverb in every preset, You wouldn't leave your Output knobs maxed out, and your Monitor/In-Ears/FRFR/Power amp and Cab maxed out. And then set your actual levels in the room by altering the Vol/Pan block expression pedal range... Would you?
No, but my output levels on my presets are around 0dB and, in theory, the output level with the pedal maxed could go to +20dB, right? Or am I not understanding this correctly?
No, but my output levels on my presets are around 0dB and, in theory, the output level with the pedal maxed could go to +20dB, right? Or am I not understanding this correctly?
It won't act as a boost, it will only make your preset quieter as you operate the pedal i.e. it will work as you want it to - if your preset is at max 0dB then the pedal will make the preset go between silent and 0dB
Have the wonderful people at Fractal provided a way to set the minimum volume levels in the global settings with an expression pedal? If not, could they? I just attached a Moog EP-3 to my FM9 Turbo, and it works as I intended as a volume pedal -- but I'd like to set the minimum volume level to 25% rather than 0 ( I have a rather heavy foot on the pedal). Welcome your expert insights if this is possible, and (if so) how to do it in global settings. Thanks!
Have the wonderful people at Fractal provided a way to set the minimum volume levels in the global settings with an expression pedal? If not, could they? I just attached a Moog EP-3 to my FM9 Turbo, and it works as I intended as a volume pedal -- but I'd like to set the minimum volume level to 25% rather than 0 ( I have a rather heavy foot on the pedal). Welcome your expert insights if this is possible, and (if so) how to do it in global settings. Thanks!
Nope... You could always add a "mechanical" solution ;)

Or buy an expression pedal that has a control for minimum value.
but I'd like to set the minimum volume level to 25% rather than 0 ( I have a rather heavy foot on the pedal).
Nope... You could always add a "mechanical" solution ;)

Or buy an expression pedal that has a control for minimum value.
Or don't move the pedal to maximum heel down.

Many things we do require us to not go to the maximum point, such as bending notes on the guitar neck, drinking from a glass, or accellerating or braking in our car. Practice with the pedal and you'll gain proficiency and your muscles will learn to stop at the point you want.
For a very predictable level drop there is another way. I needed this for the verse on one song so the harmony vocals pop more; I use a compressor and cut the level while squishing the dynamics so the guitar is quieter but doesn't entirely disappear from the mix. It also means I can strum more sloppily and focusing on singing... and I do need the help there. : )
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