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  1. sgplayer76

    V10 Update

    Great first post! :) Welcome to the Forum!
  2. sgplayer76

    V10 Update

    Great news! Thanks Cliff!! :)
  3. sgplayer76

    What did you rely on before the Axe-Fx

    Before the Axe FX II... Axe Fx Standard Peavey 6505 Head (still have it - never use it, and plan to sell it) Mesa Roadster Head Engl Powerball Head Mesa Dual Rectifier Head and Recto 2x12 Cab (still have the cab) Line 6 Vetta II Head Line 6 Vetta Combo Marshall Jcm 800 Head / Marshall 1960...
  4. sgplayer76

    FW10 Release notes already in Amp Model WIKI

    All good signs though... :)
  5. sgplayer76

    Version 10.0 Sample

    Great playing and excellent tone! Thanks for sharing! :)
  6. sgplayer76

    Help me buy a new guitar!

    Huge fan of the Gibson SG. IMO, the SG is one of the best looking, sounding, and playing guitars for the money. You should have no trouble finding a nice one for around $1K.
  7. sgplayer76

    Axe FX Standard - No output.

    This is a long shot, but where do you have your output levels (the physical knobs) set on the front panel of your Axe? Make sure output 2 is set high enough that your Recto's return is receiving a signal. This could be easily overlooked if you normally use output 1 as your primary volume.
  8. sgplayer76

    Predictions on how will FW10 affect our patches.

    Same here! With the last couple fw releases, I've basically stopped editing all but a handful of my favorite patches. With v10 (new AE or not), I plan to rebuild everything from scratch. It will be a lot of work, but I'd imagine, lots of fun too. The one great thing about every fw release...
  9. sgplayer76

    Headphone jack in front isn't the same output quality as back

    What would you consider very low? Mine are 32 ohm. Safe?
  10. sgplayer76

    Guitarists with EMG or Active Pickups. What is you instrument level set to?

    I have mine set at 40 - I use the same value for all my guitars. I have a couple guitars that have pickups slightly hotter than the EMG 81/85 combo in my SG. 40 seems to be about perfect for all my guitars.
  11. sgplayer76

    Inexpensive/Budget Power Amp Recommendations?

    Interesting stuff... Is the ART SLA and/or Carvin DCM200L class "D" as well?
  12. sgplayer76

    Inexpensive/Budget Power Amp Recommendations?

    Yeah, just plugging straight into the effects return, it is still pretty noisy. It's a single channel 6505, so it is basically great at just one thing - high gain.
  13. sgplayer76

    Inexpensive/Budget Power Amp Recommendations?

    I do actually, a Peavey 6505, but I'm planning to sell it soon. Its a pretty noisy amp anyways... I had a Mesa Roadster before - the Axe-Fx was GREAT in it's loop.
  14. sgplayer76

    EMG's Through Axe FX2?

    Like the others said, make sure your EMGs are as close to the strings as possible - it makes a big difference. With that said, it is possible that you could have passives that sound hotter than your new EMGs. For example, my PRS CU24's bridge pickup (HFS), and my Ibanez RGA121 bridge (Seymour...
  15. sgplayer76

    What Monitors are you guys Using W/ your AXE FX

    I have the exact same setup. :) KRK Rokit-8s G2 with 10s sub. I think this setup sounds great with the Axe II and would recommend it to anyone.
  16. sgplayer76

    Inexpensive/Budget Power Amp Recommendations?

    Thanks for the feedback so far guys! I would prefer a single space unit, although I am not dead set against a 2U if need be. I was just on Carvin's site and saw the DCM200L is on sale for $279. I would either have to spend a little more or go used to pick up a new SLA-2. Based on most...
  17. sgplayer76

    Inexpensive/Budget Power Amp Recommendations?

    Hi everyone! I am thinking about picking up an inexpensive power amp to use occasionally with my Axe II and Mesa 2x12 cabinet. I do not play in a band, so it would not be used often or at very high volumes - mostly just for something different and/or for fun. I'd like to get the "most bang...
  18. sgplayer76

    Best studio monitors for the Axe FX?

    I actually started out with Dynaudio BM5A's, but ultimately switched to a pair of KRK Rokit-8 G2s along with a KRK 10s sub. Eventually I'd like to try the 10s sub (or another sub) with a pair of Dynaudio BM6A MKII (or other quality pair of high-end) active monitors, but honestly, I am actually...
  19. sgplayer76

    Scenes and Expression Pedal Assignments

    Thank you for the advice guys! This is exactly what I was looking for.
  20. sgplayer76

    Scenes and Expression Pedal Assignments

    I would like to control a different effect in each scene (ie: Mission pedal controls WAH in scene 1, FLG in scene 2, DLY in scene 3). Lets say I set my pedal to control WAH in scene 1 and then switch to scene 2 and change the pedal from WAH to FLG. Making this change also changes the pedal...
  21. sgplayer76

    My own personal epiphany.

    I used to do this with certain amp sims on my Axe Standard but completely forgot about since upgrading to the Axe II. Thanks for the reminder! BTW, I used to get great results blending similar (but different) recto preamp to power amp models together... Time to experiment and have some fun. :)
  22. sgplayer76

    X former match

    It was suggested in an earlier thread that you were considering adding some sort of "dot" or "mark" at the optimal MV setting on all of the amp models in a future FW update. I would absolutely LOVE to see this happen. I am sure all of us are guilty of incorrect MV settings on most of our...
  23. sgplayer76

    Video: Play-through of original tune + Axe-Edit Scenes

    Outstanding playing and GREAT song! Thanks for sharing!
  24. sgplayer76

    presence and depth?

    I personally start with everything at 5, except depth, which I usually leave at the factory default or start at zero. Although a lot of the amps presence control defaults at zero, but I prefer brighter tones, so I almost always start at 5.
  25. sgplayer76


    I absolutely love this site. It is probably the best free collection of quality backing tracks online (at least that I know of). Glad you posted it here!
  26. sgplayer76

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 9.02

    I absolutely LOVE the improvements, additions, and especially SOUND of FW9!! Cliff and Team - Thank you for the support, improvements, and continuous development of an already amazing product! Happy Holidays! :)
  27. sgplayer76

    OH MY GOD - CAB block, and the little things.....

    I can hear a difference with my headphones, but not so much through my monitors. The biggest tonal difference seems to be lo-res/hi-res vs. stereo. With my old Axe standard, I thought the mono hi-res cabs were fuller and better sounding, but in the Axe II, I generally prefer the stereo cab...
  28. sgplayer76

    Who here got rid of ALL of their pedals for Axe-Fx?

    I still have all my pedals, one tube head, and a 2x12 cab, but all of the pedals are boxes in the closet, and the head and cab are not even plugged in. I cannot remember the last time I actually used any of it. I've been planning to sell everything but the cab for the longest time... Guess I...
  29. sgplayer76

    No link to from forums

    This would be nice...
  30. sgplayer76

    Pick-up question

    I think Rex is right... I really do not think they will play well together. Sten might be able to get around the 250K - 500K pot issue, but if memory serves me, I think you also have to use the supplied input jack that comes with the EMGs, which could also pose a problem for the passive pickup...
  31. sgplayer76

    Is it possible to mute output when using headphones?

    That's a really great idea except I am already using both sets of outputs. Looks like I will have to keep powering off my monitors manually for now.
  32. sgplayer76

    Is it possible to mute output when using headphones?

    I'm wondering if it is possible to mute/bypass the Axe II's rear speaker outputs when headphones are plugged into the front of the unit?
  33. sgplayer76

    1st Time Updating Firmware With Snoize - Normal To Take Looong Time?

    +1. No issues whatsoever loading this update or 8.01a with AE. It also took less than two minutes total using AE and my iMac. 8.01a loaded just as fast.
  34. sgplayer76

    Axe Edit app for iOS who would want it?

    Thank you! I will definitely have to look further into this.
  35. sgplayer76

    Axe Edit app for iOS who would want it?

    Please forgive my dumb question, but how do you connect your Axe (or any other device) to an iPad? Does the newest iPad have a USB port? I was thinking about buying an iPad for my family for Christmas. If there is a way to connect the Axe, I know exactly what Santa will be bringing this year...
  36. sgplayer76

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 8.01a Up

    AE works fine for updates -at least for me. Most issues (like you mentioned) occur when editing patches.
  37. sgplayer76

    Is the II Leaps and Bounds Beyond the Standard?

    I disagree about the heavy tones but completely agree about everything else you said. I play mostly heavy music and for me the Axe II is night and day better than the Standard. Honestly, I was hoping not to be blown away by the Axe II's sound and keep my Standard, but that didn't happen :) . I...
  38. sgplayer76

    output volume one when running into KRK Rokit8's

    BTW, as far as the I/O setting goes, I think 25.5 is good if you are tickling the red. I don't think increasing that will add any extra volume to the KRKs.
  39. sgplayer76

    output volume one when running into KRK Rokit8's

    You can safely bump the global gain up to achieve the volume you are after, but be careful when switching patches - you will find some to be a lot louder than others - causing the output to clip.
  40. sgplayer76

    output volume one when running into KRK Rokit8's

    Definitely check your Global output gain levels. I also have KRK G2 8's and with the volume above noon they are quite loud and the cones move a lot. I use my KRK 8s exclusively with my Axe II (I have KRK G2 5s for my computer/music), but I have used them with both my computer and an iPod and...
  41. sgplayer76

    iMAC Levels - Can't control Volume???

    On your iMac, have you tried System Preferences > Sound > and lowering the Output Volume setting? I'm guessing you are dealing with something more complex, but I thought I'd throw this out there. I use an interface between my iMac and monitors that has a volume knob, but before that, I used to...
  42. sgplayer76

    LPD Tone Clone - Alice In Chains/Jerry Cantrel We Die Young AxeFx II

    Great work - sounds perfect! Alice in Chains is my absolute-all-time favorite band. Can't wait to give this patch a go! :)
  43. sgplayer76

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 7.00 Public Beta

    Absolutely LOVING the changes so far! Guess I'm going to switch over to the non-beta version now... THANK YOU Cliff & Team for an incredible update and product! Keep up the great work - we all appreciate it! :)
  44. sgplayer76

    Tickling the red on the inputs??

    Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I just changed Input 1 Mode from "L+R Sum" to "Left Only" and guess what... the RED LEDs are back!!! I'm not sure how I managed to change the setting to L+R Sum, but changing it to Left Only or Stereo fixes the input issue I was having. Hopefully this is all...
  45. sgplayer76

    Okay, guess this one

    Awesome! I thought the first half had a tiny bit of "grit" that I liked more - not that there was much difference AT ALL between the two! You are brilliant Cliff! I cannot wait for the update... :D
  46. sgplayer76

    axe fx 2 price drop!

    Exactly! I think the Axe II will get me by for the time being... :D
  47. sgplayer76

    Okay/Legal to Sell Ownhammer/Redwirez With Axe?

    Actually, I think your comments fit right into the topic and are quite insightful. I'm going to look into whether or not I can convert my Axe I to Axe II Ownhammers tomorrow morning... I cleared everything out (all IRs and my personal patches) before putting it in the box (its listed on eBay...
  48. sgplayer76

    Version 7.00 Preview III

    Its incredible how close they are! Amazing job Cliff!!
  49. sgplayer76

    Version 7.00 Preview Part Deux

    Although I'm mostly into the high gain amps, I can see myself using this one a lot! Sounds AWESOME! I am so happy I upgraded to the Axe II :-)
  50. sgplayer76

    Okay/Legal to Sell Ownhammer/Redwirez With Axe?

    Hey, I did not know that. Thank you!
  51. sgplayer76

    Okay/Legal to Sell Ownhammer/Redwirez With Axe?

    I'm asking only because the vast majority on eBay ignore the policy and list "Ownhammer and Redwirez" right in the title of their auction. As you read in my first post, I was actually planning on deleting the User IRs, so that nothing is included (as I read the terms of use). It just does not...
  52. sgplayer76

    It's Not a Tubes Only World Here ~ What Tube Amp Did You Keep??

    I kept my 6505 head and Recto 2x12 cab, and sold my Mesa Dual Rectifier Roadster head when I bought my Axe Standard a couple years ago. In hindsight, I kept the wrong head. I honestly do not think I've put more than five total hours use on the 6505 since becoming a Fractal Audio customer (now...
  53. sgplayer76

    Okay/Legal to Sell Ownhammer/Redwirez With Axe?

    Hey Guys, sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum, but I am looking for a bit of guidance. I recently upgraded from a Axe Standard to the Axe II. I'm planning to list my standard on eBay tonight and need to know whether or not I can transfer the Ownhammer and Redwirez IRs that I have...
  54. sgplayer76

    What blocks do you use most? (18 block limit)

    Wah > Drive > Amp 1 > Cab 1 / Cab 2 > PEQ > Delay > Reverb
  55. sgplayer76

    Recording Axe FX II in Garage Band?

    I have not run into any click or pop issues recording with GarageBand. The only issue I've ever encountered is low disk space - which causes the track to stop during the recording or playback. If you run into this issue, choose GarageBand > Preferences > Audio/Midi. Choose Optimize For...
  56. sgplayer76

    Guthrie Govan + Axe-FXII @ Jam Track Central

    Exactly. More often than not, players like this sound sterile and robotic. Guthrie's playing is just awesome. Tons of character and feel.
  57. sgplayer76

    Guthrie Govan + Axe-FXII @ Jam Track Central

    This made me laugh out loud! I'm guessing this is how most of us feel!
  58. sgplayer76

    Recording Axe FX II in Garage Band?

    One other thing... if you have not done so already, be sure to download the Mac OSX USB Driver for the Axe II. Your USB connection will not work without it. It can be found on the main website support page.
  59. sgplayer76

    Recording Axe FX II in Garage Band?

    Its super easy... To get started, connect your USB cable, open GarageBand, select GarageBand (upper left corner), Preferences, and change the Audio Input to Axe-Fx II Audio In. Then choose New Track > Real Instrument. Click the red record button on the bottom of the screen and start playing...
  60. sgplayer76

    Tickling the red on the inputs??

    Same for user presets? - I've replaced three factory presets with user presets I downloaded here. If they are not related, can you think of anything that may have caused my input level to suddenly drop off? Thanks!
  61. sgplayer76

    Tickling the red on the inputs??

    Here is something interesting... I've only had my Axe II for a couple weeks, but I had no issue hitting the red until I started loading/auditioning user IR's and/or patches. Now I cannot hit the red with any of my guitars - even with the setting at 100% using guitars with PRS-HFS, Seymour...
  62. sgplayer76

    Axe II - ACDC Highway To Hell Angus' Guitar Tone SC and Preset

    Awesome!!! I just loaded this into my Axe - I've never been able to get this close! Thanks for sharing!
  63. sgplayer76

    Killswitch Engage Tone matched patch FW 6.0

    Awesome patch! Thanks for sharing!
  64. sgplayer76

    PRS Custom 24 into acoustic patch!

    LOL! That explains it! Guess I need to try it with a clean patch... or maybe just get some sleep! On second look, it is actually named Acoustic IMPULSE. Ugh! :-)
  65. sgplayer76

    PRS Custom 24 into acoustic patch!

    Hey Clark, the patch doesn't seem to be working... I got a "wrong asset type for current configuration" error message when I tried loading it.
  66. sgplayer76

    Violin patch (+ Ensemble feature!)

    Simeon, thank you for sharing this! What an awesome preset!
  67. sgplayer76

    just got on the waiting list !

    Wow that was fast! I was on the waiting list for 15 days... mine will be here tomorrow!
  68. sgplayer76

    Having a hard time getting the Rockerverb tone out of the Citrus RV50

    Try turning the Bright Cap (advanced settings) up to 1.313. It makes a HUGE difference.
  69. sgplayer76

    i can't get my Macbook Pro to recognize my Axe Ultra

    They should work together. I have a midisport 2x2 anniversary edition that I use with a macbook pro and/or an iMac desktop without any trouble. Its likely something with your settings. I am sure we can help get you up and running. Here are a few things you can try... Start by moving your...
  70. sgplayer76

    Can you read music?

    Haha! I'm going to have to show this to my wife - she plays piano (and reads music a lot better than I do!). Funny stuff man! :-)
  71. sgplayer76

    Mission pedals - experience/quality report

    I have a spring loaded EP-1 and have no complaints. Maybe I'm lucky, but I was really happy with the service I received from Mission on both of my orders (the EP-1 pedal and a Mission Right-Angle TRS cable). I would recommend their products and service without reservation.
  72. sgplayer76

    ENERGY! - Metal Track

    AWESOME!!! Great song man! I really liked the drums too - especially your use of the ride cymbal during the double bass parts.
  73. sgplayer76

    Where are the Namm Videos?

    Stanley Jordan is absolutely PHENOMENAL in this video!
  74. sgplayer76

    So what new gear did you get for Christmas?

    My wife surprised me with a new Taylor 314ce. I've wanted a nice acoustic for the longest time. So far I am really impressed with its sound and how easy it is to play.
  75. sgplayer76

    Pitch/Intel Harmony Bug

    Will do. I'll let you know what they say. I appreciate your help!
  76. sgplayer76

    Pitch/Intel Harmony Bug

    Okay, I just created and saved a quick patch using the Axe-Fx only... Same thing happened. I also tried removing the expression pedal to see if that would solve the issue - this did not work either. From what I can tell, the problem only happens when I use -2 as one (or both) of the voice...
  77. sgplayer76

    Pitch/Intel Harmony Bug

    The initial patch was created using Axe-Edit, but I have since edited and saved the patch directly on the Axe (Axe-Edit was not running). I will try creating a new test patch without using the editor and see what happens... Thanks!
  78. sgplayer76

    Advanced Parameters

    I almost always increase the low-cut frequency to 199.2 (give or take), which really helps clean up the low-end of most amp models, I often increase the high-cut frequency (a little or a lot - sometimes all the way to 20,000 depending on the amp model), which adds a little "sparkle" to the sound...
  79. sgplayer76

    Pitch/Intel Harmony Bug

    I have a M-Audio MidiSport 2x2 Anniversary edition midi device that is always attached for use with Axe-Edit, and the Mission EP-1 expression pedal that is connected to the Pedal 1 input, but no midi controller (like a floorboard). I am thinking that I might have corrupted firmware - a simple...
  80. sgplayer76

    Pitch/Intel Harmony Bug

    Hi, I found a Bug/Glitch in the Intel Harmony Effect (Axe-FX Standard, FW11.0) When using Intelligent Harmony, Chromatic Scale, and -2 for one (or both) of the Voice Harmony settings (Voice Harmony 1 and/or 2), the -2 Voice Harmony value is lost (becomes inaudible) when changing to another...
  81. sgplayer76

    Great amp to try 11.0

    I'm trying the JTM45 (for the first time really) right now. Out of curiosity, what cab(s) sims are you guys using with this amp? I'm testing it with a 1x10 Blue (which is generally my favorite cab for anything low/mid gain), and the 25W 4x12 - both in mono hi-res. It sounds pretty good now...
  82. sgplayer76

    High CPU usage (standard + fw11)

    I've noticed the same thing with my standard. It seems to be using more CPU with fw11. Although I'm not complaining - it sounds a lot better! :-)
  83. sgplayer76

    Axe-FX II Recto Red - BOOM

    Okay... I officially want one! I'd imagine this thing sounds even better in person too. Well I'm sold... I just need to figure out how to talk my wife into letting me buy one! I'm guessing many of you have "tone deaf" wives too, right?? Not an easy sell! :-) Thanks for posting the Clip...
  84. sgplayer76

    Can the standard do Dual Amp + Cab + (Basic) Effects

    I've owned a standard for quite a while now, so I can answer your question with 100% certainty. It definitely can. I could be completely wrong, but the standard seems to use more CPU since upgrading to 11.0. When running two separate amp models with two separate cabs (in hi-res), I only have...
  85. sgplayer76

    Countdown 0.5...

    Yeah, you are probably right... Either way, I cannot wait!
  86. sgplayer76

    Countdown 0.5...

    Any idea when this announcement is going to be made? Midnight U.S. Eastern time? If so, I might stay up for this!
  87. sgplayer76

    My first metal band recorded thru my AxeFx (aiming Gojira sound)

    Hey, thats even better then! Really great song and playing! I am impressed! I just downloaded your patch... I cannot wait to give it a try! Thanks a lot for posting it here! Keep up the great work!
  88. sgplayer76

    New Amp Model Preview

    Hey Paul, for the record, I honestly was not directing my post entirely towards you. It is something that seems to come up whenever there is any kind of leak or announcement - I guess I just felt like speaking up yesterday. Like I said, I did not want to offend or target anyone, and hopefully...
  89. sgplayer76

    My first metal band recorded thru my AxeFx (aiming Gojira sound)

    Awesome! Is this your song or a Gojira cover? I'm not too familiar with their music (aside from an occasional song played on XM Liquid Metal). I thought your guitar tone was great - I'm looking forward to you sharing your patch! The drums sounded pretty good to me. I thought the snare/high...
  90. sgplayer76

    New Amp Model Preview

    I think it sounds great! I have been using the Marsha sims for VH tones, but I can't wait to give this a try! I honestly do not want to offend anyone by saying this, but I always find it a little disappointing when people complain about updates and/or enhancements being added to an already...
  91. sgplayer76

    Krk monitors?

    I use KRK Rokit-8's (G2) and a sub with my Axe Fx, but I also own a pair of Rokit-5 G2s and a 2nd subwoofer that I use with my computer/recording setup. For the money, I think the G2 Rokit line is the best thing available right now (IMO). Before deciding on the KRKs, I actually bought a single...
  92. sgplayer76

    Can I use Channel 1's balanced AND unbalanced outs at the same time?

    Here's the answer from support: "Yes you can do that." I figured I would post the answer in case someone else was interested in using both output connections in channel 1 simultaneously.
  93. sgplayer76

    Can I use Channel 1's balanced AND unbalanced outs at the same time?

    Here's the answer from support: "Yes you can do that." I figured I would post the answer in case someone else was interested in using both output connections in channel 1 simultaneously.
  94. sgplayer76

    Can I use Channel 1's balanced AND unbalanced outs at the same time?

    That is probably the best advice - seeking help directly from support. I kind of doubt that using both outs at the same time would hurt anything, but I would feel a lot better knowing for sure. I'd hate to damage my Axe using it incorrectly. I was thinking that I will probably connect the sub...
  95. sgplayer76

    Can I use Channel 1's balanced AND unbalanced outs at the same time?

    Hi Everyone, I tried searching for this first, but did not find my answer... Can I safely use channel 1's balanced XLR *AND* unbalanced TRS outputs at the same time? I am currently using channel 1's balanced XLR outs into my studio monitors and channel 2's TRS outs into my recording interface...
  96. sgplayer76

    Wah wah with external pedal control...

    Have you tried changing the Pedal1 Type setting in the I/O menu? I am using a Mission Engineering EP-1 and have only found acceptable sweep results with the Pedal Type setting set to "Continuous." I think the recommended setting is supposed to be Momentary or Latching, but Continuous...
  97. sgplayer76

    46&2 Live, Ultra/QSC

    Hey, I thought you sounded good too! Your bass player's tone was PERFECT. Its kind of hard to tell how well you actually sit in the mix - guitars tend to get lost in most live videos recorded with a camcorder. The bass guitar (usually the main culprit), drums, and even crowd tend to overwhelm...
  98. sgplayer76

    Clark Kent: YouTube - OwnHammer 4x12 Comparison

    I agree ^^^ I liked the Mesa #1 for the heavy stuff in the beginning and the Scumback best at the end. After listening to your clips, I bought all four cabs today! In person, I honestly think I like the Mills best for high gain, with the Mesa #1 coming in a very close second. All four cabs...
  99. sgplayer76

    OwnHammer Impulses - Speaker Cabinets now available!

    Sorry to jump into the middle of your conversation guys, buy I wanted to say that I purchased the Mesa #1, Mesa #2, Mills, and M75 today. I have to admit, I am extremely impressed! I figured the IRs would be pretty good based on Clark Kent's and Xpenno's clips, but they really exceeded my...
  100. sgplayer76

    Huge Cable Upgrade

    The Mogami Platinum cable is 14awg and has 3302 printed on the outer casing (I have one sitting next to me). I am not sure what the actual capacitance/ft is though. Mogami lists it as "extremely low" but does not give the actual number. Regardless, I am extremely pleased with this cable - I...
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