presence and depth?


do you guys use the depth and presence parameters alot when making new patches? noticed that its always set to 0 on all amps by default, i allways start out with 5 on everything when playing real amps and tweak from there, is the same method possible on the axe?

im trying to get real sounding tones, but im having a very hard time :)

anyone got tips on how you start when you make a patch? choosing IRs seems to be the most important thing? and someone got any starting points on how high the master should be?
not all amps have depth default to zero, i don't think.

starting with everything on 5 is ok, but be aware that the master volume will have a sweet spot that might be anywhere from 3 to 9...depending on the amp you're using. check the wiki for suggested settings for each amp type

what sort of problems are you having? can you upload a patch? have you tried downloading any patches from axechange? did they work for you?
Most of the time. In some amps, the taper is not exact, and in some extreme cases, the range might be off a little bit due some stuff I can't remember ;)
The "generic" presence which is applied to amps that don't have the real knob/functionality? Whatever :mrgreen
I personally start with everything at 5, except depth, which I usually leave at the factory default or start at zero. Although a lot of the amps presence control defaults at zero, but I prefer brighter tones, so I almost always start at 5.
The "generic" presence which is applied to amps that don't have the real knob/functionality? Whatever :mrgreen

No, I'm thinking about the Legacy amp, for instance. It's presence is way off, which is explained by Cliff in the release notes for v6.

"In general most knobs now behave exactly like the actual amp when possible. In a few instances there may be minor discrepancies between the knob position of the model and actual amp due to programming constraints and/or peculiarities of the actual amp (such as poor potentiometer tolerance). Due to variations in presence circuit topologies the taper of the Presence parameter, in particular, may vary between the model and the actual amp. In other words, a different setting on the model may be required to achieve the same response as the actual amp. In most cases however, the Drive, Treble, Mid, and Bass knobs will be accurate to within 10% of the actual amp."
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