Having a hard time getting the Rockerverb tone out of the Citrus RV50


Power User
Typically when I play the real amp and come back and try it on my Axe FX, I get there very quickly.

Mark sound, Recto, 5150, Shiva, Plexi, JTM I can all pretty much nail the tone when I bring them up on the Axe FX

But I have to say that has not been the case with the Rockerverb. I have played them in the past and just today I played a Rockerverb 50 through a 1960 cab. Got back and have been messing with it for a while now and the Citrus while similar is not what I was hearing from the rockerverb.

Seems the Citrus low end is considerably more flubby then what I got out of the rockerverb. The rockerverb was actually pretty tight, even with the gain turned up enought to get into the metal region. And I tried it at a variety of volumes. Pretty cranked

Anyone spend much time with this model?

Anyone got any good suggestions for settings? I went so far as to turn the bass completely off and it is still pretty flubby.

I thought the rockerverb sounded killer and was pretty pumped about trying it once I got home on the Axe, but unlike all my previous attempts with other amps, I just am not finding it?

I know the Rockerverb I tried was a MkII (what ever that means), was the Axe modeled on an early model?
I just saw one of my favorite bands (Spoken) play, and jesse (electric) runs a rockerverb/orange 412 rig. He was goosing the front with a Fulldrive II, but I caan not get anywhere near his tone with the AXE- thats not to say "it cant", but that I havent figured out that part of the "language"...I am hoping he will send me his actual amp settings- then I will re-visit this...

Played with it a bit more. Seems if I turn up the low cut on the amp in the Advanced section to 502hz, this gets me MUCH closer.

Went ahead and turned the Sag up to 5.9 and damp up to 5.8.

To me this is sounding much more like the one I played over the weekend. Of course I am going by memory and could be completely wrong.
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Sweet. I'm going to try out the low cut when I get home. The other amp models sound amazing but I've developed a soft spot for orange amps and I wasn't really able to get the sound I wanted. I'll let you know when I try it out.
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