Great amp to try 11.0


Stumbled across the JTM 45 last night. Blues drive in front. Still a tad flubby on the low end, so low cut around 150Hz, then I boost post-cab with an EQ. i was playing my SG Supreme through it and it was MAGIC. give this one a whirl - I like many others was loving the Trainwreck, but this may have surpassed that.
I love the JTM45 and have in earlier versions as well. When I'm going for that hairy, woody mid gain sound it's really good for me.

I'm trying the JTM45 (for the first time really) right now. Out of curiosity, what cab(s) sims are you guys using with this amp?
I'm testing it with a 1x10 Blue (which is generally my favorite cab for anything low/mid gain), and the 25W 4x12 - both in mono hi-res. It sounds pretty good now, but I'd be interested to see what you are using... maybe there's a cab sim combo I've never tried. (FYI, I own most of the Own Hammer IRs along with the Redwirez UberCab and Redwirez Marshall 1960 IRs - in case that is what works best).
The JTM45 was one of several models I've always passed over in previous firmware updates. I'm finding myself more and more impressed with many of the amps that I didn't care for before upgrading to 11.0. Axe II or not, the standard and Ultra are still absolutely incredible! :) With that said, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep myself from ordering an Axe II once it is readily available. I have been been extremely impressed with everything I've seen and heard so far.
I run stereo FRFR. My cab setup is a mono hirez 4x12 30W (for body and thump) with the R121 panned left, and in parallel, a mono hirez "color cab" with either the R121 or the SM57 panned right.

For a model like the JTM45, for the "color cab" I would use the 4x12 25W, the 4x10, or the G12H. The G12H has a very complex sound that works great with mid gains.

This is a good find. :mrgreen The JTM by itself didn't really suit my ears, but once you add the bluesbreaker it sounds great! Super responsive to picking and nice clear high end.
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