Scenes and Expression Pedal Assignments


I would like to control a different effect in each scene (ie: Mission pedal controls WAH in scene 1, FLG in scene 2, DLY in scene 3). Lets say I set my pedal to control WAH in scene 1 and then switch to scene 2 and change the pedal from WAH to FLG. Making this change also changes the pedal assignment from WAH to FLG in scenes 1, 3, 4, etc... I did find a little info about this on the Axe-Fx Wiki, and it kind of sounds like this cannot be done, however, I would like to see if I am missing something or if someone knows a way to make this work. Thanks in advance.
I have an example that does this with a wah and a whammy but it's at home and I'm at work -- I'll post it tonight.

In a nutshell though: you can accomplish this by assigning the external controller to all the parameters you want to control, on all the blocks you want to control the parameters in, and then using scenes to change the bypass states of the blocks. So the external controller is actually changing the values in all the blocks, all the time, but by changing the bypass state with scene changes you're muting the blocks you're not interested in on a scene-by-scene basis.

In the case of my wah/whammy patch I have one external controller set to auto-engage both of those effects. The effects are setup parallel to each other in the grid. And the scene changes bypasses one and un-bypasses the other so my signal chain is only routed through only one block or the other. The parallel layout wasn't strictly necessary but it bought me some depth on the grid to do it that way for the rest of the stuff in the chain.

You just have to remember that it's actually controlling *all* the parameters on *all* blocks you have the external assigned to *all* the time.
iaresee's idea is a work around as long as you never try to have two of them active at the same time other wise they will both affected.

It is best to think of scenes as just 1 preset with 8 pictures taken of it each with a different pose aka xy/ engaged/ bypassed. You can't have different setting for each block's x or y ect. Delay x will be the same in every scene for example and Delay will also be the same in every scene. You choices will be Delay x engaged or bypassed of Delay y engaged or bypassed and you have the option in every scene
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