output volume one when running into KRK Rokit8's


Just wondering what would be the best way to get more volume out of the KRK 8's?

What I find it that I have tons of volume when running output 1 to either my EV ELX112P's or to my Matrix GT1000FX and 2x12 cabs and I have output 1 knob around 10:00. With the KRK 8's however I have to put the output 1 volume knob at max and I am going XLR into the 8's and have the boost knobs on the back of the 8's all the way up but it just doesn't get very loud. In fact the cone on the 8's is not really moving at all. I know they can get loud because I will play iTunes or Studio Drummer via the AXE II USB into the 8'sd and they are just pumping at around 11:00 on output 1.

Is there something I should be doing to get more guitar volume out other than the obvious amp sim volume higher etc?

what ar your I/O levels and your global output levels at
I have Krk G2 8's as well and I have the volumes on the rokits 1/2 way up and it get's pretty loud (with my axe output on the front at 12:00 noon)
Definitely check your Global output gain levels. I also have KRK G2 8's and with the volume above noon they are quite loud and the cones move a lot. I use my KRK 8s exclusively with my Axe II (I have KRK G2 5s for my computer/music), but I have used them with both my computer and an iPod and did not notice a major output difference between the either device or the Axe II.
Thanks guys!

My I/O is set at 25.5% which is where I always have it for my Les Paul Standard (so I am just tickling the reds) in the Global tab my "amp gain" is set at 0.00db (the default) and in Global->Out1 the sliders are just flat (default). I have never needed to adjust these as I get tons of volume when outputting to the other sources....should up be bumping these up?

You can safely bump the global gain up to achieve the volume you are after, but be careful when switching patches - you will find some to be a lot louder than others - causing the output to clip.
BTW, as far as the I/O setting goes, I think 25.5 is good if you are tickling the red. I don't think increasing that will add any extra volume to the KRKs.
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