Version 7.00 Preview III

Very close in general tone itself. However, the first has more... heaviness or weight to it... a bit fuller or thicker, I should say.
They're close, but they're definitely not identical. The first half of the clip is distinctly more compressed than the second pass, which is why it sounds thicker. The EQ is a pretty close match, though the second clip has a bump just above 70 Hz.
Just to mix things up a bit, I have to admit that I'm not fond of the tone. That's the thing though, this unit has such a wide range of tone and style potential. Even though I'm not into everything it does, there is so much there for me and like wise for people not into what I like. Something for everybody.

This unit truly is a Swiss army knife like nothing before it. That's what keeps blowing my mind as more development commences.

From a matching point of view, I'd say your down to splitting hairs. Certainly close enough for anyone to be satisfied with, if that's what they're going for. Dialing that to taste should be pretty easy as opposed to starting from scratch. Thanks for raising the bar again, it certainly won't hurt your customer base!
Now that the matching is done, time to make it sound even better than the real thing - oh wait, that's what the advanced controls already do :razz
I like the first clip better. It seems fuller and thicker. The dynamics also sound better to me. I would bet its the real amp.
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