Pitch/Intel Harmony Bug


Hi, I found a Bug/Glitch in the Intel Harmony Effect (Axe-FX Standard, FW11.0)
When using Intelligent Harmony, Chromatic Scale, and -2 for one (or both) of the Voice Harmony settings (Voice Harmony 1 and/or 2), the -2 Voice Harmony value is lost (becomes inaudible) when changing to another patch, then back. For example, if I have a Pitch/Intel Harmony effect block saved to patch #1, switch to patch #2, then switch back to #1, the -2 value in the effect no longer has sound. I have to manually "edit" the effect block and change the voice harmony value from -2 to any other value, then back to -2 to get the sound back. Doing this works as long as you stay in the patch - as soon as you go to another patch, the value is lost again (saved or not). Listed below are my basic settings for Intelligent Harmony. I use a Mission Engineering EP1 pedal to control the effect mix. The problem occurs with or without the pedal.

Master Delay: 100%
Master Pan: 100%
Master Level: 100%
Voice 1 Detune: 0.0 ct
Voice 2 Detune: 0.0 ct
Key: E
Scale: Chromatic
Track Mode: Smooth
Tracking: 10.00
Glide Time: 1.0 ms
Voice1 Harmony: 3
Voice2 Harmony: -2 (this seems to be the culprit)
Voice1 Level: 0.0 db
Voice2 Level: 0.0 db
Voice1 Pan: 0.0 db
Voice2 Pan: 0.0 db
Voice1 Delay: 0.0
Voice2 Delay: 0.0
Voice1 DlyTempo: None
Voice2 DlyTempo: None

Please let me know if you have similar issues.
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You didn't mention if you have a midi-device attached to your Axe. My first suggestion from your description would be, that some floorboard sends a midi-signal on recall of patch #2. So if only your voice2 Harmony becomes inaudible, check if you happen to have a controller/modifier attached to any level parameter that effects your voice2. either in the patch itself or on the main menue where you do assign controllers/modifiers to effect parameters.
Any other ideas anyone?
I have a M-Audio MidiSport 2x2 Anniversary edition midi device that is always attached for use with Axe-Edit, and the Mission EP-1 expression pedal that is connected to the Pedal 1 input, but no midi controller (like a floorboard). I am thinking that I might have corrupted firmware - a simple reload might do the trick. Did you try saving a test patch with these settings? If so, any luck?
Btw, my actual patch that is giving my trouble is #259. I used #1 and #2 as an example.
I have a M-Audio MidiSport 2x2 Anniversary edition midi device that is always attached for use with Axe-Edit, and the Mission EP-1 expression pedal that is connected to the Pedal 1 input, but no midi controller (like a floorboard). I am thinking that I might have corrupted firmware - a simple reload might do the trick. Did you try saving a test patch with these settings? If so, any luck?
Btw, my actual patch that is giving my trouble is #259. I used #1 and #2 as an example.

Highly doubt you have corrupted firmware. Question are you using the editor for all this? I ask because in the past the editor has had some bugs like this.
Highly doubt you have corrupted firmware. Question are you using the editor for all this? I ask because in the past the editor has had some bugs like this.
The initial patch was created using Axe-Edit, but I have since edited and saved the patch directly on the Axe (Axe-Edit was not running). I will try creating a new test patch without using the editor and see what happens...
Okay, I just created and saved a quick patch using the Axe-Fx only... Same thing happened.
I also tried removing the expression pedal to see if that would solve the issue - this did not work either. From what I can tell, the problem only happens when I use -2 as one (or both) of the voice harmony settings (in either position). FWIW, the -2 setting seems to work fine with the other Scale settings. So if this is an actual "bug", it is a combination of the Chromatic scale and the -2 voice harmony settings. Of course, this could EASILY be user error too... :)
Okay, I just created and saved a quick patch using the Axe-Fx only... Same thing happened.
I also tried removing the expression pedal to see if that would solve the issue - this did not work either. From what I can tell, the problem only happens when I use -2 as one (or both) of the voice harmony settings (in either position). FWIW, the -2 setting seems to work fine with the other Scale settings. So if this is an actual "bug", it is a combination of the Chromatic scale and the -2 voice harmony settings. Of course, this could EASILY be user error too... :)

I would send support the preset and see what they say.
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