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  1. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    Also, the strobe tuner in the Axe-Fx uses a different algorithm and is limited only by the accuracy of the crystal oscillator. So even if 0.6 cents is somehow not accurate enough you can use the strobe tuner.
  2. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    I use the Axe-Fx. 0.6 cents of error on the high E is inconsequential IMO.
  3. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    I'm sure people will still find things to argue and complain about.
  4. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    Several posts above yours I stated the tuner isn't designed to be an intonation tool. It's designed to tune a guitar at a gig and it works extremely well for that purpose.
  5. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    The preset isn't auto-saved. The parameters are updated when the preset is recalled. You can adjust the parameters if you wish.
  6. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    The tuner isn't designed to tune notes that high. It's designed to tune a guitar. Typically people tune open strings and the tuner is optimized for that. I'm not even sure what the point would be tuning a guitar on the 24th fret.
  7. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    New beta out:
  8. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate) Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 25.00 New “Cygnus X-3” amp modeling: Improved preamp algorithms. Improved power amp algorithms. Improved output transformer loss modeling. Improved preamp...
  9. FractalAudio

    3 Body Problem

    Started off okay but then went typical Netflix: 10 minutes of content, 50 minutes of people sitting around and talking.
  10. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    There is nothing depicted above. I have no idea what the question is.
  11. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    Something wrong with whatever you are using to generate tones. Here are results of tuner accuracy for the the high E string: Note Freq Measured Error B 493.88 Hz 0.1 cents C 523.25 Hz -0.5 cents C# 554.37 Hz 0.0 cents D 587.33 Hz -0.3 cents D#...
  12. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    My experience does not match yours. We actually measure the amps and compare them to the models. The gain of an amp is an easily measured quantity and the models match the gains of our reference amps. Now, our reference amps are always serviced before matching. Any resistors that are out of...
  13. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    What do you feel needs to be improved about the tuner? In my tests it's accurate to within 0.1 cents.
  14. FractalAudio

    Low harmonic content of a real amp

    That's called "intermodulation distortion". It's the difference between the two frequencies. If you play, say an A 440 and and an Ab 415.3 the difference frequency is 440 - 415.3 = 24.7 Hz. If you do a double-stop bend the difference frequency will go down as you bend the note up. It's not...
  15. FractalAudio

    This Doesn't Make Sense To Me- Input Trim in Amp Block

    It should be there when set to Ideal as well. This has been corrected for the next firmware release.
  16. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Gap with AMP+CAB+IRP channel changes

    Full-Res (room) IRs are large and take a long time to load. Gapless switching is not supported when using Full-Res IRs.
  17. FractalAudio

    Bug? Losing global settings during boot

    This has been fixed for the next release.
  18. FractalAudio

    Bug? Losing global settings during boot

    1. Why would you do this? Simply don't play any MIDI until the Axe-Fx completes booting. 2. Those "cheap USB MIDI interfaces" are notorious for corrupting MIDI data if you stream large files to them.
  19. FractalAudio

    Bug? Unwanted Midi messages on FM9 after Preset change

    Engineering is aware of the issue and working on it.
  20. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Sound interruption during FX3 playback

    This is an issue with your computer.
  21. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Controller issue

    Connected to what exactly? An FC6/12? A MIDI controller? The expression pedal inputs on the Axe-Fx and on the FC6/12 have pullup resistors. If a pedal is unplugged the value goes to 100%. This is done so that if a pedal is connected to volume and you forget your volume pedal you'll still...
  22. FractalAudio

    The Greatest Recto Tone Ever?

    Can't lie, I was banging my head.
  23. FractalAudio

    Confirmed Both amp blocks active in Scene 2

    Resetting any block resets the Bypass state. This is not a bug.
  24. FractalAudio

    Is There A Polyphonic Synth for AxeFx III?

    That's actually sort of one approach. You put the signal into a comparator which generates a square wave. Filter the square wave and then use an envelope on the filtered square wave with the original input as the input to the envelope detector. I wouldn't be surprised if that's how a lot of...
  25. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    The 1987X model is based on a reissue 1987. It doesn't have a bright cap. Use one of the Plexi 50W models for the vintage sound of a 1987.
  26. FractalAudio

    Is There A Polyphonic Synth for AxeFx III?

    Tritones are always a bugbear. It's a very dissonant interval and quite difficult to extract the frequency information. It's one of my tests for pitch shifting.
  27. FractalAudio

    Heat Management

    Don't worry about it. Leaving a space above and below won't accomplish anything. The vents are on the sides.
  28. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

  29. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

  30. FractalAudio

    All Capacitors have a polarity?

    Polarity is the wrong term. Orientation is a more correct term. Certain types of capacitors are essentially "rolls". They take two sheets of foil and put a sheet of dielectric between them. Cut this into strips and then roll it up. You want the outside foil connected to ground (or AC...
  31. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    New presets aren't necessary.
  32. FractalAudio

    Development with the next firmware

    I posted that. Don't behave like this.
  33. FractalAudio

    Best Way to EQ Ear Piercing Frequency?

    It's the headphones.
  34. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Filters have a finite transition band. The first zero is at 24kHz. There are many good books and articles on the design of bandstop digital filters.
  35. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    No. Looks like a cheap interface. Or an expensive interface with a cheap SRC implementation.
  36. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    My results using an RME Fireface UFX: 3dB point is around 18kHz.
  37. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Something wrong in your audio setup. Something is putting a brick-wall filter at 20kHz. Inexpensive audio interfaces will often do this on digital inputs.
  38. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    There's a knob called "Level" in the Amp block. It can be used to adjust the volume of the Amp block.
  39. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug FM9 and FM9 Edit both freeze and unresponsive with drive modifier

    Not a bug. You're exceeding the units capabilities.
  40. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    This firmware has more rumble and sizzle and if you drive the power amp hard you'll get less clarity. Using new measurement techniques we found that the real amps were creating more of a certain type of intermodulation distortion than our models. Our new algorithms recreate this more...
  41. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    I just compared my 100W Plexi to the model w/ a sine wave generator and the actual amp has slightly more prominent ghost notes. Probably because the filter caps are old. As capacitors age their capacitance decreases and, hence, the B+ time constant decreases thereby increasing supply ripple...
  42. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Reference amp does the same thing. That's a ghost note. On our reference amp the B+ is 490V. At full power B+ drops to 370V (!). You can reduce Supply Sag or change the Supply Type to DC to reduce the ghost note. Or increase B+ Time Constant to reduce the supply ripple. Every amp was...
  43. FractalAudio

  44. FractalAudio

    My JCM800 Just Blew Up

    All fixed.
  45. FractalAudio

    My JCM800 Just Blew Up

    Fortunately it didn't leak. The vent hole did it's job. It was my 2204 which is also a Canadian version. I have a US version as well but the Canadian version sounds better. I will repair this myself. I have a set of F&Ts on the way. The only thing I don't do is transformer replacements...
  46. FractalAudio

    My JCM800 Just Blew Up

    I heard a "phhhhhhhhtttt, snap". Looked over and smoke was coming out of it. B+1 capacitor popped.
  47. FractalAudio

    Why do some IR's and DynaCab's seem to compress more than others?

    Depends on how you deconvolve. If you use "classic" deconvolution the distortion products will affect the IR to some degree. If you use matched-filter deconvolution the distortion products are pushed out in time and separated from the linear IR. Our IR Capture utility gives you the option of...
  48. FractalAudio

    Why do some IR's and DynaCab's seem to compress more than others?

    "EQ curve" is semantics. It's a filter. In this case usually an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter. There are two types of filters: Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) and Finite Impulse Response (FIR). An "IR" as we use the term is an FIR. It's a filter and, hence, could be said to be an...
  49. FractalAudio

    Why do some IR's and DynaCab's seem to compress more than others?

    Speaker compression is not a myth. The voice coil gets hot. Very hot. The resistance is proportional to the temperature. As the temperature increases the resistance increases. The tempco of copper is about 0.4%/deg. C. If the voice coil temperature increases, say, 50 deg. C then the...
  50. FractalAudio

    Why do some IR's and DynaCab's seem to compress more than others?

    It doesn't clip. It's compression. Therefore the name is correct.
  51. FractalAudio

    Deluxe Reverb Tone - Can Axe-FX Do This With No Pedals?

    That's not a close-mic'd tone. Otherwise the Deluxe Verb model absolutely nails the sound of a Deluxe Reverb.
  52. FractalAudio

    RESOLVED - USB Driver virus warning? (Audio Driver Update for Axe-Fx III, FM3, and FM9)

    I'm getting a virus warning in both Chrome and Windows. I've removed the post from the forum pending more info from engineering.
  53. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 7.00

    Or you could try practicing and making music.
  54. FractalAudio

    Does a Fender Twin sound the same on FM3 as it does on FM9/Axe FX?

    The short answer: no. The medium answer: not at this time. The long answer: The FM3 firmware has not caught up to the FM9 and Axe-Fx III yet. There were updates to the algorithms and the models. The upcoming FM3 firmware will have the new algorithms and models.
  55. FractalAudio

    Sunrise Splendor on FM9 is GREAT

    And yet everyone does...
  56. FractalAudio

    Sunrise Splendor on FM9 is GREAT

    The model has the "Bright Cut" switch engaged.
  57. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    That's for a MKII. A '68 SLP does not have those values.
  58. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    FWIW, our reference 100W Plexi is sort of in between 1968 and 1969. It has an 820 ohm cathode resistor on V1B. Coupling cap is 2.2n. Feedback is 47K off the speaker jack (!!!). The model assumes a full stack w/ (2) 16-ohm cabs so that would equivalent to 8-ohm tap.
  59. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    It has an extra gain stage and a 1uF bypass cap on the last triode.
  60. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    You lost me. I don't know what you're trying to achieve. Putting what up to where?
  61. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    There is no "best" or "most accurate". Marshall amps in those days were wildly inconsistent. There are conflicting reports of the tone stacks. Our reference amp has log pots. George Metropolous says most of the amps he's seen had log pots. Some people claim linear pots were more prevalent...
  62. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    Yes. The increased source impedance increases the insertion loss. The insertion loss also increases more at higher frequencies.
  63. FractalAudio

    Dyna-Cabs Version 1.05

    You need a DynaMount to make DynaCabs. You can either buy one or rent ours. You also have to rent our software.
  64. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    Axe=Edit alphabetizes them. Ignore the numbers, use the names. You want "Plexi".
  65. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    The taper doesn't change the tone. It only changes where a given tone occurs for a knob position. For example, if the treble pot is a log taper you simply turn it up higher to get the value of a linear taper pot at a given position.
  66. FractalAudio

    Modeling Questions

    The default tone stack for the Plexi 100W is #53 (Plexi 100W). The equivalent tone stack w/ linear mid and treble pots is #4 (Plexi). #79 is a Dumble tone stack which is the same as #4 except it is plate driven instead of cathode follower driven. Our reference 100W Plexi has log pots for all...
  67. FractalAudio

    The more IRs are used, the more realistic the amp/cab in the room sound is

    That's completely backwards. Human hearing is subjective and far from perfect. A microphone is a physical instrument with measurable quantities.
  68. FractalAudio

    Axe gx 3 updates

    Fracpad is not official Fractal Audio software. Use at your own risk.
  69. FractalAudio

    I find the Plexi models all quite dark. Explanation inside. Any help?

    Our modeling is at "speaker level". DI captures and the outputs of other products are at "speaker jack" level. The sound from the speaker is slightly darker than the voltage at the speaker jacks. So comparing other products through the same IR will always yield a slightly darker sound with...
  70. FractalAudio

    Bar graph representing diff between axeiii, fm9, fm3?

    In choosing between FM9 and Axe-Fx III it mostly comes down to form-factor. Do you want a floor unit or a rack unit? Yes, the Axe-Fx III is more powerful but the FM9 is more than powerful enough for the majority of users.
  71. FractalAudio

    Euro Blue and Red excursion switch

    You've been misinformed. The values for the L, M and T are 1M, 180K, 0 ohms. The capacitor does not change.
  72. FractalAudio

    Euro Blue and Red excursion switch

    Depth controls work by reducing negative feedback at low frequencies. It's a corollary to presence which works by reducing negative feedback at high frequencies. The Ecstacy uses a switch with three fixed resistor values. The model uses a pot instead. The model is based on a 20th Anniversary...
  73. FractalAudio

    Euro Blue and Red excursion switch

    Excursion is Depth. Adjust to taste.
  74. FractalAudio

    My new Axe III is DOA

    It got damaged in shipping. It happens. Support will take care of you.
  75. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug FM3 USB

    It works with your laptop. Therefore the "bug" is in your desktop.
  76. FractalAudio

    Need a monitor upgrade from KRK Rokit 6s

    HS8s are great bang-for-the-buck. Spend as much as you can for monitors though as they are the most important link in the chain.
  77. FractalAudio

    Dumb question about FM3 mark ii turbo vs axe iii

    Currently the Axe-Fx III has a different algorithm than the FM3. The Axe-Fx III algorithm is much better. We are attempting to port the Axe-Fx III algorithm to the FM3 but the lack of horsepower is making this problematic. The FM9 uses the same algorithms as the Axe-Fx III since it has twice...
  78. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (2)

    Ideal is supposed to be louder. It compensates for the compression. See the manual.
  79. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    What exactly is the problem? The picture you posted looks correct.
  80. FractalAudio

    Changes to the Two Stone Model in Firmware 6.00?

    It will be fixed on the next FM9 release.
  81. FractalAudio

    Why is my SPDIF clipping when input 1 isn't?

    For the best fidelity you shouldn't use a DI box. The A/D on the Axe-Fx is optimized for guitar and will vastly outperform any general purpose audio interface. The Axe-Fx uses multiple channels of the A/D to increase dynamic range. If you set SPDIF/AES Out Source to Input 1 you get a...
  82. FractalAudio

    Why is my SPDIF clipping when input 1 isn't?

    Simply set SPDIF/AES Out Source to Input 1. See manual for more details.
  83. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    All our products use real-time operating systems with multiple threads. Audio is the highest priority thread. The displayed CPU usage is the percentage of the CPU that the audio thread is using. If the audio thread uses too much CPU then lower priority threads will starve. The lowest...
  84. FractalAudio

    Microsoft Authenticator App

    Wow, whoever came up with this thing is either a masochist that enjoys torturing people and wasting their time or is completely inept.
  85. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release Couple minor fixes. Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 24.05 Removed Presence control from Two Stone J35 models Authentic menu because real amp doesn’t have one. Fixed excessive delay from Pitch...
  86. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Tuner / Custom Scales Frequency Off?

    A5 is 110Hz. 440/4 = 110.
  87. FractalAudio

    DynaCab 1x12 G12T-100 Info

    It's a custom cabinet.
  88. FractalAudio

    Hi im back

    Whew, I was starting to get worried.
  89. FractalAudio

    Bug? Beta 6 - 4CM/Ampless preset causing FM9 freeze up

    Engineering is aware of this bug and working on a fix.
  90. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    The wet level is slightly lower now for some types. Compensate by increasing the Mix.
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