Bug? Beta 6 - 4CM/Ampless preset causing FM9 freeze up

ok Possible BUG found here, mentioned in the Beta release thread but unsure whether I should post here separately under the Bug tag- apologies if I've messed up and mods please feel free to delete.

Stepped back up to FW6 after completely flattening my FM9 (on 5.01)..used a backup to restore everything in 5.01 - and then did the usual FW update to 6

What I have found is if I start the unit with a 4CM type preset (i.e, no amp) anything I do in that preset will result in the unit freezing up, pressing home button will black out the screen etc, needs reboot to get back.

However!! - if I leave it boot up on that 4CM preset and then manually scroll (using Page Right to get to presets tab) and select another of my presets with an amp in it (Neal S's GOT preset - attached below) , it works fine - all buttons work, normal operation, all good, AND then returning to that troublesome 4CM ampless preset also then works fine.

Its only using that 4CM/ampless preset initially on power up that causes the unit to freeze up completely - attached below - troublesome 4CM patch, NS GOT patch (modified a few things in it - delay etc etc) together with system backup

UPDATE - if I just add an amp block anywhere on the grid of that 4CM patch it works fine on powerup, no freezes - is the code looking for an amp block??


  • 1 JVM 4CM.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 3
  • FM9-240129-122440-system+gb+fc.syx
    192.6 KB · Views: 1
  • NS GoT 2023 III.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 1
I recreated this by creating a new preset with only Input and Output block.

If I boot on that preset, trying to bypass a block or change scenes results in a hung FM9 and Communication Timeout from the editor.

Adding an Amp block after boot and before other actions allows it to work.



I'm still on private beta firmware but it should be the same.
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