Does a Fender Twin sound the same on FM3 as it does on FM9/Axe FX?

Well, perhaps I should have nitpick-proofed my post by adding I was talking specifically about the Twin amp model of each unit, like the OP made clear in his first post, but then it might have gotten long and misconstrued again by the person I was responding to. ;) I will try and do better in the future. :)
No worries... Quite possible others interpreted it the same as you.
Samesies. All I'm saying is that all modelers are different and have different ways of going about capturing/replicating tones.
Mostly through a series of PEX tubes and magic, yeah?
Apologies for my snark.
All good, this is the internet, I've been here for a bit lol.
G66 is not unbiased and neither is this forum. In fact, they have significant overlaps, especially on UsToob. In fact, a few of the most-cited and oft-admired forum folks and FAS YouTubers are also G66 Content Employees.
I wanna peel back the curtain and see just how many people on the internet posting about a thing or product are people who work for that thing or product. It's gotta be a pretty good number.
...and do an A/B and then return the gear that doesn't work for you. The world runs on credit. Leverage billing cycles and return policies to your benefit.
I maaay be able to do this, I just hate risking companies being sketchy about their return policy.
Let me Ask Jeeves first!
...though I haven't been on the internet long enough to remember this one. I know the name, but I looked it up and It kinda looks familiar. Search engines used to be a lot more fun I guess. Had a mascot and everything.

The only differences you would encounter is if a preset used a feature not available in the FM3 like input compression in the amp block, pitch shifted reverb, etc. I doubt the core model for the Twin has been touched in ages.

I've sold my original FM3 and waiting for FM3T.
In the meantime I've tried many of the available profiling, modelling and AI products like NAM or Genome. They are good in their own way, especially if you don't need much or you are lucky to find amazing amp profile or preset. Currently I'm using Strymon product - even this pedal is much better than 100% of profiles I've tried, and that's a lot.
But nothing touches FM3 as a whole product. Do yourself a favor a go with FM3. Changes you'll look for something else other than more powerful model are close to zero.

Noticeable - not likely. Some - maybe, until we get a new FW, which will happen occasionally. From that moment you'll be hard pressed to tell the difference.

IF you start with the FM3 version of the preset, and copy it to the other models unaltered, there should be no difference. If you move it the other direction then you might run into tweaks/adjustments in parameters that exist on the FX3 that are not available on the other units.

The FX3 factory presets don't use any of those unique settings, at least not that I've noticed. And, when we port them to the other units there's no mention of or attention to those sort of things. But still, your best bet is to move from the FM3 upwards. And, in my experience, because I move presets between the three units all the time, I can't tell the difference when using the same preset.
Thank you guys for your input, FM3 arriving soon :D.
The short answer: no.

The medium answer: not at this time.

The long answer: The FM3 firmware has not caught up to the FM9 and Axe-Fx III yet. There were updates to the algorithms and the models. The upcoming FM3 firmware will have the new algorithms and models.
The short answer: no.

The medium answer: not at this time.

The long answer: The FM3 firmware has not caught up to the FM9 and Axe-Fx III yet. There were updates to the algorithms and the models. The upcoming FM3 firmware will have the new algorithms and models.
Hey it's the guy!

I'm excited for the new firmware then. As I said before, my one thing I am concerned about is the amp modeling so if the next firmware improves that, I'm one happy camper.
The short answer: no.

The medium answer: not at this time.

The long answer: The FM3 firmware has not caught up to the FM9 and Axe-Fx III yet. There were updates to the algorithms and the models. The upcoming FM3 firmware will have the new algorithms and models.
And maybe, possibly, gapless switching or the new spring algorithms?
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