Not a Bug FM3 USB



I have a laptop and a desktop. On my desktop FM3 edit used to work. Now it doesn't work anymore. I had a near heart attack but then I discovered that I can still use it on my more recent laptop. So I can conclude the FM3, the USB cable (tried 2 different types 2 different ways) are still working.

I have tried:
  • De and re-installing drivers
  • Different USB cables
  • Different USB ports in my PC
  • Unplugging all USB cables and then plugging it in
  • Disabling power management on USB
  • Motherboard driver update (usb)
  • Reinstalling .net framework + .net framework fixes
  • Reinstalling distributale software
  • Selecting the in/out in FM3
  • Rebooting ...
  • ...

I have a couple of terra of plugins installed so I'm not really incentivised to do a full windows reinstall.

Any other tips?

Windows doesn't even recognize it as an USB device when I plug it in. Not even a sound when I plug it in. Other devices work on the same USB port

Was a Windows update pushed recently? I still remember when my sheet scanner stopped working after one Windows update. Miraculously, it started working again after another subsequent Windows update.
Is it possible for you to try a fresh install of Windows on a different drive or partition? Just to check if it's a hardware or software problem (e.g. stuck in some weird configuration state, conflicting drivers, etc.)
I had this.. you just have to move fm3 edit to the newer pc. the laptop may just have more horse power.
Older machines seem to throw up issues with the fm3 but I cleared up all the connectivity issues by moving it to a newer machine
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