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  • Users: 6L6C
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  1. 6L6C

    Axe-Edit, Fractalbot and Cab Lab App in the future??

    That would work for me also!
  2. 6L6C

    Axe-Edit, Fractalbot and Cab Lab App in the future??

    My only hope/request for the future Axe Fx III would be bluetooth just for editing purposes weather it be PC, Mac or iPad. And this way also just free up the USB for audio only. Running both at the same time has caused little hiccups for me in the past. For the most part everything else can...
  3. 6L6C

    mfc 101 issues??

    Try restoring the board Hold down switch 11 while the board is powering up You will be prompted to finish restoring John
  4. 6L6C

    Undo a Linked Switch

    Thanks Bakerman! Where can I pick up my DUMB*** award. Soon as I read your post, forgot to reset the dam board. All is good again! again thank you John
  5. 6L6C

    Undo a Linked Switch

    I updated my MFC (3.X) and had the reassign all my IA’s (no big deal) but while doing this decided to link some switches, a feature I never used before. Anyway when going to the link page on the MFC it defaulted at LinkA 42 42 42 42 42 OK fine I wanted to link switch 6&7 no problem there so I...
  6. 6L6C

    Video of an original song of my band, all guitars AXE-FX

    Like "Jvstrat" I don't have a clue what the lyrics are but in a odd way it kind of translates with the melody, which I like. And of coarse the video helps fill in the gaps. Everything sounds good (very catchy song), but I really like that womans voice! John
  7. 6L6C

    What's your backup amp ?

    Me too have had mine since 92 and is the only tube amp I have left
  8. 6L6C

    Holy shit, Batman!!!! The 1966 BATMAN TV show finally comes to DVD!

    As a kid seeing the 66 Batman series I was always happy to see yvonne craig in her Batgirl costume, didn’t know why at the time. But I figured it out later :pride::pride:
  9. 6L6C

    Should I get a Liquid Foot?

    I considered a LF a few years back but it was around the time there were a ton of people complaining about support, and also sales as in no responses to email and so on. In the long run ended up with a MFC and thats pretty much all I need with my current configuration. The LF is a great switch...
  10. 6L6C

    AD30 Clean into a real Matchless Cab (Worship stuff)

    Sounds really good. Also every now and then you turn a certain way and the top on that Carvin just pops, beautiful top on that guitar! John
  11. 6L6C

    Beta 5 New amps quick demo

    Listening to that is going to make me load Beta 5 in the next 10 min
  12. 6L6C

    this is my guitar holy land

    Yeah I had seen this video a few days ago also. The main floor was impressive enough! But when they went upstaires to the private collection I was pretty much drooling all over myself and my keyboard. I would like to take a trip to Dave's store also. John
  13. 6L6C

    PSA: Patch 123 is Damaged

    I cant help but wonder how many people are going to go to this patch to see if thier AF II hangs. John
  14. 6L6C

    Your Best Buys in 2013?

    Fender Strat American Standard Yamaha THR10
  15. 6L6C

    What real amp(s) have you kept?

    I use to have the Convertible also back in like 85 and like a A******E ended up getting rid of it. Great amp! with the right mix of modules. Use to have the head version.
  16. 6L6C

    What's so special about Matrix GT1000?

    My practices also John
  17. 6L6C


    You beat me to it, as I feel the same way I have a THR10 and love the little thing. John
  18. 6L6C

    Happy Christmas

    No worries there, you sound great and so does the tone of that guitar! It even sounds great on my iPad speakers which I am listening to right now.
  19. 6L6C

    Hardware pedals you rebought after going 100% Axe ?

    The only thing I got since being an Axe owner (standard in 2009 and AF II in 2011)is the TC Poly Tune great pedal yes but I really like being able to reference all six strings at the same time (great for floating trems) that’s it! However I do have some interest in the BOSS Adaptive Distortion...
  20. 6L6C

    Long time Strat owners (a little input please)

    That pretty much sums up my feelings also with mine and like you I really do like the pickups I already have in my Strat. And would/will do the same thing just prepar another pickgaurd. Beautiful top on that Strat BTW! John
  21. 6L6C

    Long time Strat owners (a little input please)

    Here is the link Gibson You might find this video interesting not a strat but will give you an idea how well it works Pete's New LP Guitar - YouTube John
  22. 6L6C

    Long time Strat owners (a little input please)

    Thanks guys the Zexcoils have been on my radar for a while. Kinman Woodstock, that’s a new one to me and have checked out some YouTube videos, also sound real good. Or as good as YouTube compression will allow. I am going to try some different wiring instead of the treble bleed like I was...
  23. 6L6C

    Anyone know what model is closest to Peavey Classic 30?

    Love my 30 fantastic amp!
  24. 6L6C

    Anyone here run their Axe II into the return of a mesa mark IV?

    Well if you are concerned about the added color I would stay away from the IV, as for the JSX I haven't a clue. But since you already know what you have (JSX) I would stay with it. Beware: like I said above running the Mark IV in class A sounded best with amp sims but that also cuts you down...
  25. 6L6C

    Long time Strat owners (a little input please)

    Looking for some feedback from guys who have basically lived with their Strat. On another thread I started a few months I got my first Strat, although I have played for over 30+ years Well I have been really enjoying my Strat since then...
  26. 6L6C

    Anyone here run their Axe II into the return of a mesa mark IV?

    I never ran my AF II through my Mark IV but did run the standard through the IV, with good results over all, but not a perfect world either. When I first got the Standard back in 2009 I was pretty much taking baby steps to find out how I was going to run this thing. So it was the Mark IV a 2x12...
  27. 6L6C

    Vibro King Christmas

    Great as the tone and balance of effects are, I'm drawn to the arrangement and playing even more, that was great! John
  28. 6L6C

    Did I really do this??

    ???? You paid him to keep it?? :mrgreen:mrgreen
  29. 6L6C

    Merry Friggen Xmas to ME!

    Nice. :encouragement:
  30. 6L6C

    Connecting Axe-FX to computer via Bluetooth

    Who knows something maybe in the future (Axe Fx III perhaps) it would be nice feature It's been on my wish list for a while John
  31. 6L6C

    What's so special about Matrix GT1000?

    As you can see from my signature I have a GT800 but have been thinking going back to Carvin the 1540L, to be precise, has been kind of on my mind allot lately. And yes I know the GT1000 has a different voicing (for everyone else) Have tried a few power amps through the years with the AF, one of...
  32. 6L6C

    Zach Myers noticed my Axe-Fx II & MFC-101!

    Very cool!
  33. 6L6C

    Reactor Cabs are they dead?? (What do you think?)

    Hey Guys I have some Atomic Reactor cabs (passive models) that I have been threatening to sell for a while now; they have been down in my storage facility for a bit over a year now. One of the reasons I have not put them up is I have to do a little repair first I have had problems with the...
  34. 6L6C

    Day of the Doctor

    Although I have see a few episodes as a kid ( late seventies Tom Baker) I really got into it with the ninth doctor Chris from there (thanks to Amazon) have worked my my backwards season one and up to the present. I enjoyed Day of the Doctor We will see with the new Doctor ever since Matt Smith...
  35. 6L6C

    Cover tunes worth it?

    Do it, playing with other people. That alone is a good thing. As far as the covers that also is a good thing you my have to tap styles you would not touch under normal conditions. It will improve you in some ways. As for me have not done it in a while kind of got burnt out on it, but not so...
  36. 6L6C

    My new baby...

    I LOVE that top!
  37. 6L6C

    Keith Merrow and Andrew Wade on Axe FX vs Kemper

    Yeah I liked that one myself
  38. 6L6C

    amp similar to laney iommi/sabbath

    Off the top head: At least during the earlier days. I seem to remember that he basically just cranked everything and also used a treble booster right after the guitar.
  39. 6L6C

    My First Strat

    mnwst Merlin Sted You guys are a little late to the party, but thank you very much! Been a few months now with the Strat so I guess you can say the honeymoon phase is over. Feels more like mine not something totally new. That being said, I LOVE it more. John
  40. 6L6C

    Axe FX II Blues Rock Jam - Seth Rosenbloom & Sean Ashe

    And yet, it still sounded great!
  41. 6L6C

    I've been away building an acoustic guitar...

    Looks great! Cant help but be a little envious, I can barely build a box. John
  42. 6L6C

    Axe FX II Blues Rock Jam - Seth Rosenbloom & Sean Ashe

    Nice playing (both of you!) tasty! But its also nice to hear some tones, with what I would consider a tasty amount of drive for the material you are playing not over saturated in any way shape or form. And to boot: not lost in a endless sea of delay and reverb. very cool! John
  43. 6L6C

    Footage from live bar gig

    Wow sounds great! Even through my laptop speakers while sipping coffee at the kitchen table. Great playing also!!
  44. 6L6C

    laptop just died :( now the question is mac or pc? to use w/axe and for recordings

    ...the past. Yeah somebody was bragging to me a couple of years ago how his $2200 was blowing away his six year old $400 Dell PC. My response “ahh F***ing better!” Yeah I have run into this also although I can’t blame the Mac it’s the end user and ironically these are usually the people...
  45. 6L6C

    Les Paul

    Although “Holyoli” beat me to it, thought you might like this video I found John DIY Les Paul Wiring - Vintage versus Modern - YouTube
  46. 6L6C

    Les Paul

    I use treble bleeds in most of my guitars also, since I like to ride the volume control. But in the Les Paul’s I highly recommend getting rid of the caps and go to a 50’s wiring. Awesome guitar BTW!
  47. 6L6C

    Les Paul

    I feel the exact way about my 80 Standard which has been with me from the beginning. Yeah me too both my Les Pauls are 50’s wiring, something I only recently adopted over the past year and for the life of me can’t figure why I didn’t do it sooner. But in this case better late than never. First...
  48. 6L6C

    Tuner isn't helping to tune at all.

    I would be very interested in your review on this, do you plan on doing it in the immediate future? Also what guitar is going to be the test subject?
  49. 6L6C

    Major ding in new Telecaster

    Wow ! I had said leave it Glad you didn't listen to me!
  50. 6L6C

    My First Strat

    ...every day. Funny thing I now surprised I never got into Strat’s especially during the eighties I use to change pickups like a fiend at that time. Strat’s would have been ideal have a second pickgaurd prepared three connections –DONE. OH S*** some old GAS is getting refueled typing about this.
  51. 6L6C

    My First Strat

    Nice!! What are you going for? John
  52. 6L6C

    My First Strat

    Thanks for the kind words, after reading some of the responses I was a little surprised how many of you guys were kind of like me, and then there is “swass” who is the polar opposite adopting the Strat earlier on and rolling with it all these years. Bottom line I am still a Humbucker Les Paul...
  53. 6L6C

    Overkill Axe2+G-System

    Yeah you can put the G-System in the loop of the AF, giving you the ability to place the G-System anywhere in the chain. But this just seems like over kill to me, unless you’re chasing something that unique. John
  54. 6L6C

    My First Strat

    You would think that after playing guitar since 1977 that a Stratocaster or Telecaster would at some point and time make my little collection: well never happened till now. Sure I have guitars that you can split the coils and also have guitars with a HSS or HSH pickup configuration, but never a...
  55. 6L6C

    New Guitar Day - Suhr

    Awesome guitar, good luck with it. Love the Gotoh trem. John
  56. 6L6C

    New amp day Mesa Boogie Mkiic+ combo

    Looks really clean good luck with it! By any chance did you pull the chassis and inspect the gut's? John
  57. 6L6C

    Is it my eyes or did the LCD graphics improve?

    I was playing with the editor and happened to look at the Af II about 6 feet away and yeah it looked more detailed to me also. But then remembered when I program from the front I am kind of looking at the screen on a angle, sitting a 6 feet away its more straight on. And it has been a while...
  58. 6L6C

    Major ding in new Telecaster

    Some call it damage I call it character. Dont get me wrong its a new guitar and it's beat. But if your anything like me, no matter how good the repair you will always see it (if you know what I mean) John
  59. 6L6C

    Amp Default Settings Spreadsheet

    Nice! Allot of work there! John
  60. 6L6C

    My band's new video :: Stormzone - Three Kings

    Same here! Really like this allot! John
  61. 6L6C

    AxeII vs MarkV

    The Mark V is a awesome amp, but isnt it just a modler in a sence with the Mark I, Mark II C+, Mark IIV modes? And althouth these modes do sound good they dont always measure up to there real counter parts. There real counter parts are much more open sounding. That being said I still have my IV...
  62. 6L6C

    New guitar day. Yes, another one.

    I feel the same way! But still I have tried some of the chambered that I liked but would I trade them for my 81 Standard---No. sarge- awesome looking Paul!! You guys want to feel some weight try some Customs some of them have some real beef I have a 2007 and was a bit taken back considerably...
  63. 6L6C

    New Guitar...couple days ago.....PRS 513 content

    Crappy cell phone photo and still looks amazing !! What pickups are in that beast? John
  64. 6L6C

    First gig with 11.....

    Dam I got so pumped for a second. :mrgreen
  65. 6L6C

    Can't get the G-String of my LP to stay in tune

    The guys name is Sal just call for an appointment 516-967-6477 (no store front), located in Oceanside two blocks away from the Oceanside train station. John
  66. 6L6C

    Can't get the G-String of my LP to stay in tune

    Most of the time it's the way the nut is cut IMO. The les Paul's I have, in my case a Gibson flying V being the worse offender. any guitar were the strings flair out after leaving the nut and going to the head stock, tuning issues especially the G-string. Needless to say most nuts are cut...
  67. 6L6C

    NAMM never in NY

    Most likely lots of $$$$$$$$$
  68. 6L6C

    Going through massive axe fx and guitar withdrawal here in Predal Romania.

    That's great and sucks all at the same time!! On the other hand I'm shedding no tears for you, well maybe a few tears of envy
  69. 6L6C

    Going through massive axe fx and guitar withdrawal here in Predal Romania.

    Sorry no way in hell I can do that. I could sell a Kydney, force the girlfriend into prositution, start a crystal meth lab. But there is no way I could sell the AF II, to finance a trip. I have my principals! :mrgreen
  70. 6L6C

    Why all the Metal??????

    I pretty much agree. My friend does sound on the weekend in Connecticut and does get the country band every now and then and is starting to see the Axe Fx more and more this past year. On a side note have read post in the past about sound guys who don't care for the AF. My friend is old school...
  71. 6L6C

    my intro to steve morse

    Same here my friend 36 years here, I know what you mean.
  72. 6L6C

    Iphone to Galaxy s4

    It’s pretty apparent to me that you are way more in touch with this stuff than I am, and am glad you posted it explains things a bit. The differences are minor, whether it be, pre applied EQ , different chips, or codecs, but there. And on another plus note at least I’m not hallucinating! :lol John
  73. 6L6C

    Iphone to Galaxy s4

    Oh ----- You’re baiting me in. :mrgreen I refuse to answer that question on the grounds I’m either going to piss off people who love their HD500 or people who love their iPhones. And I lean towards people who love their iPhones, NOT appreciating me comparing it to a POD HD500. Come on Clark...
  74. 6L6C

    Iphone to Galaxy s4

    Well if its any help, I am on day 6 with my S4 and the more I find my way around the happier I get. One thing I did not plan on: at my job there are times I can wear earbuds and listen to some tunes, while using the S4 the other day, the tunes sounded a bit better to me (more detail): showed...
  75. 6L6C

    Iphone to Galaxy s4 but hardware wise it destroys my iPhone. But there again my iPhone is 2 generations behind. I do feel a freedom not needing to use iTunes as a F***** conduit anymore and at the same time I miss not having a program like iTunes to use as a conduit with my new phone. Not worried it will...
  76. 6L6C

    Firmware Version 10.10 Now Available

    Fractal Audio Systems! The gift that keeps giving
  77. 6L6C

    Not able to update to 10.09.

    Never had problems with Vista either (in my case Ultimate) it was a little clunky till service pack 2 but after that, no problem. At work I have a mixed environment of machines to take care of and no problems there either. Anyway just in case it helps anyone just wanted to do a recap because...
  78. 6L6C

    Not able to update to 10.09.

    I had a similar problem Been working fine since, some sort of weird hiccup.
  79. 6L6C

    Windows Driver (Output Port)

    Uninstalled and reinstalled several times and the results were always the same, contacted support as javajunkie suggested, called it a day. Sunday started fooling with it again during the uninstall process I always checked to make sure the “Fractal Audio Systems” deleted as should, and it did...
  80. 6L6C

    Windows Driver (Output Port)

    Had some time today. All Done
  81. 6L6C

    Windows Driver (Output Port)

    Installed the new Windows (Vista) USB driver and AF does come up in device manager fine. When I open Fractal Bot I can select the dropdown menu for the AF II, and it checks itself. I can also select input port (AF II) and it checks itself. I can also select output port (AF II) but this time it...
  82. 6L6C

    I'm so glad the Axe is not made in China

    No worries! I have seen enough of your post to get a little insight into your personality, I knew what you meant. I was just having a little fun :mrgreen John
  83. 6L6C

    I'm so glad the Axe is not made in China

    Dont lump in in there, just because I am American. :encouragement: I had always looked at it as, there are allot of of cheap Chinese products out there in allot of cases, garbage. And these products are exactly what the American businessman contracted for. John
  84. 6L6C

    Just realized what got me into music

    Two come to mind "MASH" (did a acoustic chord melody with this) many, many years ago (I'm 49) and on bass "Barney Miller" theme which is just cool as all hell John
  85. 6L6C

    blue chip picks anybody?

    Never tried a Blue Chip but have had others The staple for many years has been a Jazz 3 for me but have also gone to Red Bear, V-Pick, Gravity, JB, just to name a few. And what have I been playing the past few month's. Dunlop Tortex .88?? I know bit of a circle, and the opposite of what I...
  86. 6L6C

    Transfer Error on Axe after edit reads 100% on FW update

    Make sure the Axe Fx is not plugged into a hub. For whatever reason (I can’t tell you why since I don’t know the tech myself) but any time you update firmware that device likes to be left alone weather it’s the Axe Fx, Line 6 products, Olympus Camera systems or Nikon Camera systems (bodies and...
  87. 6L6C

    Pick ups

    Sounds like you might be using me as your deciding factor? Your F*****d Kidding of course!! My thoughts --- Like I said the Seth’s and the Joe’s are pretty similar right down to the DC resistance, off the Duncan site the Seth Lovers are rated bridge 8.1k neck 7.2k, my Joe Bonamassa set (yes I...
  88. 6L6C

    Pick ups

    A few months ago I took a set of Seth Lover recreations out of my Les Paul standard that I had in there around 20 years give or take. Was happy with them but the Joe Bonamassa 59 recreations just kind grabbed me and just had to try them. Was not expecting a huge difference since they are both...
  89. 6L6C

    Why Matrix?

    Replaced my Carvin DCM200L with a GT800 and very happy with it. BUT-- I was also happy with the DCM200. The only issue at the time was the (power) the DCM200 just did not have enough. But my goal was to stay single space, Carvin did not make anything else with more power in a single space...
  90. 6L6C

    Petrucci 2010 BFR JP6 - Anyone Using?

    I also have a JP BFR and have had similar feelings to the point I have been thinking of selling it. Like you I have others. Gibson's, Ibanez's, the Les Paul's being my go-to guitar's. Out of the lot the BFR: aah it sounds good but, I guess the best way to put it, it's very sterile sounding...
  91. 6L6C

    Gear insurance ??

    Yeah my stuff is currently covered under homeowners so I do have some type of coverage (just not that great). Just want something more detailed for the guitars and other stuff. As far as having the gear appraised thats pretty much is what I am looking for I have a few guitars that are worth more...
  92. 6L6C

    Anyone converted a Les Paul from stock to 50's wiring?

    Just a little advice – When playing through your Axe Fx don’t forget to either turn off your gate for that particular preset or at least turn down the threshold. Because when you turn down your guitar the gate will start catching a bit. I speak from experience! Though there was something...
  93. 6L6C

    Anyone converted a Les Paul from stock to 50's wiring?

    I tried it a few months ago with my Standard and within a week also did it to my custom. Kind of feel like I have been missing the past 33 years But no longer! Just do it!!!
  94. 6L6C

    Gear insurance ??

    I am curious what some you are using as far as insurance companies. In case the unspeakable happens damage/theft, things of that nature. As of now I am all homeowner insurance, don't really play out all that much and so on, so it works. However might do a few fill in gigs toward the end of the...
  95. 6L6C

    Matrix GT800FX or GT1000FX?

    This has always been my line of thinking also, I want the Axe FX to do ALL of the power amp emulation and the power amp to be neutral as possible. Especially the way I am running it, FRFR. My theory (for my setup) if I have patches dialed in using a power amp of some sort that does tube...
  96. 6L6C

    Matrix GT800FX or GT1000FX?

    No problem glad you found it useful John Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  97. 6L6C

    Matrix GT800FX or GT1000FX?

    Maybe this will help a bit Matrix GT1000FX and GT800FX guitar power amps, demo by Pete Thorn - YouTube John
  98. 6L6C

    Is Fractal going to the NY Amp Show this year?

    If nothing else I'm glad it's back in Piscataway this year. John Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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