Gear insurance ??


Power User
I am curious what some you are using as far as insurance companies. In case the unspeakable happens damage/theft, things of that nature.

As of now I am all homeowner insurance, don't really play out all that much and so on, so it works.

However might do a few fill in gigs toward the end of the summer and there may be times my gear is traveling ahead of me. Makes me nervous that my stuff might not be under my watchful eye, hell things can happen even under my watchful eye.
Plus I just really need to upgrade my insurance for my gear: long overdue.

From a recent thread:

Heritage Insurance Service - Insurance for fine musical instruments Insurance

With a rider on your homeowners insurance, with most insurance companies you are not covered once you walk out of your house with your gear.

With Heritage (I've used them since the middle 90's) you are 100% covered no matter what - theft, accident, flood, fire, act of God, period. I am a very strong proponent of taking proper precautions; I am passionate about my gear and very fussy about it - I am the guy watching the stage during breaks and being *VERY* situationally aware on load in and especially loud out's after the gig.

I've had one claim in the time I've used them; it was handled professionally and efficiently.
I just changed home insurance companies and the new company were happy to put all my gear on the policy.
The old policy wouldn't look at it.

I had to itemise it for them with a value.

I now know I have way too much gear.
So does my wife!
MusicPro also has been mentioned by a friend of mine.

There's also Clarion.

If you have an AxeFX chances are you have some nice guitars with it. I can't see a downside to having some sort of coverage. Some companies will want you to get your gear appraised, though.

My homeowner's coverage has a $4000 all perils deductible. They (Allstate) said they do not offer specific policies or riders for music gear. So, if my gear got stolen or destroyed I'd still be out four grand. Having a policy specifically for gear makes sense, I think.
If you have an AxeFX chances are you have some nice guitars with it. I can't see a downside to having some sort of coverage. Some companies will want you to get your gear appraised, though.

Yeah my stuff is currently covered under homeowners so I do have some type of coverage (just not that great). Just want something more detailed for the guitars and other stuff. As far as having the gear appraised thats pretty much is what I am looking for I have a few guitars that are worth more than a comparable replacement model.

It really has been a long time coming, just kept putting it off but now were I might travel a bit it is the kick in the ass I needed.

Thank you everyone who responded!!


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Mine is covered through State Farm. You have to ask though, not all policies cover your gear if you're out making money with it. Ask the questions, get the answers in writing! "My agent said" won't carry a lot of weight without documentation. I've been with SF forever, and they insure my home and cars, so it was a natural add.
A lot of good advice here. I suggest you photo ALL of your gear to demonstrate what condition it is in, etc. What ever coverage you have, you usually have to demonstrate what condition your item is in in order to demonstrate its value. Also check to see if you just have loss coverage or replacement value. Just my 2 cents.
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