Axe-Edit, Fractalbot and Cab Lab App in the future??

Jeff B

Hi all and FAS team,

Last night as I was spending some time working with my AFX and all the software available for it, I began to contemplate how just how we all interact with the unit and how easy the software makes it to create patches and edit all the in-depth settings. Unfortunately for me, I have to always have my rig near my computer for me to actually utilize these features being that I don't personally own a laptop, but just acquired an iPad mini. With everything these days becoming more portable, I was just curious if you all feel that it would be helpful to have an app of the FAS software to use with your iPads and such?

I've also noticed more music gear interacting with iPhones and tablets, etc. I even noticed while watching some concert footage how players such as Jordan Rudess and Vernon Reid, just to mention a few, utilize iPads into their performance, rather it be to read musical scores or to control their pedals and gear via Bluetooth technology.

Anyways... I was just having a moment of curiosity about what you all think on this topic. I'm not sure how difficult the process is to actually create apps and such (especially quality ones), but I think that it would be a great offering and would allow us to even create a more portable system (maybe by integrating the tablets into our rack) that would be easily tweaked on the fly.

Thanks for taking a listen to my thoughts. :)
I would be very suprised if Cliff has not considered this.
It is the wave of the fututre and I believe it's just a matter of time.
The cross-platform library that Fractal uses for OSX and Windows, also supports Linux, iOS and Android. However, keeping pace with Cliff's firmware developments, bringing Axe Manage up etc. etc. on the existing platforms, is self-evidently a deal of work. IOW, feasible but probably not next Tuesday.
My only hope/request for the future Axe Fx III would be bluetooth just for editing purposes weather it be PC, Mac or iPad.
And this way also just free up the USB for audio only. Running both at the same time has caused little hiccups for me in the past.

For the most part everything else can stay the same I dont care about color screens and so on. Keep it mean and lean!

My only hope/request for the future Axe Fx III would be bluetooth just for editing purposes weather it be PC, Mac or iPad.
And this way also just free up the USB for audio only. Running both at the same time has caused little hiccups for me in the past.

For the most part everything else can stay the same I dont care about color screens and so on. Keep it mean and lean!


I hope for better software integration with ios, android, and windows8 in the future. Also wish we had two usb ports on the front of the axe - one for plugging in a tablet for editing and control, and another for a usb stick that can store and access ir's presets etc... also would be awesome to record, store and playback loops to a usb drive for nearly unlimited looper tracks and time.
If these things were offloaded to cheap external devices that already exist and most people already own there could be an Axe-3 with only adding a couple usb ports and some software updates. Maybe even offer a front panel upgrade to existing owners.
But then again I really want that floor version for portability :)
My only hope/request for the future Axe Fx III would be bluetooth just for editing purposes weather it be PC, Mac or iPad.
And this way also just free up the USB for audio only. Running both at the same time has caused little hiccups for me in the past.

For the most part everything else can stay the same I dont care about color screens and so on. Keep it mean and lean!


I’m instead hoping for a Bluetooth dongle that can be inserted in the current USB port, that also would provide USB through to connect to a computer. That way we’ll get the functionality with our current Axe Fx 2’s.
I’m instead hoping for a Bluetooth dongle that can be inserted in the current USB port, that also would provide USB through to connect to a computer. That way we’ll get the functionality with our current Axe Fx 2’s.

That would work for me also!
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