Merry Friggen Xmas to ME!

Welcome - with years of lurking you'll be somewhat prepared, but I'd recommend reading the manual and Yeks great wiki ahead of delivery to be quickly up and running.
Ask any questions you might have - we're here to help
Thanks for the replies. The manual and Yek's wiki and I will become intimate in very short order. The Axe will allow me to sell off my Triaxis, G Force, acoustic preamp (for piezos) and Rane mixer to begin to fund the rest of my new rig. I want to get up and running enough to get through some gigs and try to put my stuff on the Bay to take advantage of the Xmas cash folks will be looking to spend. Hosting the holidays is not going to afford me much free time. My wife is the supreme commander in the spare time department right now. Matrix amp is next and then old amp (Mesa 20/20) will get put up for sale. Then on to new cabs and so on. My Ground Control pedal board will have to get me thru for now. That's why I expect to ask some, I'm sure, easy questions for the sake of time. I hope to ask smart questions but I'll probably invite a mild beat down or two. Looking forward to it all.
Long time lurker here also. Got my Axe II about a month ago and still get excited just powering up. :)
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