Anyone here run their Axe II into the return of a mesa mark IV?


Fractal Fanatic
Curious if anyone has tried this and what they thought about it.
I ran mine briefly with a mesa 50/0 but it was on FW 6.0....big difference now.
I never ran my AF II through my Mark IV but did run the standard through the IV, with good results over all, but not a perfect world either. When I first got the Standard back in 2009 I was pretty much taking baby steps to find out how I was going to run this thing. So it was the Mark IV a 2x12 cab, at first the AF was used just for effects but was using the 4 cable method, worked very well.

Next step was to use some of the amp sims in certain presets and defeat the Mark IV’s preamp in those same presets, so needless to say no cab sims and no power-amp modeling and it did work real well but quickly discovered, the Mark IV’s power amp section had such: its own color or voice to it, that I did not like what it did to allot of the amp sims. The Mesa sims sounded great (big surprise) also Marshall & Bogner to my memory. But the latter two did not sound or come across as a “Marshall” or “Bogner” anymore (to a degree), but still got some good stuff out of them. However my beloved tweeds went right out the window, since tweeds are usually open back cabs and I was using a closed back 2x12 I thought this was the problem turns out if I used a SS power amp through that same 2x12 life was good again the Mark IV power amp and the tweed sim’s just were not cutting it for me.
As you can see in the long run I went FRFR other observations I did get better results when the Mark IV was set to Class A, setting it to simul-class really cut down on the amount of amp sims I could use or consider acceptable, whichever way you want to look at it.

Now that you brought it up I am a little curious maybe, revisited my Mark IV with the AF II. But just for fun really I am so content running FRFR.
I 'm currently running mine into a JSx and really liking it , but a couple of mark Iv's have popped up to me locally for really good prices so I'm on the fence about swapping out
the JSX for a mark IV, but I think the JSX power section may be flatter and will color my amp sims less.
?????? what to do what to do :)
I 'm currently running mine into a JSx and really liking it , but a couple of mark Iv's have popped up to me locally for really good prices so I'm on the fence about swapping out
the JSX for a mark IV, but I think the JSX power section may be flatter and will color my amp sims less.
?????? what to do what to do :)

Well if you are concerned about the added color I would stay away from the IV, as for the JSX I haven't a clue. But since you already know what you have (JSX) I would stay with it.
Beware: like I said above running the Mark IV in class A sounded best with amp sims but that also cuts you down to 50 watts roughly, not a big deal in my book but it might be for you.
Still colored in class A BTW

Since you want to stay with a real cab (I assume) and a tube power amp (again I assume) why not something like a Atomic 50/50
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