Not able to update to 10.09.


Fractal Fanatic
I've never had a problem updating before. I just updated to the new fractal bot. New drivers. Everything appeared to Install correctly. But when I try and update to 10.09 with FB I can't get the green check mark next to the "choose output". And I also can't get the browser button to light up so that I can choose my 10.09 syx file. If I try and use axe edit I can't connect and if I try and click settings to connect the axe in AE then axe edit freezes.

Can someone help?
I'd contact support; or look for some other tech guys to help you.

If the drivers installed; and you plugged in the Axe-FX II to install them... it should work. It's working here on Vista 32 bit and Win 6 64 bit Win for me.
It's recognizing the axe because if I unplug the usb the axe II is no longer an option in the input drop down window. It's also an option for output but is not allowing me to pick a file to send. But FB never says connected. If I choose "Microsoft GS wave table" as the output then FB says connected and the green checks go in and it lets me pick a file. But is I try and send the file it just says.
"Please make sure the Axe fx II is connected and powered on. If a firmware update has just completed please reboot the unit"
Vista = Train Wreck in a dumpster fire.

Glad it was resolved.

Not really resolved though. I had to pull out an old crappy laptop to update. My main desktop still has vista on it. I do agree that vista is beyond garbage. Hopefully it will be working with vista in the future.
Vista is not good for updates, I have to use my Windows 7 laptop after failing numerous times in the past with my Vista one. My XP notebook works also but Vista is bad!
I have had Vista on my laptop for years & used it for Ultra updates & AXE FX II updates. I also have lots of video editing & audio recording software. I have never had a blue screen or a lock up or a problem updating until this current version of Fractal's USB driver. I rolled back to the previous version & all is working fine. I didn't worry about it because in the past, Fractal has always fixed minor problems with future updates.
I have had Vista on my laptop for years & used it for Ultra updates & AXE FX II updates. I also have lots of video editing & audio recording software. I have never had a blue screen or a lock up or a problem updating until this current version of Fractal's USB driver. I rolled back to the previous version & all is working fine. I didn't worry about it because in the past, Fractal has always fixed minor problems with future updates.

Same here. Never had a problem till now. I'm sure it will be fixed.
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