Not able to update to 10.09.

Never had problems with Vista either (in my case Ultimate) it was a little clunky till service pack 2 but after that, no problem. At work I have a mixed environment of machines to take care of and no problems there either.
Anyway just in case it helps anyone just wanted to do a recap because there was something I had left out on the other thread.

Installed the new driver without uninstalling the old one, didn’t work and decided to uninstall both. After that everything is the same. (I just want to be accurate as possible on the off chance it might help.)
Uninstalled and reinstalled several times and the results were always the same, contacted support as javajunkie suggested, called it a day. Sunday started fooling with it again during the uninstall process I always checked to make sure the “Fractal Audio Systems” deleted as should, and it did every time.
By default the path is C:\Program Files\Fractal Audio Systems\Axe-Fx II USB Driver, I got it in my head to change the path to C:\Program Files\Fractal Audio Systems1\Axe-Fx II USB Driver after I changed the path the driver worked perfect. Fractal Bot, Midi Ox, Sonar XI, all programs were working with the midi input and now output ports.

But of course I’m a glutton for punishment and could not stop there, so uninstalled again. Reinstalled but this time left the default path alone C:\Program Files\Fractal Audio Systems\Axe-Fx II USB Driver and it worked again all communications were perfect second time in a row. So of course this had to be a fluke: so uninstalled and reinstalled using the default path again and it worked again, but this time I left it alone.
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