laptop just died :( now the question is mac or pc? to use w/axe and for recordings

Now apply that same logic to the Axe FX II, versus a Pod HD Pro X. The Axe FX II costs about 3 times more than the Pod HD does...

Is Fractal Audio ripping us off? ;)
No they are not because they are not charging us double for the same thing.
I was talking about the price for the same hard disk, the same memory
Don't compare the Axe-fx to the Line 6 stuff.
This is a typical example of how warped the minds of the Apple Zealots work.
Comparing Apples to oranges
Well lets see. The OS isnt the same. The design isnt the same. The display isnt the same...
No registry to deal with... You dont like a program on a mac, drop it in the trash bin...

Try that on Windows... Warped mind? Hardly...

I have and use both. I have experiences with both. You?
Yes they are expensive, just like the FX II is. Good things typically cost more.
Just because the milk tastes the same doesnt mean its always from the same cow...;)
You dont like a program on a mac, drop it in the trash bin...
Now this I like and have always found a big lack on Windows...

But that still doesn't justify asking twice the price for the same hardware which is my biggest issue with Apple
But if it works for you I'm fine with it.
I would like to try the OS and that's why I'm probably going to try the DAWbook and install Mac OSx on it ;)
Mac is very automatic with everything, because they have control over the hardware components whereas Windows has to support every motherboard/etc under the sun.

Here's just one separate example that applied to me years ago. The situation may be different now, but it's still an example of Apple quality across the board:

1. Plug in external monitor to laptop
2. Open screen properties
3. Enable external monitor

1. Plug in external monitor to laptop
Macs give you the most flexibility on the software side because they run Windows really well. Saw a speed test thing on laptops a few months ago that a MacBook was the fastest windows machine you can buy for the money. The hardware is excellent but less flexible. Whatever you get. Make sure your main drive is SSD. Best upgrade, IMO, you can put into any computer.
I don’t know I have mixed emotions about the subject, MisterE pointed out something I have come across in the past.
I hear a lot of people complaining about PC's when switching to Mac.
But a lot of them had PC's costing a fraction of the Macs so you couldn't expect the same quality.
Yeah somebody was bragging to me a couple of years ago how his $2200 was blowing away his six year old $400 Dell PC. My response “ahh F***ing better!”
My friend who is an avid Mac user, couldn't find a file he downloaded 6 times on his mac.
It turns out he had 6 copies of it.
User friendly???
Yeah I have run into this also although I can’t blame the Mac it’s the end user and ironically these are usually the people shooting of their mouths.

My $0.02 -
I think the debate has no obvious winner.. both have advantages and disadvantages, and like Cobbler - I own, and have used both. From the OP's perspective IMHO - the decision should NOT be based on "the Mac is better for..." but on "what do you plan to do with it?"
What DO you plan to do with it?
If the use is purely for home DAW/AE use and integration with other Mac-based devices... IMHO - Mac.
If the use is for AE, mobility, use at gigs, and integration into a non-MAc network environment.. then PC.

There's no right way on this decision... Neither camp will defer to the other..
If you like to tinker - PC
If you just want it to "work" - Mac (unless you are trying to mingle with a non-Mac network environment, and then you may have issues).

Budget ? PC
Stability - BOTH

Obviously.. YMMV.

For me as of now PC just for the reason for the same money I can build a PC that will out do the same price Mac. But there again that’s me I work on computers every day. I would like to get a Mac in the future (of my own) and live with it for a while, sometimes when I see these debates I wonder “Am I missing something?” The only time I deal with Mac right now is with people I work with.
I would go with the 13" retina, 256 solid state drive, 8 gigs of ram. Its portable, light, and plenty of ram to do anything you need. ...The 256 solid state drive is a must.
Last I checked, the 13" had a high repairability score. Something to think about if you plan to keep it a long time. I haven't had to do repairs, but I don't want to be locked out when I do, and some Apple laptop/desktop products are harder to repair than others. It's worth the extra time to look into. is a great resource.

Regarding iPads, I think they suck on a number of levels when it comes to flexibility & common sense with the over-dumbed-down interface and associated limitations. But what it does, it does very well. I mostly use it as a remote control, book & document reader and for viewing iphone stuff on a bigger screen (email, photos,'s all synced). I'd get a new one vs. trying to pull an iPad apart....I think they're the least repairable/upgradeable.
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I would be surprised to find a PC in "any" main stream studio these days...
I suspect there are reasons other than money, for that...
Could be wrong but I doubt it... :pride:
I would be surprised to find a PC in "any" main stream studio these days...
And we're off:
"I'm a faggot" LOL

I don't go to coffee shops.. I am self-absorbed though, but I try to be mature about it.
Since this thread has now evolved into yet another childish pissing contest I have deleted my posts from it. I was hoping to answer the OP with personal observations and experiences from both sides of the PC and Mac world without the drama since I have experience in both. What was I thinking? :roll

To the OP: if you have any questions about either feel free to PM me.
Last I checked, the 13" had a high repairability score. Something to think about if you plan to keep it a long time. I haven't had to do repairs, but I don't want to be locked out when I do, and some Apple laptop/desktop products are harder to repair than others. It's worth the extra time to look into. is a great resource.

Regarding iPads, I think they suck on a number of levels when it comes to flexibility & common sense with the over-dumbed-down interface and associated limitations. But what it does, it does very well. I mostly use it as a remote control, book & document reader and for viewing iphone stuff on a bigger screen (email, photos,'s all synced). I'd get a new one vs. trying to pull an iPad apart....I think they're the least repairable/upgradeable.

I suggested the 13 inch because it's less expensive than the 15 inch and you get the same performance. I didn't suggest an iPad. Although, I do like my iPad for what it is.

I can't find anything that says that the 13 inch retina screen is any less reliable than any other size. If your concerned about reliability, then purchase the AppleCare plan.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
I would be surprised to find a PC in "any" main stream studio these days...
I suspect there are reasons other than money, for that...
Could be wrong but I doubt it... :pride:

You are NOT wrong! Avid is cutting edge with the S5 Fusion and the new F6 consoles. Both are designed to run ProTools on high-end MacPro's. Although ProTools will run on windows, Avid strongly recommends the Mac. Considering the level of expertise Avid has in the digital recording studio industry, I'd say they know what's best.
Sorry cobbler if I annoyed you. It was all tongue in cheek, no harm intended.
Avid strongly recommends the Mac.
Show me where on the AVID's website I can find this statement.

One is NOT better than the other. For every + you state about macs, I can state a + about PC's. So enjoy what you have. They both do the job equally well. Is it better, nope. It's just as good. Don't compare a $400 Dell to a $2200 mac. That's not a fair comparison.

Exactly so.
That's why I asked what PC's they had before switching to Mac.
I'm quite aware of the fact that with a Mac, it's a no brainer.
It'll work. With a PC, you have to do your homework and get top notch stuff.
They won't come cheap (>2000e) but my point was you'll still pay less for the same hardware and they're easier to upgrade.
The laptops I was talking about were the Dell Precision, HP Elitebook.
And funny enough, these are the laptops Avid recommends for Windows based systems.
And this is what Avid says about the 13" retina:
The 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro may have performance problems and is not recommended for Pro Tools with FireWire interfaces

My second point was that, how good they may be, I refuse to pay double for the same hardware upgrade.
That's just my opinion.
If you don't mind paying double, that's you're right.
Sorry cobbler if I annoyed you. It was all tongue in cheek, no harm intended.

No harm taken. I have just been in too many little squabbles on the forum lately and didn't want to be a part in this one escalating. A little time at the beach and away from forums will do me wonders. :)
My experience from years of helping friends: my non-tech friends have moved to Macs and I keep hearing "why didn't you get me on one of these earlier'. The non-techies love what they see as easier, simple and straight forward and the hardware works well and a system that does just what they want to do. Techies tend to go Mac and Windows or just Windows. I have both but I like to play with tech, if it were just music, DAW, Axe I would probably go Mac.
I'll go talk to my keyboard player about his Mac. See if he'll let me put my greasy mitts on his for a while.

Currently I'm almost totally on legal free software on my PC.
Using LibreOffice for text, for pictures and loads of free VST synths in cheap-but-awesome Reaper software. Those seem to be available for Mac too...

Only software I paid for is Reaper, Studio Drummer and BitDefender. And I have a very old CorelDraw 12 that I paid for looong ago and still works on 7. Most of those sort of programs you can get for free too, but less good.

I've had my fair share of windows woes, but since XP it's been pretty good to me. Even vista was tolerable.

That said, bloatware and a small hard drive and no cash even had me on Linux for a while and I enjoyed that when I finally had it up, but it didn't support the wifi card in my laptop and my FireWire sound box.

Craig, thanks for your comments. As far as pissing contests go this one isn't even that bad. Yet. Just ignore the obvious. I am seriously on the fence on this one and I brought the iPad up because it's the only apple thing I own and it's bugging me. I really wanted to like the iPad but I found Android easier to get around on. It's walls are softer. Most stuff you want to do you can, even if it takes some work. Just the software for musicians is underdeveloped, because all those creatives are on apple anyway... And I just love the Swiftkey keyboard on Android.

Apple should buy Swiftkey and put it into the iPad. Or even just do long-pressing to get more functions. To add a + in a text on the iPad I need to change keyboard panes twice and then back. Not to mention the awesome word prediction and the auto detection of the language in Swiftkey! Being Dutch I switch between at and English very often. I can't tell you how many times I looked back on a line and found it corrected to the wrong language. And no undo function. Swiftkey has arrow keys built in. You can move through text forward, backwards, up and down. Way more useful than the magnifier on iPad. If the iPad is lying on the table and I look at it from below my finger is blocking the magnifier. If the text I'm trying to fix is at the top of the screen or in a small box the magnifier pops up over the edge...

And why is it that when you press return a couple of time there is no capital at the start of the new sentence? Going back zeroing in on the first letter is more work than just erasing and starting over.

Sorry. Starting to go off into a rant again... Apple makes the most awesome hardware ever, no contest about that! But seems to think it needs to cater to the dumbest denominator. Can't even Bluetooth a photo from my S3 phone to my iPad...
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