I've been using cubase with the same old windows laptop for the last 5 years! everyone has been recommending Mac to me for so long and i never got around to getting one due to price. is it really worth it ?
Many will tell you Macs aren't worth the price. Those who've used/abused Macs will say otherwise.
I built a lot of my solo act business on a bought-new 2001 iBook. It was my main business computer for 3 years, and my full-time gig laptop from 2007-2010. It still works flawlessly. I think I got my $1000 out of that one!
By 2010 I was so dependent on a gig computer, I set up a cloned system with two used and beat up 2005 12inch powerbooks I bought on eBay, $600 total. The IBM processor ran warm, but neither went down over a three year period, even at the hottest gigs.
8 & 12 year old laptops that have done (and can still do) mission critical tasks without issues and
without any maintenance whatsoever despite extensive internet time on them...this is why I use Macs.
This year I picked up a 2012 Mac Mini for $500 so I could run Ableton and waves plugins live.
It's bolted in a rack and I run it and a digital mixing board from my iPad, much safer than a laptop on top of a rack. The Mac Mini is fast & cool, but I keep a 2005 powerbook in the rack just in case. iPad is the bomb of for mixing board and editing the axe-fx.
I still have every Mac I've ever owned, back to a 1993 Color Classic.
I'm still waiting for one to die.
If that isn't enough, this past spring a musician friend found an ancient Mac in the basement of a house he was renting. He didn't know what it was. I looked it up, and it was a Mac SE with an 8MHz...yes 8MHz...processor. It was filthy and stunk like an old wet dog. I plugged it in, flipped the power switch in the back and hit the startup button (on the keyboard) -- it fired right up!