blue chip picks anybody?

I'd rather have 120 dozen of picks with my name on it (and the guages/colors i want) than (only) FOUR of those picks
Never tried a Blue Chip but have had others
The staple for many years has been a Jazz 3 for me but have also gone to Red Bear, V-Pick, Gravity, JB, just to name a few. And what have I been playing the past few month's. Dunlop Tortex .88?? I know bit of a circle, and the opposite of what I usually play, its allot thiner that what I have used in the past which is in the area of 1.5 and above but never over 3.0. Usually go for a small profile pick and the one I am using is a conventional size.

So why back to a cheap dirty nasty pick? The sound of rock really and a Paul Gilbert Rig Rundown video. In the video he was saying how he like the sound of the pick slapping the strings and I believe his pick of choice was a Dunlop .66. I had not played anything close to that thin in years but gave it a try and ended up liking the sound a bit more for your basic rock/metal and beyond. The other picks are more comfortable and because of the thickness and materials can execute fast passages a bit more accurate. But on the other hand I feel I can coax more expression out of a note using a thinner pick (changing angle and so on and reacts allot more drastic to picking dynamics).

But there again thats the way I feel "right now" a few months from now, next year, I may be doing something different and have a different view. Bottom line all picks have good and bad depends what in you have in mind of what you want to achieve.

Never tried a Blue Chip but have had others
The staple for many years has been a Jazz 3 for me but have also gone to Red Bear, V-Pick, Gravity, JB, just to name a few. And what have I been playing the past few month's. Dunlop Tortex .88?? I know bit of a circle, and the opposite of what I usually play, its allot thiner that what I have used in the past which is in the area of 1.5 and above but never over 3.0. Usually go for a small profile pick and the one I am using is a conventional size.

So why back to a cheap dirty nasty pick? The sound of rock really and a Paul Gilbert Rig Rundown video. In the video he was saying how he like the sound of the pick slapping the strings and I believe his pick of choice was a Dunlop .66. I had not played anything close to that thin in years but gave it a try and ended up liking the sound a bit more for your basic rock/metal and beyond. The other picks are more comfortable and because of the thickness and materials can execute fast passages a bit more accurate. But on the other hand I feel I can coax more expression out of a note using a thinner pick (changing angle and so on and reacts allot more drastic to picking dynamics).

But there again thats the way I feel "right now" a few months from now, next year, I may be doing something different and have a different view. Bottom line all picks have good and bad depends what in you have in mind of what you want to achieve.


you should try one of these...

They also make them in a .50 Red Tortex but not Paul Gilbert Orange .60
I thought this thread was a joke .. hehehe .. $75 for a pick !! ??

I think I'm gonna start making guitarstraps out of kevlar and sell 'em for $4000 a piece :)

I used to use Gibson heavies.

Now I've got my own brand of "bluechips" - made out of my old credit cards...

If you position the embossed writing properly, you get a great grip, and filing the edges gives a more nuanced feel. I particularly like the one that has the chip in the middle. Tupperware container lids work too, but aren't quite as stiff and lead to problems with management.

- there's always a "Ratbike" option for everything.
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Teflon and nano-lube is the answer guys. You just havent heard how fast you are able to play. And the nano are firm-ware bonded to whatever DAW-software of your choosing. Gawd.
Always wanted to try the "boutique" picks just to see what all the fuss was about. I wear picks out at a pretty good clip, have a feeling I'd be a bad candidate for these babies.

Question- this was mentioned above and I just have to know, what kind of carpet will reshape a pick by rubbing it on it?
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