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  1. moshwitz

    song test mix for our upcoming CD

    Sup? Thank you for even giving it a listen guys I appreciate it. I gave it a few tweaks and raised the main Vocal (some of the secondary voices also) brought some low end back to the kick, and automated a couple things, and a couple little other things. Let me know if this one is any better...
  2. moshwitz

    song test mix for our upcoming CD

    Sup? :mrgreen: Like the title says,, I'm working on this mix from some tracks that were given to me to work with. It was tracked somewhere else then given to me, but I did my my guitar tracks here at my place using my Ultra and I thought I'd put it up in a few places to get some opinions and...
  3. moshwitz

    Chris Broderick AND Dave Mustaine using Axe-Fx... LIVE??

    Sup? Here you go.....Gleened this from another forum,,, MOSHON DAVE
  4. moshwitz

    Redwirez Uberkab IR's

    Sup? I scored 20 bucks yesterday that I could spend freely( yeah being broke sucks :evil: ) and have been really wanting to try out some Redwirez for some time now. I was gonna pick up either the Engl or the Orange for the V30's and the Marshall for the T75's, and Low and behold I see they...
  5. moshwitz

    WOOT!! Ordered my ULTRA!!

    Sup Sam? :mrgreen: Its cool as hell isn't it? :o Did it come with the 9.03 firmware? I really want to install 9.03 but I'm in the middle of tracking a song and cant do it till I'm done :cry: I love the way it acts to my picking,,, no other rack I have ever had felt as real as this thing...
  6. moshwitz

    WOOT!! Ordered my ULTRA!!

    Sup Sam? Did'ja get it yet? :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  7. moshwitz

    WOOT!! Ordered my ULTRA!!

    Sup Sam? :D Just couldn't take it any more huh? :lol: I'm sure you'll dig it after you spend a little quality time digging in. It truly is a brilliant piece of gear. MOSHON DAVE
  8. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx Std. and Ultra Version 9.03 Firmware Available

    Sup? :o its here...... Damn it! I'm tracking on a song for a CD and I cant update till I nail my tracks...Aww this Sucks :lol: Thanks for the Update Cliff You Kick Ass Sir :!: MOSHON DAVE
  9. moshwitz

    Please help me set up for Re Amping!!!

    Sup? I am re-amping a track as I type and it is working fine,there are some questions I need to ask you. First off,, 1.What specifically is NOT working for you? 2. Are you getting a signal at the track input in Logic, and can you here your Axe on your computer coming from your Firestudio...
  10. moshwitz

    It's Megadeth.

    Sup? Pretty cool :mrgreen: could you hook me up with that backing tack PLEASE ;) MOSHON DAVE
  11. moshwitz

    Barenuckle Painkillers+Peavey 5150+RedWirez

    Sup? That is sounding great Jacob :mrgreen: When I'm not so poor, I'm gonna get me some of these Redwirez for sure. Keep it up MOSHON DAVE
  12. moshwitz

    9.02 Amp Model Poll

    Sup? oops double post,,,but there have been two more posts by Ron, and Scott while I was typing that I totally agree with :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  13. moshwitz

    9.02 Amp Model Poll

    Sup? I voted for #1. that being said,,I have a couple of my favorite patches from 9.0 that 9.02 kinda wrecked, but at the same time some got even better. Am I unhappy about this?,,,,Not really. It is just like the revisions before hand,,I just haven't figured out where to tweak it yet. It...
  14. moshwitz

    Wich one sounds best /FW 9.02 or real amps

    Sup? They both sound great in their own way,,I think the better way for you to compare this would be in a Blind taste test though. As far as that goes, I prefer the 2nd one. it sounds more Finished, and blends itself into the production. the first one sounds great too and has that raw...
  15. moshwitz

    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 9.02 FEB 12 2009 SUP? :mrgreen: And You just heard it from the Man himself,,just like I was saying here,,, I'm grateful for all the work that {STILL} goes into the Axe and would rather have something that I don't know about, that's right or reworkd and is awesome,,then a...
  16. moshwitz

    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 9.02 FEB 12 2009 Sup? As much as I want and have begged for the Savage and have thrown the request up a couple of times to kinda keep it out there, even sent in MY schematics,,I have to 100% totally agree with the post JOKER just made. Its exactly what I think about the...
  17. moshwitz


    Sup? I think that most of them have a very profound affect on the tone,,especially the tone stack type,,cause hitting something with a plexi tonestack sounds waaaayyy different from hitting it with the Das Metal. the bright cap changes the high crispness , the pres freq. and tonestack freq...
  18. moshwitz

    Ultra Version 9.01 Firmware Available

    Sup? :o Don't know how I missed this last night but,,,,I'm installing right now, will report back later Thanks Cliff :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  19. moshwitz

    Diezel + Rectifier + bareknuckle painkillers

    Right on,, Thanks brother MOSHON DAVE
  20. moshwitz

    Just took a chance and ordered the Axe Ultra

    Sup? welcome,, I think you will enjoy the madness :D I actually kinda like that one MO :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  21. moshwitz

    Diezel + Rectifier + bareknuckle painkillers

    Sup? Cool, cant wait to scope out the patches. Hell yeah, That would be righteous of you brother. all I would need is the saved project file, It will just show up as audio missing, but still show all the arrangement and routing. MOSHON DAVE
  22. moshwitz

    Diezel + Rectifier + bareknuckle painkillers

    Sup? Right on,,Thanks brother :) cool, I have Rcomp too ;) BTW,,what software are you using to record with? MOSHON DAVE
  23. moshwitz

    Diezel + Rectifier + bareknuckle painkillers

    Sup? Late to the party as usual :lol: I haven't heard the old vers. but this one sounds pretty kickin. Are you using any of the presets for S2.0 MF? or did you roll your own? would you mind sharing that? MOSHON DAVE
  24. moshwitz

    Please High Gain Help

    Sup? Might a patch like this help you? clip is at the top, patch's are half way down. anyway,,would you mind sharing that ENGL patch,, I would like to look at a few things in there if that would be cool. I think I kinda know...
  25. moshwitz

    A little UBERMOSH

    SUP? ;) Thanks guys :oops: 'Preciate it :mrgreen: C.O.C.....the stock metal cab,,,But I'll do you one better..well two... :lol: . I used one on the left and one on the right,,,quaded 100/80-80\100 IIRC,,The only real differences between the two are the Cab's Air freq. is different to...
  26. moshwitz

    A little UBERMOSH

    Sup? There was a guy asking about what the Uber sim sounded like so I whipped this up real fast earlier tonight to post back for him. I don't have an Uber sitting here with me and UBER recordings are ,,,well,,,recordings ;) Its a little raw and loose, and the drums were done quickly in S2.0...
  27. moshwitz

    Recto Orange METAL!

    SUP?:) Right on :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  28. moshwitz


    Sup? You could give Matt's patches a whirl for the ADA MOSHON DAVE
  29. moshwitz

    S/PDIF Sync still not working...anyone?

    Sup? Just for ref. Depending on what other gear I may be running at the time, I can run my Ultra into my my rig two ways via S/PDIF, the first is directly into the S/PDIF IN, on my RME HDSP 9652. which is my normal setup. I have not noticed any issue. The second is through the S/PDIF IN, on my...
  30. moshwitz

    Coarse, then fine adjustements on parameters

    Sup? I think this would be a great idea. Not only for the vol. adj. but especially the freq. values of things . Well, like you said , other values as well. :) MOSHON DAVE
  31. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    Sup? Actually,, that was Alex saying that,,,it wouldn't let me do the quadruple Quote with my post so I had to remove the Quote tags :lol: but somewhere, I do have some pics of In Flames in the studio with a Savage120 8-) MOSHON DAVE
  32. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    Sup? Its been awhile since I looked in here, and thought I would see If there were any more Savage120 requests since I posted mine and sent the Schematics in some time ago,,,,,and low and behold :) If I had the money I would send you My Savage right now to go through if you needed it. PLEASE...
  33. moshwitz

    Interstage gain parameters

    Sup? I'm in for this :mrgreen: I like cliff's idea but I voted for each gain stage, although I am really only thinking about the first and last really, Kinda like being able to put a less gainy tube in the V1 of some amps that really clean up the the input stage to change the feel or putting...
  34. moshwitz

    PigWeed - Eye of the Wasps (9.0!!!)

    SUP? :mrgreen: Yeah, I'm really diggin this one MO,,,,,,great job. it has a real "bigness" to it. at least to me anyway.,,,I like the way the kick and bass sound too ;) ANNNNNNDD,,, is that a little of (Poltergeist Pig),, I hear in there? :lol: MOSHON DAVE
  35. moshwitz

    Request: Steve Morse Rhythm and Lead Patches

    Sup? You should be able to load those patches in the Axe-Edit ,,editor still. At least you could copy the settings from there ;) EDIT>>>>> I just loaded HecticCornMelon 1,,,, into Axe-edit..on this computer. it will load just fine so Yeah, you can copy your settings from it and tweak...
  36. moshwitz

    RiF - Eisenorgel

    SUP? :) Yeah,,,that's Kicking brother :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  37. moshwitz

    RiF - Eisenorgel

    Re: Eisenorgel SUP? Need Linky Now!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: MOSHON DAVE
  38. moshwitz

    Ultra Firmware Version 9.00 Released

    Sup? :mrgreen: I forgot to reply back after updating last night...... 3 words...Hell Yeah Man :!: Cliff...Brother...Whatever epiphanies dawned on you to do this,,KICK SERIOUS ASS. Among the many things that roll around in my head,,there has always been this tone I hear,,and I'm still...
  39. moshwitz

    Ultra Firmware Version 9.00 Released

    SUP? :mrgreen: HOT DAMN!!!! Just sat down to jam and thought I'd see what was going on in here first,,and,, :o Loading now.... MOSHON DAVE
  40. moshwitz

    The Birth of Icarus

    SUP? :) I loved everything about it...... but that kick. It sounds out of place,,,for lack of a better term. It sounds more like a death metal trigger than a good progish chest thumper ;) What are you using S2.0? MOSHON DAVE
  41. moshwitz

    Tips for using Mesa sims

    SUP? :mrgreen: That's great stuff right there,,I'll have to give it a try later. Thanks man. MOSHON DAVE
  42. moshwitz

    ENGL Fireball 60 watt

    +2 on this Because of which,I had to vote no. I think the resources would be better used on a completely different model altogether to give some variety, instead of just another version of the powerball. If there is to be another Engl or two,(which I really hope{begging} there will be :) ) I...
  43. moshwitz

    My most awesome metal patch, ever...

    SUP? :mrgreen: Here you go bro. ;) I would have just uploaded it here, but I get the error BTW,,what about the settings you didn't list? Like the other pages on the drive block, and the Amp block's "warmth, thump, speaker res freq.,,,etc? are they just...
  44. moshwitz

    Getting Extremely Tight Metal Tones

    SUP :) I had to go do some other shit tonight, so i didn't get to record, But here is a patch with the Filter setup. the result is kinda subtle, but it is there,,and I'm sure there was probably a better preset I could have used, but,,here ya go.. MOSHON DAVE
  45. moshwitz

    Getting Extremely Tight Metal Tones

    SUP? :) Just did it,, :o ,Now that is a really great tip Cliff. when I get done shoving it around a few different presets, I'll try to scrub off a clip. Thanks man,, that rocks MOSHON DAVE
  46. moshwitz

    Standard and Ultra Firmware Version 8.09 Up

    SUP? :D :o OH HELL YEAH,,,Now that Kicks some MAJOR ass :!: MOSHON DAVE
  47. moshwitz

    EMG to BKP swap

    Sup? :D The Left is the C-Warpig, and the Right was the EMG81. Anyway,,I actually put the P'up into a different guitar last night cause there was something that bugged me with the tone in this guitar, but sounds great in the other one and I'm happy with it there. I'm gonna make a "P'up Day"...
  48. moshwitz

    Non Brutal heaviness

    SUP? :mrgreen: OOPS,,almost forgot about this one as I have been swapping Pups and some other shit around the house :oops: Anyway,,Yeah,,Hotrodded Marshall,,That was kinda what I was going for,,it is one of my attempts at my buds' SPLAWN Quickrod(from memory,as it's temporarily down) It...
  49. moshwitz

    EMG to BKP swap

    Sup? :mrgreen: Ok,, Long story short, I have been an EMG guy for the last 20 years or so, every so often I get the urge to try something new, always to end up shoving the EMG right back in. The EMG's were never perfect, but closest to what I was going for. Over the last couple of years though...
  50. moshwitz

    Strange oscillation

    SUP? Right on ;) now wail away all day :lol: MOSHON DAVE
  51. moshwitz

    NGD! Vigier Excalibur Pics and Clip!

    Sup? :mrgreen: Awesome looking axe :) I really fell in love with the Shawn Lane model when I played one,, I still really want one. The action on it was sick,,,an I really loved the flat(no radius ) fretboard. How is yours spec'ed? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on it like a month...
  52. moshwitz

    Strange oscillation

    I was just covering all basses suggesting the nut. as I didn't have enough info about your axe, but now that I know,, OH,,,,and,,,,, I have worn a floyd nut from years of extreme bar usage, and,,also have received a faulty nut direct from the company(which they replaced) that had some weird...
  53. moshwitz

    Strange oscillation

    SUP? :mrgreen: I would say this, or the string sitting/worn into in the saddle funny. I have heard this before on my own guitars on occasion, from old strings, and have had one or two do it due to something funny with brand new strings. I would change the string + check the saddle(and nut for...
  54. moshwitz

    Non Brutal heaviness

    SUP? Thanks for the comps guys :mrgreen: BWAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: MOSHWITZ- International man of mystery,,and I do prefer my Martini MOSHED not stirred :D Yeah, no bass(need to buy another one) and the drums blow, I was just gonna use a click cause I'm playing with the tone and wasn't meant...
  55. moshwitz

    Non Brutal heaviness

    Sup? :mrgreen: This is just a tone test while I'm working up a non brutal but heavy tone while dicking around trying to recapture a tone from memory so dont mind the slop :) Its just a simple patch of drive +amp +cab. The guitars are recorded...
  56. moshwitz


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: MOSHON DAVE
  57. moshwitz

    Paint chipping off?

    Sup?:) For me, I mostly push the buttons with my knuckle cause I'm usually still holding my pick while I'm tweaking parameters., and spin the knob with my middle finger, and i never thought my knuckle was that abrasive :lol: Who knows, maybe a batch went out from paint that didn't have enough...
  58. moshwitz

    Anyone working on a splawn nitro patch?

    SUP? :mrgreen: I hope some of the forum Guru's come up with this as I'd love to have this tone,I cant ever get it right. I'd love to have a quickrod tone also. My bud has a quiuckrod, but it has blown tubes, when he gets it fixed :roll: I'm gonna sit with it and try to replicate it. I have a...
  59. moshwitz

    Paint chipping off?

    Sup? :mrgreen: Yep,,The silk screen just flakes off. I've only had mine a couple of months now and the "N" in the "NAV" is all but gone :cry: MOSHON DAVE
  60. moshwitz

    What's going on? Duncan and Ultra

    Sup? It sounds like a saddle or nut issue to me. I've heard this before. Is the string slightly pinging off the first fret perhaps? The reason I said check(tight, align, intonation, etc) the saddle is (I know no trem) I had a floyd once that the hi B string would get a funky overtone and I had...
  61. moshwitz

    Violin patch video - Scotto Concerto

    Sup? :mrgreen: Yep cool stuff :) MOSHON DAVE
  62. moshwitz

    PigWeed - The Crusher

  63. moshwitz

    Help Me Match This Dream Metal Tone (clips)

    Sup? The last clip has some sort of Octave fuzz going on in it :) MOSHON DAVE
  64. moshwitz

    PigWeed - The Crusher

    Sup? BTW Mo,,what (if anything) did you do in post to the Guitars and/or mix ? MOSHON DAVE
  65. moshwitz

    PigWeed - The Crusher

    SUP? :mrgreen: Sounds really cool MO,,, Thanks for sharing the patch also. ;) and organic is a good term too,, sounded real natural. are you using the same patch for all the parts? Like, are you just rolling back the vol after the driving intro, or are you turning something on and off...
  66. moshwitz

    Some VHT wankage

    Sup? :mrgreen: Sup is short for "whatS UP?" :D MOSH ON DAVE
  67. moshwitz

    New Song, Axe-FX, Metal Foundry

    Cool,,,Is the Diezel cab a user cab? I only have 2 in my collection of IR's, one with the 6550 poweramp and one with the Soldano HR poweramp, might it be one of those? Yeah, I would live to hear it :) I bought S2.0 a few months ago and got the NY expansion also,(Metal Foundry wasn't out...
  68. moshwitz

    New Song, Axe-FX, Metal Foundry

    Sup? Sounds great brother,,I dig everything about it,,tone, groove, arrangement, hell yeah :) Is that the same patch for clean and dist.? are you just switching a drive or using another chain altogether? It sounds like the clean part has a little more rounded bottom than the more mid'ish...
  69. moshwitz

    New Recording..BROOTALZZZZZZ!

    Sup? :mrgreen: Hell yeah bro,,that's kickin :D MOSHON DAVE
  70. moshwitz

    Some VHT wankage

    Sup? :D Once again,, thanks guys :) Your the second person to say that same thing :lol: ,I posted this there too,,, although this was just meant to be a tone experiment and not an album cut.......ehhh what the hell,,try this :) SoundClick artist: MOSHWITZ - page with MP3 music downloads...
  71. moshwitz

    PigWeed - Mo's Wicked Distortion

    Sup? :mrgreen: Cool stuff Mo. MOSHON DAVE
  72. moshwitz

    Some VHT wankage

    Sup? Thanks guys Thanks brother,,Yeah,,it is very sloppy though,,lately my arms, elbows, and wrists have been hurting cause after 20 years or so on and off being a drywall guy,, its is starting to take its toll I'm afraid,,and I really don't play as religiously(7 to 15hrs a day) as I used to...
  73. moshwitz

    >>> Axe-Fx Ver 8.05 and Ultra Ver 8.06 Firmware Released <<<

    And there are already 10 Mesa models inside to choose from..just sayin :roll: MOSHON DAVE
  74. moshwitz

    Some VHT wankage

    Sup? :mrgreen: I thought I'd dick around with the VHT model today and see what I'd come up with This is a clip from my tune "All The Kings Men" Drums are just a stock pattern from DKFH,,,the layout in the Axe goes...
  75. moshwitz

    >>> Axe-Fx Ver 8.05 and Ultra Ver 8.06 Firmware Released <<<

    Re: >>> Ultra Firmware Version 8.05 Released <<< :o downloading now 8-) MOSHON DAVE
  76. moshwitz


    Dammit Janet! ;) Hell yeah brother,,that sounds bitchin 8-) MOSHON DAVE
  77. moshwitz

    Another Energyball test

    SUP? Thanks guys you're too kind :mrgreen: You can download the patch in my other "Energyball" post,,, but also take a look in the axechange an grab "mePT" 's preset that this one was made from. MOSHON DAVE
  78. moshwitz

    Another Energyball test

    Sup? Was dickin around again with the Energyball today, and thought "ahhh,,what the hell" I'll throw this up...... The clip is the first part of my tune "And Your Mighty Fall" , Drums are just a quicky with DFH, Its a...
  79. moshwitz

    A little Energyball metal

    Patch in first post :D MOSHON DAVE
  80. moshwitz

    New Original Tune "Extra Testicle"

    Re: New Clip Sup? Drums are way too loud,,But I like where it is going 8-) ,,bring those guitars up and we'll try again ;) MOSHON DAVE
  81. moshwitz

    First attempt to capture digital output fails - HELP

    Check the settings on your soundcard or the sound properties setting in your OS for a default setting,,and try setting that to 48. I'm not a MAC guy, but I know some soundcards will have a setting that lets you override or follow the settings of the DAW software that you use. hope that can...
  82. moshwitz

    A little Energyball metal

    Sup? :mrgreen: Thanks for the comps guys :oops: 8-) I'm not near my Axe right now, but the preset I used was a tweaked version of a patch I pulled off of the Axchange "English Djentlemen 3". When I get to my Axe I'll post up my tweaked vers. But in the mean time you can grab that preset off...
  83. moshwitz

    Diezel, Bogner, Engl, Dual Rec, Soldano, JCM800

    Try Bomes great for import/export for me :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  84. moshwitz

    A little Energyball metal

    Sup? Here is a little clip with the Energyball model+Metal cab. The riff is just a section of one my old tunes, the drums are just a midi from DFH. Quad tracked and didn't really do anything to it other than a little compression. Nothing polished,,just felt like recording a little today...
  85. moshwitz

    Metal Tones: CAE 3+ Lead Clips (Iced Earth)

    Oh hell yeah ;) MOSHON DAVE
  86. moshwitz

    Les Paul & Axe Plexi - low, medium & old school (high) gain

    That sounded great,,very smooth brother ;) BTW,, how do you like your BK pup's? MOSHON DAVE
  87. moshwitz

    Diezel, Bogner, Engl, Dual Rec, Soldano, JCM800

    Sup? cool stuff 8-) +1 on the Bogner,, with the Vh4 and Engl almost tied for second. any chance you saved the presets and would mind sharing? In a way,this is kinda like the Hi-gain shootout that was done some time ago, and those gave me a good insight how others construct similar presets...
  88. moshwitz

    Mesa 4x12 cabs mic'd with 8 mics, 87 impulses. Near/far.

    Hell yeah,,,Thanks Brian ;) some of these sound really good. I was dicking around and loading them in,I came across one that sounded real good with the preset I was playing around with,,then got to playing and forgot which one it is :evil: damnit :lol: now I just gotta figure out which one in...
  89. moshwitz

    Das Metal clip

    I dig it,,,Sounds good and chunky. 8-) does it work well for faster stuff? MOSHON DAVE
  90. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    Sup? :mrgreen: Got it.....Same one ;) thanks brother. I also sent a few more schematics in today, hopefully some of them will show up in later firmwares :D I sent in... Engl Fireball Engl E530 Engl E335(screamer) Rivera Knucklehead Mesa Boogie Lonestar Carvin X-amp Bogner Triple Giant...
  91. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests he has 2 cause I sent mine Thursday :mrgreen: I really hope we get this one 8-) gchirag,,say brother, I sent you a PM with my email addy, would you mind shooting your schematic to me please, I'd like to compare it to the one I have since yours came direct from ENGL. MOSHON DAVE
  92. moshwitz

    KSE tone test

    +1 Sounds great for this style. what were your Multiband setting too please :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  93. moshwitz


    Chunky ,,,,,Diggin it:mrgreen: Cant wait to scope out the patch. ;) what cab are you using BTW? MOSHON DAVE
  94. moshwitz

    Fractal Audio Welcomes More Converts

    Awesome :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  95. moshwitz

    Red Wirez Cab Impulses

    THAT,,would be most Righteous of you Brother :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  96. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    Sup? :mrgreen: Schem. sent last night ;) MOSHON DAVE
  97. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    Sup? I just sent a PM asking where He would like the schematic sent 8-) AFAIK,, my schematic is legit bro, and complete with the control circuit on page 2 (I have a few others too, Fireball, E530,E335,,,and waiting for an E570 ) Umm yep,,sure does,,.....points to previous pics :P I just...
  98. moshwitz

    Devin Townsend is getting an Axe FX

    YES :D I love that tune. I really hope he will share some of the heaviness he comes up with for presets too :o MOSHON DAVE
  99. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    Hey, thanks brother,, and again please, please, please on the Savage Cliff :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: yeah the chair....I had took a pic of an old man figure in it just before this one as an inside joke I sent to someone about how i'm gonna get old and grey and wither away by the time I am...
  100. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    SUP? :D + 1 million I would absolutely love to see the Engl Savage 120 modeled in the Axe. Channel 3 and 4,,,but if I had to pick, it would most definitely be channel 4. The Powerball sim is great,,but the Savage (and its KT88'S) just eats the Powerball for breakfast in the real world. I'm...
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