Non Brutal heaviness


Sup? :mrgreen:

This is just a tone test while I'm working up a non brutal but heavy tone while dicking around trying to recapture a tone from memory so dont mind the slop :)

Its just a simple patch of drive +amp +cab. The guitars are recorded direct via S/pdif, panned & dropped to MP3, thats it. I could have ran it through some EQ's and Comp's in post,that would have tweaked it out a little, but that wasn't what I was going for yet. Drums are a combo of 2 EZDrummer midi files that I forgot to edit the extra kick and snare hits out, when I dumped them on top of each other,,hence the pulsing,, oops :oops: but this is only a mad science test anyway so Ehhhh,, oh well, I don't really feel like fixing it this go around :lol:

Now, a couple questions, without revealing what model I'm using(yet),,,

IYO's, what kind of real world amp might this sound closest to?
Is it close enough, or what does it need to get it closer?
What model do you think I'm using?

Thanks for listening Guys
moshwitz said:
...This is just a tone test while I'm working up a non brutal but heavy tone while dicking around...
It's like I don't even know you are anymore D... what are you doing playing non-brewtalz?!?!?!?!?!?! ;) Sounded pretty good... Drums were a bit behind everything... and I really couldn't hear a bass (if at all). But I did like the guitars... very 80's non-brewtalz-ish. ;) :D
Very cool tones - a nice change of pace. I always dig your rhythm playing - very tight.
Thanks for the comps guys :mrgreen:

mortega76 said:
It's like I don't even know you are anymore D... what are you doing playing non-brewtalz?!?!?!?!?!?! ;)
BWAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: MOSHWITZ- International man of mystery,,and I do prefer my Martini MOSHED not stirred :D

mortega76 said:
Drums were a bit behind everything... and I really couldn't hear a bass (if at all). But I did like the guitars... very 80's non-brewtalz-ish.
Yeah, no bass(need to buy another one) and the drums blow, I was just gonna use a click cause I'm playing with the tone and wasn't meant to be more than that,,I was having fun with the funky toms,, but I didn't tweak anything beyond the parms. in the axe.

Cool,,very 80's is part of what I was shooting for ;)

soggybomb said:
Sounds like a JCM900 to me, am I right?
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
,,,,nope :lol:
But that is a good guess. I have no problems jammin some old Judas Priest and Maiden with it.

JGR said:
Very cool tones - a nice change of pace. I always dig your rhythm playing - very tight.
Thanks brother

SUP? :mrgreen:
soggybomb said:
Damn, what is it then? I play with a guy that uses an actual JCM900, and this sounds just the same.

OOPS,,almost forgot about this one as I have been swapping Pups and some other shit around the house :oops:

Anyway,,Yeah,,Hotrodded Marshall,,That was kinda what I was going for,,it is one of my attempts at my buds' SPLAWN Quickrod(from memory,as it's temporarily down)

It is just a Tweaked TS808 into a tweaked FAS Modern into the stock Brit 4x12.

I would live to have a Quickrod modeled in the axe but being just a Hotrod Marshall Maybe someone who has/had one, or just awesome at creating patches, can tweak one up,,that would be better than allotting space in the axe for another variation of an amp that already has a few models,,,And besides I am REALLY hoping for the ENGL SAVAGE120 to show up ;) :cool: :mrgreen:

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