9.02 Amp Model Poll

9.02 Amp Model Poll

  • I like both the clean and high-gain models better than 9.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I voted for #1. that being said,,I have a couple of my favorite patches from 9.0 that 9.02 kinda wrecked, but at the same time some got even better.
Am I unhappy about this?,,,,Not really. It is just like the revisions before hand,,I just haven't figured out where to tweak it yet. It makes me re-think some things,,and THINKING IS A GOOD THING,,,,no matter what some people would have you believe ;)
Does the change bother me,,,No,,,I'm still blown away every time the product keeps moving forward.

As for introducing a new parameter,

Do I think it is a step backward?....Hell no,, how could it be, its another thing that opens up more possibilities to hot rod something that you would have to take a real amp to a tone guru tech to do for you, and would have to pay him to do it again when you want to adjust that value a little.....its a no brain'er.

Cliff could have just left well enough alone for everyone to just get over the change and make your adjustments. But NO The man says,,"OK,, how bout this",,,,and speaks of giving us a control that defaults to the current setting at a value of (5) for all those loving it, and is adjustable to help the others to help shape it back to approximately the setting for vrs9.0 by dialing it down to about (2.5).

What is not to like about something like that :?: why would anyone bitch about a little more control and a Whole lot more flexibility?

"Do we really need one more control?"....Yes...why not? Don't want to use it?,,,,don't fuck with it,,,forget it is there.

while we're here I'll quote this..
Robboman said:
4). Cliff: will the Chime knob go from 0 to 10 so we can try even MORE chime than 9.02 (or less than 9.00)?

Hell yeah :mrgreen: Here is the great thing about the new proposed control.... cliff stated it will default to current settings at a value of (5) and be at vrs9.0 at a value of (2.5). that leaves us with a quarter turn below and a half turn above which is 75% availability of untouched possibilities that we didn't even have and have never heard(well really,98% when two are already given,,but you see what I mean)

THAT IS AWESOME :!: how could that be moving backward?,,,how could anyone bitch? I just aint seeing it....THANKS CLIFF....once again YOU ROCK BROTHER :mrgreen:

oops double post,,,but there have been two more posts by Ron, and Scott while I was typing that I totally agree with :mrgreen:

What the hell are you complaining about. You have the tone of 9.0 and the tone of 9.2, you can keep your old patches, you can experiment with new ones, you can extend your tonal options with a nob frankly making your power amp more than any analog power amp on the market today, you can now more than likely make your power amp sound like anything and everything. It defaults to a common known parameter that people seem to enjoy. EVERYONE GOT WHAT THEY WANTED. What the hell do you want cliff to do? Can someone please explain what is one single drawback to this solution, just ONE draw back, i dare you. And don't say more knobs because thats bull, if it makes you uncomfortable don't look at it, its not gonna freaking bite you or something.
jhuggins said:
What the hell are you complaining about. You have the tone of 9.0 and the tone of 9.2, you can keep your old patches, you can experiment with new ones, you can extend your tonal options with a nob frankly making your power amp more than any analog power amp on the market today, you can now more than likely make your power amp sound like anything and everything. It defaults to a common known parameter that people seem to enjoy. EVERYONE GOT WHAT THEY WANTED. What the hell do you want cliff to do? Can someone please explain what is one single drawback to this solution, just ONE draw back, i dare you. And don't say more knobs because thats bull, if it makes you uncomfortable don't look at it, its not gonna freaking bite you or something.

This x 1000.
I was thinking about how often shared user presets need (or will need) tweaking because made with a previous firmware release.
The new parameter would permit perfect "syntonization" on the original version, right?
Before voting, I wanted to make sure if I was happy with the current firmware.
I was convinced that somehow things sounded harsher since 9.00.
So I installed 8.09 and luckily I have a backup of my presets of all firmware versions.
I found that I was deluding myself.
The only thing that has changed was that I could get rid of the PEQ's GEQ's that I used, just pull up the same amp and cab I used, tweak the drive and tone et voila...
I didn't even have to look at the advanced and amp geek parameters.
So by the time I returned to the poll, there were about 15 pages added.
Amongst them a post from Cliff stating he would add yet another parameter.
And then some posts of whining about why we would need another parameter.
Do as I do: if you don't need it... don't use it then. And stop whining.
Thanks again to Cliff for his relentless effort to improve on what was already a fantastic peace of gear to begin with.

So, now I'll cast my vote: +1 for progress!!!
I'm not a hi gain guy. Plexi and SLO are about as crunchy as I get with the amp models themselves. That said both of those were MUCH easier to dial quickly than before. Deluxe Verb, AC30 TB, and Boutique 1 were all quicker too. Was really able to dial more like a conventional amp than before, meaning that I didn't have to mess with the advanced parameters at all. Master, presence, and sag were as deep as I went on the second page for that matter. Great update imho.
InsideOut said:
The one addition I was actually expecting (however small) wasn't included in 9.02. I thought the utility page was going to be changed so the CPU usage tab is the default. Not a big deal but hopefully that will happen in the future.

Yes, please. One of the first things I do when I turn the Axe on is page to the CPU/levels tab. It's FAR more useful than the current default.
And FWIW (which is nothing, since internet opinions are cheap), I think Cliff did exactly right thing. More accuracy is definitely the way to go, even if there are some bumps along the road. Being able to dial back the chime for those who really prefer the 9.0 sound is a nice option, especially if, as Jay suggests, it introduces new sound shaping possibilities. I really don't get the fussing about more options - it's not a knob taking up space better filled by another knob, it's just one more list item on the advanced page. Ignore it like you ignore all the other items.

Uncanny realism with unprecedented flexibility - that's what the Axe is all about.
Scott Peterson said:
Veddy cool.

You almost HAVE to call the control: flux capacitor



It is, after all, back to the future... ya know? ;) :D

Does this mean the new "flux capacitor" parameter won't kick in 'til 88 bpm?

So I just read about the new parameter for the 9.03 update.

This is awesome. Cliff is awesome. I am awesome for owning such an awesome product made by such an awesome company.

Also, casting my vote to call it the Chime control.

EDIT: And how can anyone possibly complain about this new parameter? If you're a plug and play kind of guy, it will be burried deep in a menu you never need to pull up anyway (that has, furthermore, been defaulted to sound more "real" than ever anyway), and if you're a tweaker, it's just one more neat value you'll have control of to make everybody with just "plain old tube amps" jealous, haha. There are literally no downsides.
I for one, am amazed that we're being offered the option at all. With 9.02, I do have some lower gain patches that lost something special and some cleans that have now gained something. Frankly, I'm looking forward to more options.
chase said:
InsideOut said:
The one addition I was actually expecting (however small) wasn't included in 9.02. I thought the utility page was going to be changed so the CPU usage tab is the default. Not a big deal but hopefully that will happen in the future.

Yes, please. One of the first things I do when I turn the Axe on is page to the CPU/levels tab. It's FAR more useful than the current default.

chase said:
InsideOut said:
The one addition I was actually expecting (however small) wasn't included in 9.02. I thought the utility page was going to be changed so the CPU usage tab is the default. Not a big deal but hopefully that will happen in the future.

Yes, please. One of the first things I do when I turn the Axe on is page to the CPU/levels tab. It's FAR more useful than the current default.

+1 ditto
FractalAudio said:
For the next firmware release I've added a control that lets you vary the "voice coil influence" parameter. I haven't decided what to call it yet. The default value is 5.0 and that gives you the 9.02 sound. Reducing the value will sound darker and at certain settings, that vary with the amp model, will equal the sound of 9.00. For most high-gain amp models setting it 2.5 will give you back the 9.00 sound. You can also increase the value to make it really bright.

I am kind a new to the forum and I have had my Ultra for less than 2 months but man,
the things that you do for the community and users is really really outstanding, one of a kind,
I am speechless....
Muris_Varajic said:
FractalAudio said:
For the next firmware release I've added a control that lets you vary the "voice coil influence" parameter. I haven't decided what to call it yet. The default value is 5.0 and that gives you the 9.02 sound. Reducing the value will sound darker and at certain settings, that vary with the amp model, will equal the sound of 9.00. For most high-gain amp models setting it 2.5 will give you back the 9.00 sound. You can also increase the value to make it really bright.

I am kind a new to the forum and I have had my Ultra for less than 2 months but man,
the things that you do for the community and users is really really outstanding, one of a kind,
I am speechless....


BTW: I really liked your playing at your youtube site
GreatGreen said:
Also, casting my vote to call it the Chime control.

Please, no.
One of the many great things of the Axe-Fx is, that there's no obscurity to the parameters (maybe with the exception of warmth and thump).
If you know about the technical background, you know what the specific parameter is supposed to do.
And another great thing (one of the top 5 features in my book): the parameters REALLY and effectively do what they claim to do; it's not that you have to fool around and
learn everything by try and error, which leads to those "magic tone recipes" of other modeling devices.
Tweaking the Axe is a joy because it's predictable.
I believe Cliff stated earlier that he wants to keep the technical nature of this change obscure. In that case I think Chime is a great description for how it changes the sound, just like Bass, Middle, etc describe their changes instead of how they technically work in a tone stack.
GM Arts said:
I believe Cliff stated earlier that he wants to keep the technical nature of this change obscure. In that case I think Chime is a great description for how it changes the sound, just like Bass, Middle, etc describe their changes instead of how they technically work in a tone stack.

The technical description is in the release notes and additonally has been posted here by Cliff himself. It's "out" - no use of holding it back.
It should be called "voice coil effect" (or similar) together with an accurate descripion in the manual, like it has been with almost every parameter of the adv. page.
The tonestack analogy is flawed because those controls are very common, just like their names are, too; - quite the opposite to a things like "voice coil effect" or "B+ capacitance".
And another point for not calling it "Chime": maybe most native english speakers get a grasp of what the meaning behind the word is, but translation gets difficult.
Describing the physics behind it makes it possible for everyone to understand it. From what I've read on this forum and experienced myself, the term "chime" does not cover the whole effect of how it alters the sound and power amp behaviour. Otherwise some people would not have struggled getting their high gain tones; they'd just dialed back treble and/or presence.
To my ears, it wasn't only the chime in the high end that was changed but the mids and low end sound much different. So Chime would be misleading. Cliff should add two knobs. Bitch and Moan :p :cool:
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