9.02 Amp Model Poll

9.02 Amp Model Poll

  • I like both the clean and high-gain models better than 9.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
xpenno said:
there are plenty of current controls in advanced that I never touch but one day they might come in very handy.

I'm not sure what most of the advanced controls EVEN DO...I've fiddled with them a bit...you can hear a difference of course, but not being an electrical engineer, I just leave them at default... :lol: I AM, however, glad they're there!
wezx said:
xpenno said:
there are plenty of current controls in advanced that I never touch but one day they might come in very handy.

I'm not sure what most of the advanced controls EVEN DO...I've fiddled with them a bit...you can hear a difference of course, but not being an electrical engineer, I just leave them at default... :lol: I AM, however, glad they're there!

:D I'm right there with you bro. This is however is one control that I might actually use form time to time though :cool:

Since we're discussing this:

Let's get a control in there to give us back the "9.01 Drive bug".

Ahh, those were the days, where the Axe would output that wonderful digital distortion and then fade off into an immense black hole.

Somehow that experience got lost with 9.02. Things don't feel the same without it. Well, maybe because I'm an "always livin' on the edge" type of guy ... Makes me feel I'm alive. YMMV.
Reiep said:
shredi knight said:
One question if it's not a problem: Could you tell me the exact setting(s) the USA Lead sims were set at with 9.00 so I don't go through days of "option anxiety", trying to decide what setting sounds "right"? :lol:
Yes, that would be good to have a list of "flux capacitor" values for each amp actually :cool: But with 2.5 it'll be a good start !

It should be a good start, and I know I should just "use my ears" and set it where I think it sounds best. But I'm such an extremely anal person and I know I'm going to be there with several copies of the same patch, each with one degree changed with this new parameter (2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7...), trying to determine which setting is my 9.00 tone. :lol: :roll: :lol:
That's the goal : speed up the process (to end with a "yeah it's better with 9.03 anyhow :mrgreen: ")

It was just a thought of curiosity, any time a big change appeared I ended up finding a better sound with the new change, and it won't change with this firmware (already found :mrgreen: ).
vAmp said:
Couldn't comment on the poll, Cliff, but I finally got to loading some presets off the exchange and a lot of them sounded awesome out of the box and I was very impressed and have never been happier with the Axe (about 2 or 3 times happier than I had been :cool: ) So Thank You, Mr Sir!! :D

marvinx said:
Helping more people enjoy your product is a step backwards?

"the more you give the more you'll be asked for" sounds good but is simply a mindless assumption here.
I too think that Soultrash is making all valid points and you shouldn't take it so personal.

If I was The Maker I'd want some idea of people's playing abilities, IQ etc. ;)
I would not allow these extra options just because maybe some after hours wannabees are screaming very hard.
Was there even time enough to try and rethink your approach and did you really do that, or did you do that for 20 mins?
Would anyone have enough time in just these few days?

It's all come out for the better this time and I agree and am happy with the solution offered, but the points are still valid and understandable. Even now "the more you give the more you'll be asked for" will have its effect...

Don´t get me wrong here, all of you who love the update in every way and have asked for it, have got what you wanted. Why can´t I express my opinion? It´s a POLL... It´s the whole point of this thread. I´ve played the Axe for 35-40 hours since the last update, and i don´t get back what i had exactly.. Finding new things it good and fun, but i have searched for THAT tone for 20 years. If it sounds exactly like the real amp is irrelevant. Maybe that has been my problem. The sound i allways wanted was not availeble to me. Now it is..

This is the closest i have been before the Axe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLph3zGe88w

The Axe is a lot more creamy.. And a lot less noise...

Anyway.. We agree on this: Since Cliff is kind, he provides me/us with a knob that gives me/us the CHOICE.. And I am very glad that THE MAKER has another take of customer support, than your company would have ;)

As Marvinx said: we are around 10% who like the gain better in 9.00.. I did not think we would have any saying in this case. But it got 10x better :D

I have earlier asked for: Mesa Lonestar, BB preamp, Bad Cat....... I´ve got the BB Preamp(most important). The twin clean gives me the clean i had in my roadking II. My creamy higain lead sounds will come back in 9.03(i can wait for that). And the CarolAnn sim is the fattest sounding blues lead i´ve heard. I did not know i wanted it, but i do :lol:
Scott Peterson said:
Veddy cool.

You almost HAVE to call the control: flux capacitor



It is, after all, back to the future... ya know? ;) :D

Hahahahahaha.. Right on :lol:
OmegaZero said:
I know people are going to disagree, but does the Amp block really need more parameters? I can appreciate what Cliff is trying to do; giving control to the user to make the Axe as versatile a unit as possible is awesome. The trouble is that after a certain point there's pretty serious diminishing returns, if not even a negative impact/perception overall. How many reviews or forum posts have we seen where people were put off because they couldn't traverse the learning curve? A good portion on this forum's traffic is people trying to help with exactly that, or defending the Axe against someone who thinks it sucks because they haven't managed to figure out all of the intricacies yet. Not too long ago I got bent about a fairly high profile review calling the Axe’s advanced editing parameters esoteric, but to be honest the more I thought about it the more I realized some of it really is. I'd be pretty confident in saying that anyone who doesn't like the Axe just hasn't turned the right knobs yet, and I think many (here especially) would agree. Adding more variables is not going to help that. Making the unit sound better overall with no magic parameter knowledge needed will. At the time of writing this 87% of users think the "more accurate" modeling sounds better. Why add a setting to undo that? I know that adding one more knob isn't going to make it significantly more complicated, but why invest the time at all? You can't please all the people all the time, and the harder you try the less people you end up pleasing.

I know that there are some hard core fans out there who will happily spend weeks dialing in the perfect tone, but they really are a minority. I spent quite a few years working at a music store and I can tell you from experience that the majority of musicians don't want this (whether they come out and say it or not). The most often given reason for returning a product like a TriAxis, Eclipse, Command 8, etc. is because "it just sucks man". You don't have to dig much to figure out that they just didn't understand it, got frustrated, and gave up. Are those products for everyone? No, of course not. But I’d be willing to bet most here have been frustrated by the complexity at one point or another. I love my Axe and would never give it up, but I can honestly say that there's been a few times I've wished I still had my amp so I could just turn a dial and play without needing to spend hours programming the sound I want.

Sorry for the rant. My point is just that if an overwhelming majority of people think the new development is a move in the right direction, it seems like unnecessary complexity to add another parameter to turn it off. Like Soultrash said, it seems like a step back.

In some ways it reminds me of the Turbo button on my 386 :p

I can agree to a point, but THIS(the new knob) option is needed for me... I was going back to 9.00, because my higain lead is more important than my clean.. But if I stay at 9.00, i would loose BB preamp AND the CarolAnn.. So this knob is a win win situation IMHO.

But why use knobs if you´re happy. "i must not touch i must not touch" - then i did!!

As of now: 99% of the time i use it with poweramp and cabs.. And this rig has real cabs, so i can´t change cabs with every update. I´played with Celestion G25 and V30(combined) for so many years, and i prefer this setup, even if i loose options. The most important is that i sound like ME ;)
It's funny how much there is to say about one parameter. I begin to see how religious wars started...

It starts with a question about Fender amps. Cliff detects a glitch and makes it "more accurate". Some people want their old sound back. Cliff add's another parameter to enable this. Some other people start to scream (yes, I exaggerate) because they fear another advanced parameter might be too much...

Just funny.
Hey Cliff, did you ever think there would come a day when people are actually saying please don't give us more control :lol: . Thanks in advance for bringing us the flux capacitor. Many of us (that have been informed that we're low IQ weekend wannabe's :roll: ) will really appreciate the option.
OmegaZero said:
Not too long ago I got bent about a fairly high profile review calling the Axe’s advanced editing parameters esoteric, but to be honest the more I thought about it the more I realized some of it really is.
I don't mean to further clutter up this thread, but, no matter who said it, statements like this are just utter rubbish and simply not true.

I challenge anyone to twist some of the advanced parameters and tell me they don't hear a difference. LowCut doesn't do anything ? Bias ? Tonestack Frequency ? ...Sometimes I wonder if some users would actually even hear a difference if they used a Wallmart amp against an Egnater or if good tone smacked them in the face :shock:
FractalAudio said:
For the next firmware release I've added a control that lets you vary the "voice coil influence" parameter. I haven't decided what to call it yet. The default value is 5.0 and that gives you the 9.02 sound. Reducing the value will sound darker and at certain settings, that vary with the amp model, will equal the sound of 9.00. For most high-gain amp models setting it 2.5 will give you back the 9.00 sound. You can also increase the value to make it really bright.
Any other additions to the next FW release? :D
GuitarDojo said:
FractalAudio said:
For the next firmware release I've added a control that lets you vary the "voice coil influence" parameter. I haven't decided what to call it yet. The default value is 5.0 and that gives you the 9.02 sound. Reducing the value will sound darker and at certain settings, that vary with the amp model, will equal the sound of 9.00. For most high-gain amp models setting it 2.5 will give you back the 9.00 sound. You can also increase the value to make it really bright.
Any other additions to the next FW release? :D

The Carol-Ann is being reworked, apparently some values were off and Alan is going to help Cliff get it closer to the "real" amp.

I can't wait for the fireworks to begin...."I like the older model better"..."I want to have the option of the old model" lol.
gittarzann said:
GuitarDojo said:
FractalAudio said:
For the next firmware release I've added a control that lets you vary the "voice coil influence" parameter. I haven't decided what to call it yet. The default value is 5.0 and that gives you the 9.02 sound. Reducing the value will sound darker and at certain settings, that vary with the amp model, will equal the sound of 9.00. For most high-gain amp models setting it 2.5 will give you back the 9.00 sound. You can also increase the value to make it really bright.
Any other additions to the next FW release? :D

The Carol-Ann is being reworked, apparently some values were off and Alan is going to help Cliff get it closer to the "real" amp.

I can't wait for the fireworks to begin...."I like the older model better"..."I want to have the option of the old model" lol.

Hehe.. I have already requested this.. Lol.
VegaBaby said:
OmegaZero said:
Not too long ago I got bent about a fairly high profile review calling the Axe’s advanced editing parameters esoteric, but to be honest the more I thought about it the more I realized some of it really is.
I don't mean to further clutter up this thread, but, no matter who said it, statements like this are just utter rubbish and simply not true.

I challenge anyone to twist some of the advanced parameters and tell me they don't hear a difference. LowCut doesn't do anything ? Bias ? Tonestack Frequency ? ...Sometimes I wonder if some users would actually even hear a difference if they used a Wallmart amp against an Egnater or if good tone smacked them in the face :shock:

I think Vega you make a great point we need a Wallmart Amp sim! ASAP! ;)
For me, the new parameter makes upgrading from 9.0 practical. While I am confident 9.02 will allow me to achieve tones superior to 9.0, I simply don't have the time to rework all of my patches. With 9.03, I'll adjust the new single parameter to match my 9.0 tones, tweak my existing patches to accommodate the "new improved" default value as time allows, and build any new patches around the new default value. Were it not for this parameter, I'd be forced to stay with 9.0 for a while.

Any concern over its inclusion completely escapes me. I guess some people have FAR more time on their hands than I do. Lucky bastards.
GuitarDojo said:
FractalAudio said:
For the next firmware release I've added a control that lets you vary the "voice coil influence" parameter. I haven't decided what to call it yet. The default value is 5.0 and that gives you the 9.02 sound. Reducing the value will sound darker and at certain settings, that vary with the amp model, will equal the sound of 9.00. For most high-gain amp models setting it 2.5 will give you back the 9.00 sound. You can also increase the value to make it really bright.
Any other additions to the next FW release? :D

The one addition I was actually expecting (however small) wasn't included in 9.02. I thought the utility page was going to be changed so the CPU usage tab is the default. Not a big deal but hopefully that will happen in the future. I was blown away by the Carrol Ann and BB. Didn't expect those at all which I'll take over a utility mod anyday :cool:
1). Great solution Cliff! Me 100% happy. Sincere thanks.

2). Call it the 'Chime' knob (not that 'flux capacitor' isn't cute and everything..)

3). I don't understand the controversy, this is such a no-brainer 'good thing'. Do you hack around in your Windows registry every day just because it's there, or do you use the GUI? Don't touch the Advanced tab if you don't want to.

4). Cliff: will the Chime knob go from 0 to 10 so we can try even MORE chime than 9.02 (or less than 9.00)?
steadystate said:
Any concern over its inclusion completely escapes me. I guess some people have FAR more time on their hands than I do. Lucky bastards.

Best post so far. So much arguing over the difference. Cliff has listened to us, I personally think 9.02 is the largest step forward since 6.0, but others couldn't get what they wanted from the high gain side, so he gave us the option.

Hand wrangling here frankly has me baffled. Everyone needs to be the one who's RIGHT. From my side, I (again) appreciate that Cliff has listened to us that want the 'Plug and Play' options, in which this is as close to I think we could ever get. I had suggested some designer crafted presets, gig/recording ready, volume tuned, etc, but what he's given us is so much more.

I don't think I'd ever use the 'flux capacitor' option, but like others have said, it's fookin' great that we HAVE it.

FWIW, I haven't looked at the Advanced Parameters since this update, and have shunted all my EQ blocks.

electronpirate said:
steadystate said:
Any concern over its inclusion completely escapes me. I guess some people have FAR more time on their hands than I do. Lucky bastards.

Best post so far. So much arguing over the difference. Cliff has listened to us, I personally think 9.02 is the largest step forward since 6.0, but others couldn't get what they wanted from the high gain side, so he gave us the option.

Hand wrangling here frankly has me baffled. Everyone needs to be the one who's RIGHT. From my side, I (again) appreciate that Cliff has listened to us that want the 'Plug and Play' options, in which this is as close to I think we could ever get. I had suggested some designer crafted presets, gig/recording ready, volume tuned, etc, but what he's given us is so much more.

I don't think I'd ever use the 'flux capacitor' option, but like others have said, it's fookin' great that we HAVE it.

FWIW, I haven't looked at the Advanced Parameters since this update, and have shunted all my EQ blocks.



I've seen the same complaints for a while, folks complaining about having options. If you don't want options, buy something that doesn't offer them. The Axe-FX, from it's inception, seems to me to define the word 'options' as in 'control your options'. That's sort of the mission statement of the box, at least IMHO.

And it was a lark to call it the 'flux capacitor'; I thought it was funny. In all seriousness, I'd call it 'voice coil chime' or whatever it really is in real life.
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