I have been bored by the usual Diezel, Recto and 5150 models for heavier stuff, so I decided to take a walk through the other models. After a quick stop at the BROWN and PLEXI jewels, I reached the CA3LD which seem to be some Custom Audio stuff I never heard of before, but anyway: This thing RAWKZ IMHO and eats the Rectos and 5150's for breakfast.
You can check it out in this clip. The patch will follow later.
I quad-tracked the clip, but you mainly hear the CA3LD. You might not even notice it, when I mute the 2 additional Recto tracks. No post-EQ in the mix on the guitars, just the inevitable high-pass @ 80 Hz.
That was a quick response, D20. We seem to be a pretty small metal-community here, aren't we?
Chunky ,,,,,Diggin it:mrgreen:

Cant wait to scope out the patch. ;) what cab are you using BTW?

HailHalford said:
Hey Rif. I had a lot of fun with this patch last night. :twisted:
Thank you!
Hi HailHalford! Besides being a big Priest fan since the early 80's I am glad you like my patch.
That sounded good,

What guitar/pickups did you use?
Edit: Nevermind, it says right there... :lol:
AlbertA said:
That sounded good,

What guitar/pickups did you use?
Edit: Nevermind, it says right there... :lol:
A Gibson Les Paul with stock pickups. There's no better guitar for metal! Period.
Sounds great! Very crisp and clear with no flab in the low end. Playing is very tight as well. Great job and thanks for sharing!
Axe-Fx Standard going fully direct to disk. No real cabinet, no real mics. Quad-tracked but you mainly hear guitars 1+2 where I used the CA3LD (Custom Audio 3+ SE) model going teh br00talz, tracks 3+4 are a Recto-model. Drums are EZD, Bass is recorded through Axe-Fx, too.

There was a bass in that mix? :shock: I didn't hear it. :?
BlueLotus said:
Bass is recorded through Axe-Fx, too.
There was a bass in that mix? :shock: I didn't hear it. :?
Yes, but I did not put any effort into frequency separation in the mix. You can hear the bass "going away" though in the last 3rd/quarter of the tune, where I have been to lazy to record a bass.
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